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Serendipity: Success Begins with the Unexpected (Bite-size Article)


Have you ever heard of the word "Serendipity"?
Serendipity refers to an unexpected discovery or fortune that comes from a chance occurrence.

The origin of the word "Serendipity" dates back to 1754 when it was coined by the English writer Horace Walpole. Walpole defined serendipity as "the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident while searching for something else". This concept has since been used to describe situations where, even though something may not have been intentionally sought after, it leads to remarkable outcomes or discoveries in the end.

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Victor Hugo and Les Misérables

Life often doesn't go according to plan, but within these unexpected turns, opportunities and happiness can sometimes emerge.

Victor Hugo, a prominent poet and novelist of the French Romantic movement in the 19th century, also held political roles during the July Monarchy and the Second French Republic. Due to his opposition to Napoleon III during the Second French Empire, Hugo was forced into exile in 1851, initially in Belgium. For the next 20 years, he lived a difficult life, moving from one foreign land to another.

Separated from his family and friends, Hugo faced deep loneliness, yet he remained dedicated to his writing even in the midst of adversity. During this time, he focused intensely on writing Les Misérables, a novel that reflected the societal conditions of the era. The work was eventually published during his exile in Belgium and achieved global success. Les Misérables, with its universal themes transcending the specific issues of France, resonated with countless readers, leading to Hugo's tremendous success and financial reward.

It is often said that Hugo's exile allowed him to gain a broader perspective on society, enabling him to reexamine it from a distance. Despite the undesirable circumstances of his exile, Hugo completed this monumental work and cemented his legacy in history.

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The Power of Serendipity: Unexpected Fortune from Misfortune

In my view, Victor Hugo's exile gave him the opportunity to observe aspects of society that may have been difficult to see from within France. This external vantage point likely allowed him to incorporate a broader, more universal perspective into his work. By leaving France, Hugo gained a wider lens through which he could explore social issues, transforming them into timeless human themes that resonate beyond their specific historical context.

Of course, it’s possible that Victor Hugo could have written a work like Les Misérables without going into exile. However, the misfortune of his forced exile may have opened the door to new creative possibilities. Had he remained in France and written the same novel, it is almost certain that its content would have been different. A work written from within France would reflect a different kind of social critique and human insight than one shaped by the distance and isolation of exile. The loneliness Hugo experienced and the external perspective he gained during his years abroad undeniably added depth and universality to the masterpiece he ultimately produced.

In this sense, Hugo’s experience shows how serendipity—where an unforeseen event or setback leads to unexpected fortune—can play a crucial role in personal growth and creative success.

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What we can learn from Victor Hugo's life in exile is that it is precisely in moments of adversity that staying committed to our mission and goals becomes most important.

Life often throws unexpected events our way—such as serious illness, an unanticipated overseas transfer, demotion, divorce, or the loss of a loved one. However, we must remember that these setbacks can sometimes become opportunities for growth and new possibilities. If you find yourself facing a major misfortune or a life-altering change that feels beyond your control, take a moment to pause and reflect. Is there a hidden opportunity waiting to be discovered? Somewhere, serendipity is likely lurking.

Even when faced with unexpected events, maintaining a positive outlook is crucial. While you may not be able to fully control the outcome, remember that unexpected happiness and success can emerge when you least expect it. Keep moving forward with hope and resilience.

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