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`at` coming soon to ECMAScript

Laurie on June 14, 2021

If you're a JavaScript developer you've likely used arrays quite a bit. They're an essential data structure within the language. In fact, they're ...
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royalfig profile image
Ryan Feigenbaum

Would I use it?
const response = ['No way', 'I don't know', 'Awww yeah'].at(-1)

hasnaindev profile image
Muhammad Hasnain • Edited

Everybody gangsta until .at(-1) returns undefined.

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster 🔥

Would [].at(-1) be like dividing by zero?

raulcg profile image

[].at(-1) == [][[].length - 1] == [][-1] == undefined

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi

What if you need second-to-last item?
.at(-2) is as reasonable as .at(-1).

laurieontech profile image

Yup, that works fine

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

I've used var last = arr[arr.length - 1] in the past, but now with destructuring, I typically do const [, last] = someArray.

I'm not sure I'd use at aside from getting the last item in an array since currently I can do
e.g. someArray[1] which is less typing than for elements that are not the last item. I probably would have opted for an Array.prototype.last.

Maybe there are use cases for it that I'm missing like composing a bunch of functions.

Not everyone is seeing my addendum to this comment so here it is

Just an update to my initial comment as I typed it out pretty quickly yesterday. const [, last] = someArray will work if the array was only two items. For example, if it's 4 items, this won't work. You'll end up with this.

const a = [1,2,3,4];
const [,last] = a;

console.log(last); // a === 2
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If I wanted to get the last element in the above array, I'd have to do this.

const a = [1,2,3,4];
const [, , ,last] = a;

console.log(last); // a === 2
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milichev profile image
Vadym Milichev • Edited

This const [, last] = someArray is equal to const last = someArray[1]
To use destructuring, one might want something like
const [l, [l - 1]: last] = someArray, but it's hardly more readable 😁

sybers profile image
Stanyslas Bres

@milichev I get the idea from your snippet but I think the syntax is incorrect, it should look something like this :

const { length, [length - 1]: last } = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// last === 4
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Anyways that's a funny thing I never thought of :)

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Just an update to my initial comment as I typed it out pretty quickly yesterday. const [, last] = someArray will work if the array was only two items. For example, if it's 4 items, this won't work. You'll end up with this.

const a = [1,2,3,4];
const [,last] = a;

console.log(last); // a === 2
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If I wanted to get the last element in the above array, I'd have to do this.

const a = [1,2,3,4];
const [, , ,last] = a;

console.log(last); // a === 2
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davwheat profile image
David Wheatley

Oooh I knew this was possible, but never really put 2 and 2 together with that destructuring for the last item! Thanks for pointing that out to me.

rpcabrera profile image
Rigoberto • Edited

Even I propose to extend your idea and include all quick methods related to collections like LINQ (from C#) does.

andrewbridge profile image
Andrew Bridge

It seems like you're pretty passionate about having a last() but I don't really see the issue. at(-1) uses the same number of characters as last() so it's no more verbose, plus it has the added benefit of providing a uniform way of accessing array items from the end of the array regardless of how many positions back from the end you need it.

A multi-purpose solution seems preferable to a method that can only do one thing, no?

That aside, if people start using .at(positiveIndex), that's on them. We already have people swearing off for loops and thinking reduce is the catch all solution for everything, and I think those issues are far more detrimental to this.

edo78 profile image
Federico "Edo" Granata

As described here it looks like .at() is barely useful to get the last item.
It's unclear if it can be used to loop through the array in reverse (eg. .at(-2)) because we could have an hard time figuring when we reach the first element and stop the loop.

hisuwh profile image
Henry Ing-Simmons • Edited
for (let i = 1; i <= arr.length; i++) {
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edo78 profile image
Federico "Edo" Granata

So we still have to use .length like in the classic way

for (let i = arr.length - 1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
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We just shifted the 1 from the length - 1 to the starting point
I'm struggling to see why we need .at()

