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Lena Paul
Lena Paul

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How to #buildinpublic?

Hey fellow devs! If you’re into the #buildinpublic or just curious about it, I’ve got something cool to share. I recently launched a #buildinpublic Guide, which is an open-source resource aimed at helping creators, devs, and founders be more transparent while they’re working on projects.

So, what’s the whole build in public thing?

It’s pretty simple: instead of just showing the polished end-product, you share the process, including your wins, failures, and everything in between, as you go. This not only helps you connect more with your audience, but it also gives you real-time feedback, makes you more accountable, and helps you build a solid community around what you’re working on. Plus, people love seeing how things are made—it adds a human touch to your work.

The guide gives you practical advice on how to get started. You’ll find tips on what to share, how to deal with imposter syndrome, and how to balance transparency with privacy. It’s super straightforward, meant for anyone at any stage of their project, whether you’re just starting or already knee-deep in it.

If you’ve ever thought about showing more of your work to the world, this guide could be a game-changer. Building in public isn’t about being perfect—it’s about being open, getting feedback early, and growing together with your audience. Check it out and let me know what you think—I'd love to hear how it helps you!

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