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My Recommended Zen Mods Plugins (Bite-size Article)


Recently, I've written several articles about Zen, this time, I'll introduce some Zen Mods plugins that I've been trying out recently.

Since I've only just started using them, I can't go into too much detail, but I'll share the ones I find useful at this point.

What is Zen Mods?

Zen Mods is like a framework that allows users to add custom UI, extensions, and themes exclusively for the Zen browser.

Since Zen itself is still a new browser, as of writing this article, there are only about 82 available plugins. However, the community seems to be actively developing new extensions and sharing information, so I expect the number to grow in the future.

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Plugins I'm Currently Using

I'm still experimenting some, but here are three plugins that I found useful so far.

1. SuperPins


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This plugin allows users to modify the appearance of pinned tabs into a button-style UI, similar to Essentials. It also lets users adjust the overall UI/UX of both pinned tabs and Essentials.

For example, users can change the default rounded look to a box-like style or add borders to the buttons, allowing for detailed styling customization.

In a previous article, I mentioned that unlike Arc Browser, Zen does not allow pinned tabs to be organized into folders (at this point), which I found inconvenient. While this plugin doesn't directly solve that issue, it does help organize pinned tabs neatly in a row, which I like.

2. Better Unloaded Tabs

Better Unloaded Tabs

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This plugin enhances the visibility of unloaded tabs by applying grayscale effects, transparency, and other visual adjustments.

It's a simple plugin, but it improves tab visibility, making it quite useful.

3. Better Find Bar

Better Find Bar

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Zen's default find bar appears at the bottom of the browser, which I personally find hard to see and use.

With this plugin, the find bar is displayed at the top of the browser, making it easier to use.

Though a simple modification, it significantly improves Zen’s UX, so I highly recommend it.


Zen Mods offers various extensions and themes that enhance UX. If you're new to Zen, exploring different mods can be a fun experience for sure.

Since there's still a lot of things I don’t know, I'd love to hear your recommendations if you have any favorite Zen Mods.

Thank you for reading!

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