DEV Community

Kshitij Raj Sharma
Kshitij Raj Sharma

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Install latest gdal in debian

Hi , I am writting short steps about how to install latest gdal version in your debian stable.

By the time I am writting this post the default version of gdal available in the stable debian bookworm is 3.6.5 but I want the latest one . Usually gdal will publish the latest release in the unstable source first. if you wanna get your hand on it either you need to install it from the source or you can install it from the unstable source. I will list how to install from unstable source only for the gdal

1) First update sour package list

 sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

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Add following line

deb unstable main contrib non-free

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2) Update package list

sudo apt update

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3) Now install gdal-bin using unstable source

sudo apt install -t unstable gdal-bin

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4) Check your gdal version

ogrinfo --version

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Hurray !

Install gdal python

if you want python installation of gdal then you can follow following steps :

  • Install gdal dev libraries ```bash

sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev

- Export env variables 

export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal

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  • Now install gdal using pip ```bash

pip install gdal==

You are all set ! 
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