
Cover image for How to deploy django app to ECS Fargate Part1
Jinwook Baek
Jinwook Baek

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How to deploy django app to ECS Fargate Part1

This post was originally published on notion. Click here if you prefer to read in notion page which has better readability.


This blog post illustrate development cycle using django app container. I assume readers are already somewhat familar with docker and docker-compose. Although I used django for app development, it is language-agnostic since the post is about containerized application deployment.

Walkthough is devided into three parts consisting three different environemt respectively. First part, describes the architecture of the app(api and async worker) and how they are deployed on local enviroment. Second part is how to deploy the docker containers on cloud using single ec2 instance with on staging environment. Third part, illustrate how to convert traditional ec2 deployment into ECS using fargate with github actions on prod environment.

You can skip to next part if you are already familiar with docker and AWS architectures.


First we need to prepare application which is development ready.

This application consist 3 docker containers

  • nginx - web server
  • app - Api server
  • worker- Async worker

app and worker share same base images, main difference is that app serves http request behind nginx web server using gunicorn and wsgi. Throughout this walkthough nginx and app container will share a common lifecycle.

worker runs asyncronously using redis queue as broker using Django-RQ.

local docker diagram

Download source

You can download the app source code here.

github: kokospapa8/ecs-fargate-sample-app

Docker Containers


Base app image

Since app and worker both use same base image and pip takes quite some time to build image, I have uploaded base image in the dockerhub repo.

Docker Hub

# Creating image based on official python3 image
FROM python:3.6

# Your contacts, so people blame you afterwards
MAINTAINER Jinwook Baek <>

# Sets dumping log messages directly to stream instead of buffering

# Creating and putting configurations
RUN mkdir /config
ADD config/app /config/

# Installing all python dependencies
RUN pip install -r /config/requirements.txt


FROM kokospapa8/django-sample:base

# Installing all python dependencies
RUN pip install -r /config/requirements.txt

# Open port 8000 to outside world

# When container starts, this script will be executed.
# Note that it is NOT executed during building
CMD ["sh", "/config/"]

# Creating and putting application inside container
# and setting it to working directory (meaning it is going to be default)
RUN mkdir /ecs-sample
WORKDIR /ecs-sample
ADD ecs-sample /ecs-sample/


FROM kokospapa8/django-sample:base

# Installing all python dependencies
RUN pip install -r /config/requirements.txt

# When container starts, this script will be executed.
# Note that it is NOT executed during building
CMD ["sh", "/config/"]

# Creating and putting application inside container
# and setting it to working directory (meaning it is going to be default)
RUN mkdir /ecs-sample
WORKDIR /ecs-sample
ADD ecs-sample /ecs-sample/

Nginx config

# app_local.conf
server {
  listen 80;

  # all requests proxies to app
  location / {
        proxy_pass http://app:8000;

  # domain localhost
  server_name localhost;


As you can see from the source code you need to set some sensitive data into env

# settings/
SECRET_KEY = get_env_variable("SECRET_KEY")
REDIS_HOST = get_env_variable("REDIS_HOST")


# export SECRET_KEY = '' #only SECRET_KEY is needed to be set for local dev

Docker compose


Just for local environment, we are using sqlite and redis docker container to mimic cloud enviroment. We will be using RDS-mysql and ElasticCache-redis on staging and production environment.

# File structure version
version: '3'

  # Our django application
  # Build from remote dockerfile
  # Connect local app folder with image folder, so changes will be pushed to image instantly
  # Open port 8000
      context: .
      dockerfile: config/app/Dockerfile_app
    hostname: app
      - ./ecs-sample:/ecs-sample
      - "8000"
      - SECRET_KEY
      - ENV=dev
      - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings.local
      - REDIS_HOST=redis
      - redis
      - worker

      context: .
      dockerfile: config/app/Dockerfile_worker
    hostname: worker
      - ./ecs-sample:/ecs-sample
      - SECRET_KEY
      - ENV=dev
      - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings.local
      - REDIS_HOST=redis
      - redis

    image: redis:5.0.5
      - "6379"
    restart: always

    image: nginx
    hostname: nginx
      - "80:80"
      - ./config/nginx/app_local.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/app_local.conf
      - app

Let's run the containers

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up --build


Check result

Type in following url to see if you are getting correct response.

Moving on


Overview of Docker Compose

How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean

Dockerfile reference

Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Nginx

Top comments (1)

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Jinwook Baek

This is my first post, if you any typo or incorrect information please let me know!