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knk jindal
knk jindal

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Introduction to Web and HTML

Hey everyone, In the last couple of days I learned some history about the web and learned somethings about html as well and I think it's quite interesting, so I just wanted to share what I got to know so far.

The World Wide Web (web) is a vast network of interconnected documents and resources. Linked by hyperlinks and URLs. If we put it bluntly it's a platform for sharing information. Now it has become an integral part of our daily lives and now there is every kind of information available.

All the information is share and accessed on a document which we call a Web Page. A Web page can contain text, images, videos, and other media types that can be accessed using a web browser such as Google Chrome, safari, Firefox. And these web pages are created using a language called HTML.

HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web Pages. It's a set of tags and rules for structuring and linking content on Web. HTML documents are the building blocks of the web. they are made of elements such as heading, paragraphs, links. and it all happens on the web server.

Now we'll learn about the web servers a little bit. you must be thinking what is there after all this, we have the language to write a web page, we have the web page, we have a browser on which we can access it, what else is there? I had the same questions when i first got started to explore. so, a web server is basically a link between these two.

Web server is like a computer that stores and serves web pages to clients like us. When we enter a URL into our web browsers, our computer sends a request to the web server to retrieve the webpage. the server then sends the webpage to your browser, which displays on your screen.

one of the most popular web server is Apache HTTP server, also known as Apache 2. It's an open-source software that's widely used for hosting websites and web applications. Apache has played a key role in the initial growth of web. Apache can be highly customised thanks to its modular design it can be extended with additional features and functionality.

There is a thing called Live Servers. These servers are the servers that are currently running. These can be accessed on the internet and can be used to host websites, web applications and many more.

You may remember we talked about HTML before in this post. let's dive a little deeper into that and get to know it a little better. As we discussed it's a language that is used to write web pages and this language is made of tags or we can say elements that gives the structure to HTML as a language. Some common HTML tags are:

  • <head>
    : The head element contains metadata about the webpage. metadata simply means (data about data) or (information about information). it contains the information which we don't want to show on the webpage but its information about the webpage.

  • <body>: The <body> is used to insert all the data of the document such as Headings, Paragraphs, Images, Hyperlinks, lists etc.

  • <title>: The <title> is used to define the title of the document. ever noticed the title we see when we save a webpage as favourite, it is done by this tag.

  • <h1>: The <h1> tag is used to define the most important heading on the webpage. headings are important for organizing a page, and they help to make the page a little bit more user-friendly.

  • <h2>: The <h2> tag is similar to <h1>. it is used to write the second headline.

  • <meta>: The <meta> tag is used to provide metainformation about the webpage. this information is not shown on the webpage, it is the information about the webpage itself. it is used by the search engines to understand the content of the page.

  • <p>: The <p> tag is used write a paragraph of text. paragraphs are useful for content and makes it easy to read.

  • <br>: The <br> is used to insert a single line break. it is kind of an empty tag.

  • <a>: The <a> tag is used to create a hyperlink to another webpage. it is used with an <href> attribute, which specifies the location or the URL of the page that this link points to.

  • <img>: The <img> tag is used to insert a image into a webpage. <img> requires an <src> attribute, which specifies the URL of the image that you want to display. it can also use attributes like <alt> (specifies and alternative text description), <sizes> (specifies image size).

  • <lorem>: The <lorem> is used as a placeholder for dummy text in web design. its typically used to fill up space on a webpage so that designers can see how their layout will look.

Here is an example of some of the tags:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="description" content="this is my blog">
    <title>kanak's blog</title>
    <h1>Introduction to Web and HTML</h1>
    <p>Namaskaram everyone, <br>
         My name is Kanak Jindal, This is my first attemp to write a blog abot webpages and a webpage. <br>
    <a href="./">This is the link to the blog</a>
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"So this is it for today. yayy. Had fun? I did. This blog was an attempt to demystify the language for everyone. I hope you enjoyed learning a little about web and HTML. Thankyou everyone. Happy Coding!"

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