BTW You should cange const to let in your example

hisuwh profile image
Henry Ing-Simmons

You're right. I never use classic for loops anymore really. Too used to writing:

for (const item of arr) {
    // ...
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I agree though. Don't see the point of at. Equally if you wanted to iterate the loop in reverse:

for (const item of arr.slice().reverse()) {
   // ...
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laurieontech profile image

They gave you an example. You really don’t need to “correct” it.

edo78 profile image
Federico "Edo" Granata

What's wrong with that? I saw that he already edited it because he used "0" as a starting point instead of "1", so I thought he would like a fix.

laurieontech profile image

Because they're not wrong. Let is just as valid as const from the perspective of the code. Without larger context it's just a preference. And you understood the example they were kind enough to provide just fine. Your response was to make yourself feel smart.

edo78 profile image
Federico "Edo" Granata

Maybe I'm missing somethig as english isn't my first language but using const is wrong.
Javascript prevent you from reassigning a value to a const throwing an error TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

I was the first one asking a question because I know that I don't know everything and I want to learn so I think others can appreciate if I reciprocate

laurieontech profile image

Yes, you could loop through in reverse. The first non-element would return undefined.

edo78 profile image
Federico "Edo" Granata

Sadly you can't just check for an undefined element because array with "hole" like const arr = [1,,3,4]; can create a problem with that logic.

laurieontech profile image

Yes, if you have holes then you'll need to check relative to the length of your array.

edo78 profile image
Federico "Edo" Granata

sure or you should do as suggested here
I still miss the value of .at() beside being a sugar syntax to get the last item

dewaldels profile image
Dewald Els

What ever happend to prototypes?

Array.prototype.last = function() {
  if (this.length > 0) {
    return this[this.length-1];    
  return undefined

const items = ['What', 'ever', 'happened', 'to', 'prototypes'];
const lastItem = items.last();
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laurieontech profile image

You can read more about that here:

The TLDR is that at was progressing faster and solved the same problem. So last was no longer pursued.

mlippert profile image
Mike Lippert

I see responses saying why not arr.last.
I think they are completely missing the point.

True the article used -1 as the example value to get the last element, but the point of .at() is that negative indices start at the end, so -2 is the next to last element and -3 the one before that one, etc.
I'd assume that an index of -n of an n element array would be the first element and any index less than -n is undefined.

In addition .at() lets you use the index value stored in a variable, whereas .last does not.

dsm637 profile image
Denis Mitropolsky

Honestly, I don't think getting the last is the real reason for "at"

fjones profile image

Well then... What is? The only benefits over indices seem to be that it throws on non-array and that you can use valid negative indices.

For negative indices, the main purpose is most definitely .at(-1), since anything dynamic still requires knowing the .length, and anything less than -1 implies a data structure that should probably be an object in the first place.
And if I want to throw on non-array, I'll just use TypeScript.

dsm637 profile image
Denis Mitropolsky

Throws on non-array seems to me a real reason for using "at". TypeScript is not everywhere yet and even it is, there's still "any".

ashleyo profile image
Ashley Oliver

You would implement a stack as an object? Trippy ...

dsm637 profile image
Denis Mitropolsky

Another point - since everything in JS is an object, everything can be indexed using square brackets, not only array objects. So "at()" provides a safe way to get an element by index from the array and prevent an error when you're accidently working with someone which is not an array.

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi

Coming from C++, my first feeling is that .at(nonexistent) would throw exception, but apparently this isn't the case.

tiguchi profile image
Thomas Werner

I would also expect an exception to happen instead. Passing in an out of bounds index argument should be considered a misuse of the method and raise an error instead. The return result of undefined is not sufficient for detecting if the index is out of bounds, since that accessed element could be undefined.

In programming it's better to fail early, so come a crash and the time to debug, the failing line of code in the stacktrace is as close as possible to the root of the problem.

