This project provides a Bash script to monitor CPU and Memory usage on a Linux server. The script logs high resource usage and helps in proactive system administration.
🛠️ Prerequisites
Ensure your Linux system supports the following commands:
for listing processes -
for checking disk usage -
for monitoring memory -
for system uptime details
📝 Bash Script: monitor_usage.sh
# Define CPU and Memory usage thresholds
CPU_THRESHOLD=80.0 # Stop if any process exceeds 80% CPU usage
MEM_THRESHOLD=70.0 # Stop if any process exceeds 70% memory usage
# Print current time and system uptime
echo "Current time: $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"
echo "System uptime: $(uptime)"
# Display disk usage
echo "Disk usage:"
df -h --output=source,pcent | grep -v "Use%"
# Display available memory
echo "Free memory: $(free -m | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}') MB"
# Display system load average
echo "Load average: $(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1,$2,$3}')"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
# Check for high CPU usage
HIGH_CPU_PROCESS=$(ps -eo pid,%cpu,cmd --sort=-%cpu | awk -v threshold="$CPU_THRESHOLD" '$2>threshold {print $1, $2, $3; exit}')
if [[ ! -z "$HIGH_CPU_PROCESS" ]]; then
echo "❌ High CPU Usage Detected: $HIGH_CPU_PROCESS"
echo "$(date) - High CPU Usage: $HIGH_CPU_PROCESS" >> high_usage_log.txt
# Check for high memory usage
HIGH_MEM_PROCESS=$(ps -eo pid,%mem,cmd --sort=-%mem | awk -v threshold="$MEM_THRESHOLD" '$2>threshold {print $1, $2, $3; exit}')
if [[ ! -z "$HIGH_MEM_PROCESS" ]]; then
echo "❌ High Memory Usage Detected: $HIGH_MEM_PROCESS"
echo "$(date) - High Memory Usage: $HIGH_MEM_PROCESS" >> high_usage_log.txt
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
# Exit the script after completing one run
exit 0
🔄 Running the Script
- Make the script executable:
chmod +x monitor_usage.sh
- Run the script:
📊 Summary
✅ Monitors CPU & Memory usage
✅ Logs high resource-consuming processes
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