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Node.js Certification: first impressions

Kryz on November 09, 2019

After a few years from the announcement, The OpenJS Foundation officially started the Node.js Certification Program. ...
terary profile image
Terary Chambers

Great tips.

I have only one additional recommendation.

Someone preparing for the test really should practice using a similar environment, virtual machine, CentOS, vscode. Make sure not to allocate too much resources (so that it runs slower, similar to network degradation).

Someone that can write code that uses setTimeout + promise + stream + test
via slow virtual box will be well prepared. Of course, this is in addition to all the other recommendations.

ouarrich profile image

Hi @kryz ! Thanks for sharing you knowledge. I am preparing for the JSNAD and I came through NodeSchool site which contains intersting workshops about some of the exam's topics.

If you don't mind I just wanna know if the exam's tasks are presented like these workshops tasks? (e.g stream-adventure workshop).

Thanks in advance.

afkhalid profile image
Ahmed Fathy Khalid

Thanks for sharing this info. What are the best materials I can use for the exam preparation?

kryz profile image

There a few good books, for example "Node.js Design Patterns".

I have started to prepare a list of free online articles/books/videos: The list should be complete by the end of December 2019.

oziniak profile image
Oleh Ziniak

Hey Kryz, Thanks for the great article! I know it's a rather silly question, but how would you estimate a time needed for preparation for passing this certification for a front end dev, who barely worked with a back end? Thanks!

kryz profile image

Hi Oleh,
let's go through the exam topics list:

  1. Buffer and Streams – 11%
  2. Control flow – 12%
  3. Child Processes – 8%
  4. Diagnostics – 6%
  5. Error Handling – 8%
  6. Node.js CLI – 4%
  7. Events – 11%
  8. File System – 8%
  9. JavaScript Prerequisites – 7%
  10. Module system – 7%
  11. Process/Operating System – 6%
  12. Package.json – 6%
  13. Unit Testing – 6%

I assume you have a good knowledge of Javascript, asynchronous flow, events. You also test your code. If I'm right, the topics: 2, 5, 9 and 13 shouldn't be a problem. If you work with modern technologies and use npm to install dependencies you should already know 12.

4, 6, 7 are quite easy. In my opinion the biggest challenge for a frontend dev are 1, 3 and 8.

Of course it's hard to say how much time you need, it depends on your experience...

oziniak profile image
Oleh Ziniak

Fair enough! Thanks for your answer.

ygorsk profile image

Hello All and thank you for your comments.

Has anyone taken the JSNAD exam in 2020? Now, they mention, that Webstorm is included as well. Is that true?

Also, how do you connect to the remote machine? Does it all happen in a browser? Or do you use dedicated software to connect to the machine. Do I understand it correctly, that I will connect to a remote graphical Linux desktop, where I can launch terminal, node CLI and Webstorm/Visual Studio Code ?

I have recently taken CKAD exam, but all I used was a remote terminal running in browser and I could write solutions in Vim only.
So I wonder, how much I can rely on having a graphical IDE available.

carltondickson profile image
Carlton • Edited

@Kyrz Is there a recommendation for which certification to tackle first in terms of difficulty.
Is there anything you've come across that explains the thinking behind 2 tests?
Thanks for this article by the way, really helpful.

kryz profile image

I find the level of difficulty similar. I would start with JSNAD.

ocalde profile image
Oscar Calderon • Edited

Currently I'm getting prepared for taking the JSNSD in a month. I just have a couple of doubts regarding how things work during the exam:

  • What OS did you use? Did you have any issues when connecting to the remote environment? I've read several complaints about the plugin used by examslocal website, so just wondering to get the right OS (Mac or Windows) to take it
  • Were you able to full screen the remote environment? Currently I'm practicing with a VirtualBox VM at 1024x768 to get used to limitations, but if I will be able to get it full screen, that will be better
  • Is it possible using an external display as the main one, to have a laptop at one side for the webcam?
inigogb profile image
BaronVonHex • Edited

Thank you for sharing your experience! I'm considering taking the JSNAD exam so your opinions are really helpful :)

kryz profile image

Hello Inigo,
if you need more information about the exam or help with Node.js, contact me. I am also planning to publish something like "Prepare for Node.js certificate" series.

mannyluvstacos profile image

Hi @kryz !

I am preparing for both the JSNAD and the JSNSD exams (taking the JSNAD first then JSNSD) and I was curious of any updates on the "Prepare for Node.js certificate" series?

Thank you for sharing your Github repo with all the Node.js resources, much appreciated :)

I saw that the LinuxFoundation has some training courses/materials for both exams, do you have any insight/opinion on those courses?

They're currently discounting Node.js courses/exams by 60% (till July 9th 2021, code: NODEJS60, sharing for others, like me, who could use the price reduction) and would be willing to spend the extra resources to take prep courses from LinuxFoundation, but if the material is easily compiled myself, I may just save myself the 200$USD.

I look forward to hearing back!


darchanjo profile image
David Archanjo

Hey Kryz,

First off, great article!!

Could be an dumb question but I'd just wanna know how the tasks are presented and how we're expected to complete them. I owned some certifications and I never came across doing through a lab.

Thanks in advance

kryz profile image

you have a list of tasks with description and folders with task names, where you need to write your code.

ocalde profile image
Oscar Calderon

Hi @kryz , great article!! My employer just purchased JSNSD for me, so I'm starting to get prepared! I've been working mainly a little bit on ReactJS and JAVA, have worked with ExpressJS in the past on a basic level.

Not sure if you are allowed to say this (due to Confidentiality Agreement) but, for exposing REST APIs do you use a framework like ExpressJS? Or do they expect you to do everything in the vanilla way (checking the URL segment and request method to route the action to do)?
Thanks in advance.

superyaz profile image

Kryz thanks for yours contributions 🧠

kryz profile image

Hello superyaz,
thank you!

logeekal profile image
Jatin Kathuria

This is so helpful..

Thank you

kryz profile image

Thank you Jatin!

ramakunuru profile image

Thanks a lot for this article, very helpful.

rcnespoli profile image
Renato Néspoli • Edited

Hi! Thanks to share your knowledge.
I saw that you are planning to publish something like "Prepare for Node.js certificate" and it's amazing! Waiting for this ;)

codefinity profile image
Manav Misra

Main ❓ is would this certification help folks get into a mid ➡️ sr. dev role? I would guess the answer is yes. I hope so, b/c I already paid and am preparing now! 😆

lakshayasood profile image
Lakshaya Sood

How to practice streams and buffer? What projects can I create that work with those topics?

amitabhpanda profile image
Marvels-The Coder

Hi Sir,
Its a great article!!

Please tell me when do you start - "Prepare for Node.js certificate" series.