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Liam A
Liam A

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What Did I Learn from a Product Based Company in 1 Year?

I am a web developer and I have an experience of around 1 year. I joined this company in September 2023. The company I joined had around 10 full-time employees and it is a product-based company. I joined the company as a Vue.js developer for their product. But as soon as I joined the company, I had the responsibility of not only Vue.js but several other technologies.

I could easily have left the job but instead, I decided to stay in the company. Here are the few things that I performed in this company and I have learned.

*- Vue.js

This is the main technology for which I was hired by the company

*- Nuxt.js

Nuxt.js is a framework for Vue.js that we used for the server-side rendering. This framework generates the HTML files for the Vue.js routes and serves those HTML files to the search engine. Before I joined this company, I had no idea what nuxt.js was about. But I took this challenge as a learning opportunity.


To run an online product successfully, SEO is the most important and required skill that one can learn. Making a website SEO-friendly for WordPress is simple and easy. At the same time, for a non-technical person, making On-page SEO changes for a Vue.js website is next to impossible. I made these SEO changes and simultaneously, I learned about SEO and its advantages.

*Ubuntu Server with Nginx Proxy

Many times in the absence of my boss, I had to GIT push the code from my machine and GIT pull on the Ubuntu server where we used the Nginx reserve proxy. I had no idea about all these things but I learned and now I can deploy absolutely anything on the digital ocean server.

So, these are a few technical skills that I learned in a product-based company. I think it was difficult but a good first year in this company. If you have the urge to learn then I would highly recommend doing a job in product-based company.

Top comments (4)

atabakoff profile image

I joined this company in September 2023
What Did I Learn from a Product Based Company in 1 Year?

I appreciate receiving a post from the future. In what year though you are writing it? I'd like to know when the time machines are finally available.

liama profile image
Liam A

September 2022, to become a better developer, you MUST have common sense.

atabakoff profile image

It also helps to have a sense of humor - it makes communication more pleasant. A bit of self irony is must have as well to avoid being unnecessary defensive. Wish you good luck in your journey.

Thread Thread
liama profile image
Liam A

The first comment from you is an indication of an unskilled & untalented person who acts funny but in deep down needs a therapy