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Kunal Kumar
Kunal Kumar

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My first Hackathon Experience

A hackathon is similar to a meetup for programmers looking for like-minded individuals. Techcrunch Disrupt, HackMIT, HackNY, Codespace, Flipcart GRID, and others are among the hackathons I've heard of. There are many more, and you can find them by searching online.

So, let us get started with today's topic. Hello, my name is Kunal and I am a developer from India who is just starting out in the world of technology.
I recently finished my first hackathon of my life and would like to share my experience with you all.

  • First of all, I went to devfolio Website and Sign Up for the Account.
  • Secondly, I went to the Hackathon section and discovered my first organisation, Reva Hack, which is a student community-based online hackathon for coding enthusiasts.
  • Thirdly, I formed a team with Koshik, whom I met on the Discord server, and we called ourselves Hack-Up007, and we began work on Abhaya "a Women Safety App."

    GitHub logo koushik-sherugar / Abhaya

    women safety webapp

    Abhaya - Women Safety Application

    Women think twice before stepping out of their house, they live in constant fear. Some of them are even subjected to domestic violence and not well aware of constitutional laws and the organisations which can help them. So our aim is to provide safety as well creating awareness about constitutional rights and various NGOs to them.

    How we are trying to solve it For women safety we are providing live location sharing through SMS , calling family members and organisations like police, women helpline based on their current location Creating awareness of constitutional laws and bringing justice to all victims through NGOs and contact us section for assisting with their issues.

    Getting Started with Create React App

    This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

    Available Scripts

    In the project directory, you can run:

    yarn start

    Runs the app in the development mode.

  • Now, once we start working, we run into a problem such as how to send an SOS message when a user is in danger. We used the Twilio API to do it, and then we had to get the current user's location in order to send an SOS message. Throughout the process, we encountered numerous challenges.
  • What I Learnt πŸ”₯:-
  • Team Up:- During that time, we both worked as a team, solving each other's problems.
  • Working under Pressure:- I worked all day to get to the point where I was overjoyed when we discovered the bug and fixed it.
  • Presenting final Products:- We need to provide an elevator pitch and are stuck in the middle as to how and who will present the idea.

That was a rewarding experience for me. I plan to attend more hackathons and learn as much as I can.

Feel free to leave a comment in the Discussions section. It is intended for your response; please make use of it.πŸ˜…

Top comments (1)

ansub profile image
Ansub Khan

wow, this sounds so cool, i would love to do stuff like this