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Cover image for HEIMDALL - Open Source PYscript for bypassing and login captive portals in private networks
B Mithilesh
B Mithilesh

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HEIMDALL - Open Source PYscript for bypassing and login captive portals in private networks

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This Python script automates the process of connecting to a captive portal, often encountered in public Wi-Fi networks. Here’s a summary of how the code works and its usefulness:


  • Setup and Configuration:

    • The script imports various libraries, including requests for HTTP requests and JSON for handling JSON data.
    • It defines several enums (Client_type, Request_type, Portal_action, Server_response) to manage different client types, request methods, portal actions, and server responses.
  • Global Variables:

    • Global class holds key variables like username, password, client type, portal URL, and timestamps of login and acknowledgement.
  • Utility Functions:

    -Credential Management: get_creds_from_json(path_to_json) reads the username and password from a JSON file.

    -Connectivity Tests: gstatic_connect_test() and msft_connect_test() check if the internet is accessible.

    -Captive Portal Detection: find_captive_portal() attempts to find and return the captive portal URL.

    -Header and Payload Generation: header_generator() and payload_generator() generate HTTP headers and payloads for requests.

    -WAN State Monitoring: is_wan_up() checks and logs changes in the WAN state.

  • Request Functions:

    -GET and POST Requests: get_req(uni_host) and post_req(uni_host, portal_action) handle GET and POST requests to the portal.

    -Server Response Parsing: parse_server_response(response) interprets the server’s response and updates global state variables accordingly.

  • Main Logic:

    -Program Loop: program_loop() continuously checks the WAN state and attempts to login to the portal if the internet is down. It also sends acknowledgement requests periodically if the client is a desktop.
    -Pause Menu: pause_menu() provides a user interface for actions like logging out, exiting, and changing the client type.

Usefulness Compared to Software:

The script automatically handles login and maintains connectivity, unlike manual software methods.

def program_loop():
    while not exit_flag:
        if not Utility.is_wan_up():
            post_req(uni_host=portal_url, portal_action=Portal_action.LOGIN)

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Easily adjustable for different portals by modifying headers, payloads, and URLs.

def header_generator(uni_host: str, payload_length: int, request_type: Request_type):
    headers = { 'Host': url_parse.hostname, 'User-Agent': Global.user_agent, ... }

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3.Lightweight: Minimal dependencies and resources compared to GUI-based applications.

import requests, json, logging

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4.Logging and Monitoring: Provides detailed logs and real-time status updates.

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename='app.log', ...)

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5.Cross-Platform Compatibility: Runs on various operating systems using Python.

os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')

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