Let me write about Scratch, which is the language created as building-block-based visual language. Honestly, it's so awesome. When I found this, I was so surprised at it because I feel infinite possibility to development. Of course, there're some problems as a programming tool. 😂
BTW, before talking something, please visit to my works of games that I made, and play it. The link is here below.
So far, the project having the most highest views and being the most popular is Attractive Drivers which is an homage to OutRun from SEGA, and its view is over 4,000. Even this is not that big amount, though.
Anyway, I'll mention about those at the bottom of this article with each screen image. 😄
What is Scratch!?
Okay, at the beginning of all, let's quote from the Scratch Site.
Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the Scratch Foundation, a nonprofit organization.
That means, Scratch is known as a visual programming language like this.
I believe that you've got the feeling like building blocks and working all and it's been a new touch to your heart about a programming language that is so different well-known languages.
To be honest, I started it to teach it to my child, but it's really got me by that feelings.
BTW, there seems to be so many adults like me, there's a community for those adult people like me in Scratch, and I joined in it now. 😄
In addition to that, all materias used in Scratch is being licensed under CC-BY-SA2.0, so you can use all materials in Scratch under CC0-BY-SA2.0. In another way, you can't use something in Scratch with not CC0-BY-SA2.0 or that can't make it CC0-BY-SA2.0.
My Works
Scratch can work for not only games but also animation, poem, or something like some interactive stuffs. Currently, I tried to make games only, but you will be able to feel its quality and potential.
So let's show my works. I'll show you a lot of images, so it'd be so nice if you felt we could create such a game and it would be much better than what you think of.
G14 Great Fighter Jerrydog
This is my first project. SEGA After Burner inspired me and this is an homage to that.
As I mentioned above, all materials including music and graphics is provided under CC0-BY-SA2.0, so you can use those under CC0-BY-SA2.0. Especially also for music, all musics are composed by myself, soyou can use those under CC0-BY-SA2.0.
Air battle and survive!
Attractive Drivers
This is my most popular game and it's an homage to OutRun from SEGA. Of course, all musics are composed by myself. Moreover, I drawed a lot of graphics according to this game scenario.
This is OutRun homage, so you can choose the music during driving. But you can select 2 musics for stage 1 to stage 4 and for stage 5 to stage 8.
Each stage has a beautiful scene for driving. Please see that by playing this game.
Time Trial On Edge 2
This is 3D Racing game. At first, I created "Time Trial On Edge" by using the technic called Raycasting. I'll write about Raycasting in the future, but I felt it was not good for this type game. That's why I made the new version named as "Time Trial On Edge 2" and reeased by using the same rendering engine as Attractive Drivers.
Select some conditions and go battle on the circuit.
This is another condition, but let's win the race!
Galacy Fight
This is a 3rd story of a series.
When you press the green flag, the words Galaxy Fight appear, seamlessly connecting from the thumbnail as usual, while the Start, Select Options menu and story appear.
Finally, we received a report that the Space Imperial Forces had launched an attack on Country B. We heard that several planets have already been invaded by the Space Imparial Forces. Since the communication network you have newly built with Country A is fully functional, you immediately request reinforcements from Country A and head out to rescur the planets. It seems that the Space Imparial Forces operates a huge control device called the Control Circle on each planet.
It was even discovered that by destroying the control circles on each planet, it was possible to stop the Space Imparial Forces from functioning. The equipment of his own fighter 'ZENO' is already in perfect condition.
Good luck.
This scene selection shows the point where this game is an homage to Galaxy Force from SEGA.
There are many scenes and you have to fight enemies like fighting in the space, avoiding a prominence or dragon's fire, and tornado or something like that.
Lastly, after completed all 3 missions, there is the last 4th mission and there are short movie about the story. Please check it out by playing. Of course, Ending also has a short animation, so I want you to play this until the end.
Okay, Scratch would be so attractive system and we can make a great game and something like interactive stuffs. But there are some problems as a programming language. I want the Scratch Team to improve such point of view and to improve Scratch itself.
Here are the problems that I think of.
- No version control system.
We can't use the version control system like Git and we can't use Git as such tool. I think, by dividing an actual code and a meta data, it should be able to manage on the Git.
- No diff-like tool.
There's no diff-like tool on Scratch. I don't have any idea right now, but if it was a programming language, everybody thinks that diff tool would be needed on Scratch. However, no.
I strongly feel that the Scratch is a great tool to make games or something like artistic works. In fact, my works that I tried to create makes so good.
Even though there are some problems, I feel you to try to use it and you to try to make an artistic works and activities!
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