DEV Community

Learn Golang in 2025, You Won't Regret It

LinceMathew on December 29, 2024

As I explained in previous articles, we are working on building LiveAPI, a super-convenient auto-API doc generation tool. LiveAPI's backend is in G...
dyfet profile image
David Sugar

Overall, what makes go special is simplicity. Go programs are easy to write and easy to read. This often makes them easy to debug, too.

lincemathew profile image


manishmandal profile image
Manish Mandal

I built my first Go web server this year.

It was my best descision this year to learn Go!!

algoorgoal profile image

Thanks for the great article.

How are go routines different from async functions in javascript? Here's what I found.

  1. Go routines are preemptible while async functions are non-preemptible.
  2. Go routines run on each thread, allowing multiple coroutines to run simultaneously.
  3. Go routines can communicate with each other easily by using channels, while async functions can't.
adic_threex profile image
adic threex

I think Rust is much more easer. By your points:

  1. In go you write concurency code and you must write specific tests and compile with specific flags to detect data races. In Rust you just write concurency code, no data races possible at all.
  2. Manually descriptors closing looks like something from stone age. You dont need it in Rust.
  3. let result = divide(10, 0)?; 1 loc instead 4 loc with boilerplate.

Also no "Million dollar mistake" in Rust.

rcls profile image

Go replaced PHP for me as the #1 language in 2024, but it really looks like I can't use it much in 2025 and I'm just sad

john_matthew_82c0880ee1c1 profile image
John Matthew

Old dog here, learned Python 15yrs ago, and always said if I learn a new language it would be GO. This article may move me forward :O

alithedev profile image
ali taa

i love Golang, i learned it back in August 2024, had similar story with python apis, so decided to learn Golang and boy do i love it.

nwby profile image
Sam Newby

Finally moving into Go full time in 2025

exvillager profile image
pradeep kumar

Im going to learn go in 2025

lincemathew profile image

Great decision. While learning, build a mini tool or product.

_subrajeet profile image
Subrajeet Maharana

my fingers feel like waving in the air while writing Go code

ankitsudegora profile image
Ankit Rai

I am really excited to try it out this year. Thank you for sharing.

sazardev profile image

Im starting to learn golang in december, and im in love with this language! Definitively will be my language this year 2025.