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New personal site, who this?

Alex Lakatos 🥑 on May 06, 2020

This one has been long overdue, but my personal website finally got a makeover. It used to look like this: I've set it...
benjaminraffetseder profile image
Benjamin Raffetseder

I really love the design! It kinda reminds me of the new design of the shoptalkshow, I bet you'd like the visuals their!:D

Btw I noticed that your picture under the about page isn't linked correctly.

Also here is my website/portfolio. I still need to add at least English language support. I'm also planning to add some little gimmicks. But so far this my most favorite iteration so far. I think I rebuilt my site around 8 times. 😅

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

Thanks for spotting that, I forgot to add a conditional in the template to check for images being declared in the frontmatter 😅

Didn't know about, but wow, does it look pretty.

What's the current iteration of yours built on?

benjaminraffetseder profile image
Benjamin Raffetseder

You're welcome, mate!:D
The first iterations were built with just HTML and CSS. Then I switched to Drupal to be more flexible with my content. But I wanted something lighter than this "big" monolithic system. So I switched gears again. 😅

The current iteration is built with Cockpit CMS (a open source headless CMS) and Vue on the frontend.

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

And I've just pushed a fix to that issue, along with a light mode switch, thanks again for spotting it.

bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora • Edited

A minutes build time with olny under 100 posts. That's really slow.

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

yeah, and it was pretty inconsistent, ranging from 2 to 10 minutes.

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill • Edited

I like it! Very old, computer terminal vibe. And the dark mode by default is a nice visual break. As a heads up, there may be a broken image at the top of the about page Fixed!

My current site is HTML & CSS only, with the blog on Wordpress. I like the minimalness of the front-end and the low-key reference to my favorite.

My plan is to move everything to a static site set up, probably 11ty, but I haven't found the time to get deep into that yet. Maybe I'll stream the learn and build process. 🤔

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

Yeah, that's what I went for, a terminal vibe. Thanks for spotting that issue, I forgot to add a conditional in the template to check for images being declared in the frontmatter 😅

I've seen a few mentions of 11ty lately, just in this post are a couple so far, I think I'm going to give it a try for the rebuild of It would be awesome if you streamed your process!

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

And I've just pushed a fix to that issue, along with a light mode switch, thanks again for spotting it.

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

I was looking at Gridsome as an alternative, I've given Nuxt & Vue a spin in the recent past. But the simplicity of Hugo, and the fact that Hui Jing had a nifty migration guide/gotchas, those were the main factors for going Hugo.

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bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora • Edited

Gatsby is slower than Hugo. But latest Gatsby version can build faster with incremental build feature.

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lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

That's interesting, I've seen an incremental mode on Hugo as well, but I don't think I turned that on in Netlify.

I didn't do a deep build speed research when I chose the static site generator, but that's just because most things out there are faster than Jekyll 3.x. And Github Pages wasn't going to support Jekyll 4.

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bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora

What's your setting to implement Hugo incremental build?

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lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

It's more of a cache than an incremental build. Changing my partials to use partialCached instead decreased build time from 20 something seconds to 15.

corentinbettiol profile image
Corentin Bettiol

I did mine with vanilla PHP/HTML/css :)

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

Your logo looks really good!

corentinbettiol profile image
Corentin Bettiol

Thanks! Its an old drawing I made a few years ago, I was trying to draw a manatee :D

karanja_b4ha profile image

I love the design🔥🔥

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

Thanks. That was mostly Hui Jing!

gregfletcher profile image
Greg Fletcher

Looks amazing! Love the retro vibe!

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

Thanks, that's what I was going for!

simulieren profile image
Simon Halimonov

A minute build time is really nice! Does HUGO also do image optimisations?

My new GatsbyJS sites takes minutes, but it also generates a huge amount of optimised images. 🤔

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

Hugo has a image processing pipeline, I haven't gotten around to turning it on in my website yet.