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Nevertheless, Kithmini Coded in 2022

Happy International Women's Day! 
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Who am I?

First, let me introduce my self.

I’m Kithmini Indimagedra a Srilankan,21 years old kid. Currently, I’m reading BSC (Hons) In Computer Science and Software Engineering at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology(SLIIT).

My coding life

In the very first' I'd like to say that I am very lazy person.
After finishing my A/L exams.I didn't want to do the second shy. Then I started my life as a software engineering undergraduate at SLIIT. I had to go to the uni only for 2 months because of the covid situations. I was very happy to do online lectures and stay home all the day.After few days, I understood that participating online lectures and staying home and doing nothing was not worthy.

Then I started to watch some dev related videos and learn coding stuffs.It was very boring at the begining. All the day searching for a good tutorial, and watching half of it and then sleeping, next day againg watching half of them. It was very hard in the first week. But I did it regularly to watch and learn coding stuffs. After 2 or 3 weeks it became normal.Then I was comforted with these coding stuffs and I started to learn lot of things, lot of programming langauges, figma, photoshop ui things and many more. Now I'm always coding.

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In 2020 august,I could join some open source communities in my campus.These communities are the main force of my life to do the coding.They tell us to do works, that I don't know. I was very angry.Sometimes I was crying. But I had to do this. Any way I could learn lot from these communities. 🌟

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Now I'm always doing coding stuffs.From the morning to night I stay infront of my laptop. always doing techie stuffs, coding , writing articles etc.

Every day I contribute my coding stuffs to the GitHub,as well weekly write dev related articles and publish them on the dev community.

My open source volunteering

I’m leading Women In FOSS Sri Lanka as a Representative, SLIIT Women In FOSS Community as the Club Lead, Volunteering SLIIT FOSS Community as a board member.These are my current volunteering communities.

I could become an open source volunteer in my universitiy communities since the yaer of 2020, which is the first year of my university.From these communities I learned a lot things.

At the end of the 2020, I could become a sub-committe member of the SLIIT Women In FOSS Community as the content writing co-lead.

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In the yaer of 2021, our SLIIT Women in FOSS community organized a dev related hackathon for techie girls. As a community member I could become a speaker for the groom up sessions of this hackathon under the topic of "UX Matters". This was the very first chance that I got to speak in public as a dev girl.

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After that, as I remember in the month of September I could become a representative in Women In FOSS Sri Lanka.

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This is the SLIIT Women in FOSS Community official board members post. I'm very glad to say that I could become the community lead of there.❀

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This is the SLIIT Free and Open Source Software Community Official board members post. There also I could become a board member as the Asistant Treasurer.❀

In these communities, we do so many tech sessions, dev related hackathons and lurning stuffs for students.We organizing tech events with great speakers who has lot more industrial experiences in coding field. Further people can learn a lot more through this.

These are the my current volunteering experiences that I had in my uni life.

Writing as a hobby

In our campus communities I wrote lot of captions, documentations and many more. After that our community started a blog. I aslo wrote huge amount of articles for that.

Before 6 or 7 months I actually get to know about the dev community.After creating a dev community account , every week I used to publish an article there.For that I got 4 weeks badge and 8 weeks streak badge and waiting to get the 16 week streak badge also.

After that I could participate to the MongoDB Atlas hackathon also.

These are the current tech achievements of my life since I started coding.

I'm definitely working hard. I strive to learn from everyone, and if I'm unsure about something, I ask.

My Advice

My advice to other women interested in breaking into the tech industry:

Join a community and find people that are on your same journey. Having other women to lean on and relate to can help you out a lot especially when you’re dealing with burnout and imposter syndrome.

Take a break and don’t feel like you always need to be studying and learning.

Do not compare yourself to others. Look at your own path and what you have achieved. Compare where you started to where you are. Breaking into tech is a marathon, not a sprint. You got it!

Happy Coding ! β˜•οΈ

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