DEV Community

Karina Macedo Varela
Karina Macedo Varela

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How to configure notification for Human Task in jBPM

Great post from Sudhish Nair, an expert on process and rules automation.


jBPM provides options to configure notification emails to be send to any user if the human task is not started or not completed.

We will start with configuring JavaMail sessions via JNDI so that infrastructure for mail is handled.

We would be using β€œ jbpm-server-7.37.0.Final-dist ” version for this example.

Configure Mail Session in wildfly

In the standalone configuration for jBPM we need add below configurations.

Configure Socket binding for smtp-port

        <outbound-socket-binding name="mail-notification-smtp">
            <remote-destination host="" port="465"/>

host -: host name of SMTP server

port -: port no of SMTP server.

Configure Mail-Session in Mail subsystem

            <mail-session name="notification" jndi-name="java:/notificationMailSession" from="">
                <smtp-server outbound-socket-binding-ref="mail-notification-smtp" ssl="true" username="" password="yourPassw0rd"/>

from -: From address for your emails (Valid email account on SMTP server).

username -: username for the email account

password -: password for the email account.

Add below system property to standalone.xml file.

       <property name="org.kie.mail.session" value="java:/notificationMailSession"/>

Configure user info for Human…

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