DEV Community

Kimberly Myers
Kimberly Myers

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Understanding URL Path and Parameter Errors in API Testing

When testing an API endpoint, it’s important to understand how the URL path and parameters work together.

  • Base URL path: This is like an address that tells the server where to go to start.
  • Parameters: These are parts of the URL that provides additional information that the server needs to process the request and find a specific resource.
  • Endpoint: A specific URL within an API that performs a specific function, corresponding to an action or resource
  • Request Type: is the action you want to perform on a resource (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Request Body: the part of the request that contains the data you want to send to the server

URL Path Examples for CRUD Methods: is the Base URL path
/application is the path for the specific endpoint for application resources
Parameters are wrapped in brackets {}

1) GET - get all or specific resource

  • get all resources


  • get a specific Resource


2) POST - create a resource


3) PUT - update a resource


4) DELETE- update a resource


Valid vs. Invalid Tests:

  • Valid Test: This is when you provide the correct URL path and the necessary parameters. The server understands the request and processes it.
    A valid test may produce a valid response code such as 200 OK or 400 Bad Request, depending on the expected test results.

  • Invalid Test:
    If you do not provide the necessary parameters, the URL path might be pointing to a different endpoint that can lead to errors or unexpected responses.

Error Codes:

  • 400 Error (Bad Request): This happens when the URL path exists, but the request is missing required variables or has incorrect data. The server understands the path but can’t process the request correctly.
  • 404 Error (Not Found): This occurs when the URL path doesn’t exist and/or the server can’t find the resource you’re trying to access.

You might encounter a 400 error when the URL path is correct, but the request lacks the necessary parameters or includes incorrect data in the request body. This indicates that while the server recognizes the path, it cannot process the request due to missing or incorrect information.

Similarly, a 404 error can occur if the URL path exists, but the parameters provided do not correspond to any specific resource. In this case, the server acknowledges the path but cannot locate the resource with the given parameters.

Therefore, to properly test an endpoint, ensure you provide the correct URL path along with all required parameters. Failing to do so will result in invalid tests and unexpected outcomes.

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