Ideally the language and API should make it harder to misuse it, but in JavaScript a lot of nonsensical things are possible that can cause hard to debug problems because cause and effect can be delayed. That forces us to come up with ways to make it stricter such as using static type checkers or switching to a different cross-compiled language altogether.

This could have been an opportunity for getting it right though 😞

Compatibility and interchangeability with the existing bracket syntax was probably not the reason behind that design decision. The at function expects an integer index argument. The official polyfill reference implementation converts non-numeric or fractional numbers to whole numbers, which is another strike in my book.

The method should simply reject non-numeric, non-integer arguments. Instead we end up with the following possibility that doesn't make sense to me either: a[1.1] !== Fractional numbers should cause a crash too. Why second-guess the programmer and try to auto-correct them based on assumptions? 🤷

laurieontech profile image

It returns undefined

andrewbridge profile image
Andrew Bridge

Okay, fair point! Clarity is certainly an important factor in code (hence my jab at reduce!), and you are right, the whole Unix mantra is built on "do one thing well" and it seems to do okay!

I suppose at this point, just having something better than [arr.length - 1] would be a massive improvement, even if it were a little obscure. If at makes people happy over last great! My bet is now on the two specs opposing one another, then they'll both sit uselessly unadopted 🤦‍♂️

milichev profile image
Vadym Milichev

I wonder will it work

const getLast =, -1); // see
const last = getLast({ length: 6, 5: 'last' });
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and do we really need it 🤔😆

dewaldels profile image
Dewald Els

Break the internet! haha love it! Sometimes they need to take control and make the tough decisions for the betterment of the web.

Correct me if I am wrong, but if the official name is called .last(), the code above would simply overwrite it and not cause anything to break? However, if a library also creates a similar .last function, depending on the order of code execution, it could cause some unexpected results.

aleksandrhovhannisyan profile image
Aleksandr Hovhannisyan

Huh, TIL! I wonder why they wouldn't just extend the indexing operator to support negative indices. Seems easier than introducing a method, and now there's the question of which to use.

stegriff profile image
Ste Griffiths

The article covers this really:

Well, as it turns out, -1 is already a valid key. Arrays are really objects with indices as keys. So arr[-1] is looking at the arr object and the value of the "-1" key, which is undefined.

There can be a "-1" key present in the object, so the behaviour for "negative indices" is already defined by the language.

laurieontech profile image

Because it is already a valid index and would break existing code.

aleksandrhovhannisyan profile image
Aleksandr Hovhannisyan • Edited

This is the part that I don't get, though. If arr[-1] returns undefined, then that means one of two things:

  1. Existing code checks to make sure indices are never negative.
  2. Existing code checks if arr[index] is truthy (or explicitly checks if it's undefined).

Either way, I don't see it breaking existing code if arr[-1] all of a sudden starts returning the last entry of an array. If we're doing #1, the API doesn't change for us since our code explicitly prohibits negative indexing. If we're doing #2, it still doesn't change because now negative indexing doesn't return undefined (unless the last element is, literally, undefined).

I only see this being an issue for actual objects. Can't arrays override the behavior of the indexing operator? (I'm not familiar with those kinds of low-level implementation details for JavaScript, so maybe not.)

laurieontech profile image

"Unfortunately, JS's language design makes this impossible. The [] syntax is not specific to Arrays and Strings; it applies to all objects. Referring to a value by index, like arr[1], actually just refers to the property of the object with the key "1", which is something that any object can have. So arr[-1] already "works" in today's code, but it returns the value of the "-1" property of the object, rather than returning an index counting back from the end."

aleksandrhovhannisyan profile image
Aleksandr Hovhannisyan

Oh, gotcha! So it would break existing code. Thanks for the reference!

jsnanigans profile image
Brendan Mullins

Why don't they just add support for arr[-1]. Seems like the simplest solution

stegriff profile image
Ste Griffiths

The article covers this really:

Well, as it turns out, -1 is already a valid key. Arrays are really objects with indices as keys. So arr[-1] is looking at the arr object and the value of the "-1" key, which is undefined.

