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Extend Express's Request Object with Typescript Declaration Merging.

Kwabena Bio Berko on January 29, 2020

Express has been my go to server side node web framework for the past few years. Its fast, unopinionated and so easy to get up and running. I reall...
aashishclikfin profile image
aashishClikFin • Edited

First of all thanks a lot for your post, I finally resolved the problem I faced since the last 3 months.

Just would like to add one more bit, since I was using passport alongside passport-jwt hence your solution didn't exactly work for me.

Here is what I used in the index.d.ts file

declare module 'express-serve-static-core' {
export interface Request {
user?: yourCustomType;

It might help someone else as well, but thanks a lot for guiding me in the right direction.

itsjinendrajain profile image
Jinendra Jain

Thanks Bro

playground profile image

Great article, thanks for sharing. Good to know there is another way of doing things.
I have been doing it the inverse by extending Request

For example:
export interface IRequest extends Request {
type: string;
sensorId: string;
timestamp: ITime;

in the server.ts
app.get("/test", (req: IRequest, res: IResponse) => {

alphakennybudy profile image
Adil • Edited

Thank you, it helped. But as far as I understood, it adds currentUser field to all Requests? What if I want it to be present only in the current file and not declared in the other files where I use Request?

lucamartins profile image
Luca S. Martins

You could declare currentUser as optional and use it when needed

justicebringer profile image

NOTE that you have to add typeRoots inside compilerOptions in the tsconfig.json file.

vkyrychenko profile image

Nice article! You saved my day 😎👍

I see a lot of libraries using this approach.

But It looks a bit strange for me. Just imagine that you have a lot of middleware that attaches something to the request object. In the end, you have a bloated interface and you lose the power of TypeScript because you don't know which middlewares were executed before handler/controller. So you don't know if the required data was attached and need to double-check if it's there 🤷‍♂️.

peterkitonga profile image
Peter Kitonga • Edited

If anyone is still having errors with this, don't forget to import Express at the top of your file.

import { Express } from 'express'

For some reason, I couldn't get it to work without the import

lucamartins profile image
Luca S. Martins

Thanks! Same problem here.

tronginc profile image
Nguyễn Công Trọng


pendar747 profile image

This was awesome! I was missing the step with having to create the same folder path structure and adding the "typeRoots"

stevemu profile image
Qi Mu

Thank you so much!!!

kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko

You're welcome. 😊

danfmaia profile image
Dan Maia

The best article about that I've found today in the Internet.

kira56 profile image
Diego CS

Thanks!!!!!!!! I was looking for information, but all that I found was not useful, but your explanation goes straight to the point. Than you very much.

tjsarkka profile image

Thank you! I spent the last hours scratching my head and trying different combinations of config files and .d.ts files provided in other solutions.. and this was the only one that worked for me for both ts-node and tsc. :)

kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko

You're welcome.
Glad to be of help.

mxgit1090 profile image
Mark Tsai • Edited

Similar methods to define Request types can also be found in the following libraries:

I also spent so much time resolving this issue, thank you for your article!

kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko

You're welcome
Really glad you found it useful.

damjuve profile image


Thanks for this very usefull tips.
I still have a question about exporting this.
I would like to extend express Request with UserModel, exactly like you did. But I am doing it in a homemade node module.
Then I install this node module in a node project and I don't have access to the extended request. How can i do this ?

georgenorris profile image
George C. Norris

Getting a Augmentations for the global scope can only be directly nested in external modules or ambient module declarations. ??

simon_texson_804b5f8e0a37 profile image
Simon Texson • Edited

Thanks for this article.

I had to import the Express and Request objects into the index.d.ts file like so:

import Express, {Request} from 'express'
import {UserModel} from 'path/to/user/model'

declare global {
    namespace Express {
        interface Request {
            currentUser: UserModel;
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Hope this helps someone else.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko

Hi, @wardvisual, thanks for reading.
The node_modules folder was not modified in this article. We created a new file, @types > express > index.d.ts in the root of our project, not in node_modules 🙂

hassanbakri profile image
Hassan • Edited

Thanks alot for the clear explanation,
i've used your solution and it works berfictly with node ./dist/server.js and the compilation as well, however every time i use tsc watch i got the following error

error TS2339: Property 'currentUser' does not exist on type 'Request<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>>.

hanslissi profile image

Oh wow! I was stuck for a while now trying to achieve exactly that. I couldn't find what I had done wrong. Only with this post I was able to get it done, thanks!

kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko

You're welcome. 😄

terabytes profile image

VS code doesn't show error in editor but during compilation i get:
currentUser does not exist on type 'Request'.
Its Ts error.

mehmetnyarar profile image
Mehmet N Yarar

same here. not only that, testing (jest/ts-jest) also fails unless I do:

declare module 'express' {
  export interface Request {
    i18n: import('i18next').i18n
    language: string
beadle85 profile image

I am having the same issue. Did you every find a fix for this?

asgamboa12 profile image

Thank you very much, this problem was killing me and I could not find a way to solve it until I saw your post, thank you very much !!!

sellonen profile image
Sakari Ellonen

I created an account here just to say thank you, this was such a nice solution that a typescript newbie like me would not have come up on my own.

kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko

I'm really glad you found it useful.

renemaldonado profile image
Rene Maldonado Fimbres

Bro, have been having problems with this for 2 days.

Thanks for the info, I was missing the @ sign .

kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko

You're welcome.

jonn_joo profile image
Ioannis • Edited

Could you add a GitHub link please. It does not work for me as well.

kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko
jpolstre profile image
jpolstre • Edited

Thanks, in my case work whitout: declare global {

georgenorris profile image
George C. Norris

I've tried SOO many variations to make this work, and NOTHING seems to work. 🤷🏻‍♂️

sauravbhagat profile image
saurav kumar bhagat

What if we directly extends the Request interface like:
export interface CustomReq extends Request{
currentUser: User

and use this instead?

kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko

This works as well 🙂

andersonluis87 profile image
Anderson Luis Silva

Thank you very much!
Very well explained.

kwabenberko profile image
Kwabena Bio Berko

Thank you. 😊

mod7ex profile image
Mourad EL CADI

you're great)

tukuyoma profile image

thanks ...this helped alot