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Which technology has a better future Angular JS Or React JS ?

Top comments (6)

imakashrana profile image
Akash Chauhan

Angular has been gaining popularity lately as a powerful JavaScript framework. Can we consider angular for learning and businesses in 2023 ?

donaldxdonald profile image

Angular JS is gone XD. It is Angular now.

phihochzwei profile image

well not gone but outdated and underpowered

tomaszs2 profile image
Tom Smykowski • Edited

Both have a good future. Moreover they are pretty simple, so it is possible to learn both and more. These are just frameworks / libraries, nothing more.

The real challange in frontend development is about connecting other libraries, writing business logic. Using CSS, Javascript. Managing state. Wiring data. Implementing nice flow and design.

What framework / library is used is a minor issue

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

Please consider adding the #discuss tag instead of #tutorial if you don't have any answer in your post.

That being said, both are being backed by big corporations, have an extensive ecosystem, are actively developed and thus are not going away any time soon.

So the more interesting question may be which one of these is presently a better choice? The answer is: it comes down to your personal preference: if functional programming is your jam, choose react, if object orientation floats your code, angular is for you.

zwying0814 profile image
Veen Zhao

VUE js