DEV Community

The Art of Googling

Gift Egwuenu on September 08, 2019

Inspired by this article from, I've decided to write mine but with a twist. In this article, I'll be outlining some tips for improvi...
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Nice tips and neat look into what you searched for in a week :)

I definitely agree that "how to google" is a skill that is really important to learn as a developer... properly using keywords to get the right answer is sometimes an art. Thanks for the post!

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Thanks Chris.

espoir profile image
Espoir Murhabazi

Good stuff sister!
I like the intext one.

There is another favorite tip I use sometimes which helps to include or exclude a word from the search.

Maybe you can add it, more Infos here

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Thanks Espoir!

christinepinto profile image
Christine Pinto

Thanks for sharing your insights and I definitely agree with your conclusion.
My favourite google search hack is "the – Operator". It is very helpful if a keyword is also used outside of the technology field, for example.

christiangroeber profile image
Christian Gröber

I'm seriously considering teaching this stuff to my scout group (I'm a scout leader). Sure, we teach them how to knot properly or how to cook on a fire, but they just can't google, even though that's such an important skill in today's world (My little brother once asked me something, I didn't know the answer so I told him "Google it" and he just typed his question into the searchbar!)

Soo yeah, anyways, thanks a lot, especially for the "intext:" and "site:" tip, that's actually super helpful.

As for the asterisk one, I just always delete any custom names and it works fine.

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Yes do it! I think this is not just meant for only technical folks. Everyone needs to know how to use google.

eitland profile image
Erik Vårdal Itland

I wrote a similar post back in August:

Added a link to you since I had forgotten to mention / never learned a couple of your tricks (and for what it is worth there are also a few others in my post that aren't mentioned here.)

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Thanks for sharing Erik! I will check out yours to find more gems :)

ryanoc profile image
Ryan Connolly • Edited

Great, I broke google :(

Great, I broke google

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Haha this is hilarious 😆

kidkkr profile image

Out of curiousity, I've found that intext query searches only texts in body tag.
Thanks for the post!

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu • Edited

Thanks for sharing the link. I understand Intitle searches the title and intext searches text within the body. Updated the article to reflect that.

mroeling profile image
Mark Roeling

Don't forget the must-include option, adding double quotes (") around the obligated keyword.

elievangu profile image
Elie Vangu • Edited

I’m pretty happy to be a SEO since 2009 and a ReactJS developper for 2 years now and i tell you it helps 😊

tennerick profile image
adesunloye Adeola

Nice article and well written!

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu


koalapvh13 profile image
Matheus Dias Vieira

This is amazing, thanks for sharing!

silvija_pro profile image
Silvija Prozinger

Great tips, thank you for sharing! For us beginners it's rather comforting to know that even professionals have to use the good ol' Google sometimes 😃

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Thanks :)

yajeda9403 profile image
Amazon logo 

 In the world of e-commerce leaders, few images are as straight away familiar while the iconic arrow of Amazon. From their modest beginnings as an on the web bookstore to their recent position as an international behemoth encompassing from cloud computing to entertainment streaming, Amazon is now associated with convenience, innovation, and disruption. But behind their meteoric increase lies a carefully crafted company identification, of that your Amazon logo is a main element. In this information, we search to the progress and impact of the Amazon logo, exploring their design, symbolism, and enduring significance in the electronic landscape.Amazon logo

sarah_chima profile image
Sarah Chima

Great tips Gift!!! Thanks for sharing.

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Thanks Sarah.

vikilinho profile image
Victor Ayodeji Ogundola

Great read. Thanks for the tips.

ebenoladutemu profile image
Ebenezer Oladutemu • Edited

I read this on your blog. Couldn't agree more! Totally good read. Thanks Gift

twonjee2002 profile image
Adetunji Adegbite

Nice article. I have been using some of this tips not even knowing they officially exist. Now time to research.

sahuvikramp profile image
Vikram Sahu

That's awesome. I just tried site and intext one
Loved it!

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu • Edited

Awesome! Thanks glad you found them helpful.