Feature flags are a powerful technique that allows developers to modify system behavior without changing code. They're particularly useful for A/B testing, gradual rollouts, or managing beta features. Today, I'll show you how to implement feature flags in a React application using Permix.
What is Permix?
Permix is a lightweight, type-safe library for managing permissions and feature flags in TypeScript applications. It provides a simple API and React hooks/components for checking permissions.
Use your favorite package manager to install Permix:
npm install permix
Let's implement feature flags for a simple app with beta features.
1. Define Feature Flags
First, create a file to define your Permix instance with feature flags:
// lib/permix.ts
import { createPermix } from 'permix'
import { createComponents } from 'permix/react'
// Define permix instance with feature flags
export const permix = createPermix<{
darkMode: {
action: 'enabled'
betaFeatures: {
action: 'newUI' | 'experimentalAPI'
// Not necessary, but you can use components to check permissions
export const { Check } = createComponents(permix)
// Define feature flags
export const betaUserFeatures = permix.template({
darkMode: {
enabled: true,
betaFeatures: {
newUI: true,
experimentalAPI: true,
export const regularUserFeatures = permix.template({
darkMode: {
enabled: true,
betaFeatures: {
newUI: false,
experimentalAPI: false,
2. Setup Feature Flags
export async function setupFeatureFlags() {
const user = await getUser()
const featureConfig = user.isBetaUser
? betaUserFeatures()
: regularUserFeatures()
3. Create a Custom Hook
For convenience, create a custom hook to use Permix:
import { usePermix } from 'permix/react'
import { permix } from '../lib/permix'
export function usePermissions() {
return usePermix(permix)
4. Using Feature Flags
Here's how to use feature flags in your React components:
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { usePermissions } from './hooks/use-permissions'
import { permix, Check, setupFeatureFlags } from './lib/permix'
export default function App() {
const { check } = usePermissions()
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
// Conditionally render based on feature flag
if (!check('betaFeatures', 'newUI')) {
return null
async function handleApiCall() {
// Check feature flag before executing code
if (!permix.check('betaFeatures', 'experimentalAPI')) {
console.log('Calling experimental API...')
return (
<h1>New UI</h1>
<Check entity="betaFeatures" action="experimentalAPI">
<button type="button" onClick={handleApiCall}>
Call experimental API
Benefits of Using Permix
- 100% type-safe without writing TypeScript (except for initialization)
- Single source of truth for your entire app
- Perfect match for TypeScript monorepos
- Zero dependencies
- Useful methods for specific cases
- Large number of integrations for different frameworks, such as React, Vue, Next.js, and more.
Permix provides a robust solution for implementing feature flags in React applications. Its type-safe approach and simple API make it an excellent choice for managing feature rollouts and user permissions.
The complete example code is available on GitHub, and you can find more information in the Permix documentation.
Top comments (2)
Nice post! I'm really looking forward to your another post on this topic and library that do the same thing
Thans, I will definitely write more articles about Permix!