There can be a "-1" key present in the object, so the behaviour for "negative indices" is already defined by the language.

jsnanigans profile image
Brendan Mullins

Why would you ever need negative indexes that have their own value? This sounds like a big in the language to me

stegriff profile image
Ste Griffiths • Edited

¯\(ツ)/¯ Any string is a valid key in a javascript object

laurieontech profile image

I believe I explained that in the post. It’s already a valid key.

jsnanigans profile image
Brendan Mullins

Sure, but does it make sense that -1 is a key? That actually sounds like a bug to me xD instead all negative numbers could be used as reverse indexes instead of looking for a value in the array where there really should not be any.

islamcn profile image
Isla McNeill

Idk, maybe it's because I'm a fairly new developer but, I'm actually really excited about this. It's just one more thing I can do to make my code more readable for others.

dsm637 profile image
Denis Mitropolsky

Sure, it's considered a good writing style when you're using different ways of expressing the same thoughts. Every developer would loves that!

iorlas profile image
Denis Tomilin

What is quite a disappointing fact, instead of enhancing the language quality, addressing the code issues and simplifying the development, we see the new standards popping up with additions to the language, but keeping the old issues as well. Now "at" should be used instead of "[]", it makes a lot of sense, but will anyone learn that? Will the courses in popular websites address that? Nope.

It is clear they are trying to keep the backward compatibility, but enhancing the slicing operator would be so much better to the JS, developers, and the future of the dev in general.

cmborchert profile image
Christopher Borchert

I agree, and so do a lot of people, but I think that there has been a long standing discussion about adding this feature to ECMA script and it just won't advance. It's been blocked at stage 1 for like 3 years or something...

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

But last feels more something frameworks should do why should a language have last() I mean it is super easy to do .at(anyIndex)

gcsboss_ profile image
Guilherme C. Souza

arr.last(1) <--

richardeschloss profile image
Richard Schloss

I was sorta hoping the function was going to be for the Date object too :)[some UTC time], () => { /* do stuff */ })

alexjoeb profile image

I'd love to see functionality similar to python's arr[1:] come out of this. But, this will definitely be useful!

nicholaschiasson profile image
Nicholas Omer Chiasson

Does this work with positive out of bounds also, kind of like a modulo of the length? Say arr.length is 4 and you tried, does it give you arr[1]? Just curious.

islamcn profile image
Isla McNeill • Edited

It will give you undefined. That way you're not running yourself in circles.

laurieontech profile image

No. Positive out of bounds is undefined.

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi

Modulo is risky because you get NaN on an empty array.

rosostolato profile image

It will be useful if it can access not just last but also the length - k item with For example If it's just for the last one, it won't be that good.

laurieontech profile image

Yes, any negative index works.

kaspermroz profile image
Kasper Mróz

I guess to implement negative index they would have to re-implement arrays? 🤔 As arrays are of type Object.

ajozz13 profile image
Alberto Ochoa • Edited

Why not array.first and array.last?

laurieontech profile image

Those proposals were abdanoned in favor of this because it allows first and last and anything else.

pris_stratton profile image
pris stratton

Haskell laughs at JS’s array methods 😀

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

I think getting last is not the only usecase, also I find .at(-1) clean and like that I can use the same function for all indexes.

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

JavaScript needs an official compiler which is maintained by ECMA. That way instantly release new features and it will work when compiling.

laurieontech profile image

Any stage 4 proposal needs to include a Babel plugin. So Babel can act as this.

jloa profile image

Totally agree with u. Feel the pain.

kalashin1 profile image
Kinanee Samson

They should also allow us to slice an array backwards

developerbryan profile image

Any idea why the -1 key is a valid key in arr[-1], but undefined?

vladimirschneider profile image
Vladimir Schneider

I think this is interesting only for getting last element of array but I will not use .at for something other