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Antonio | CEO at for Litlyx

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Get back control of your data. Analytics Landscape in 2024.

Hi everyone,

I'm Antonio, CEO of Litlyx, and today I want to discuss the current state of analytics and the pressing need for innovation. Despite the crucial role data plays in decision-making, the tools and methods in the analytics landscape have stagnated, and there has been little progress in recent years.

While technologies like AI and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize analytics, their adoption has been slower than expected. Many businesses, for example, rely heavily on tools like Google Analytics, a free service that almost everyone uses without fully understanding the trade-off: you're essentially handing over your data, and your users' data, to Google.

I understand that adopting alternative solutions can be expensive, but it's crucial... especially for companies based in Europe... to be aware of where your data is being stored. Privacy regulations, like GDPR, emphasize the importance of keeping both company and user data within the country or region of operation to ensure compliance.

By relying on free platforms like Google Analytics, you're not the're the product! Your data is the price you're paying, which raises significant privacy concerns, particularly when such vast amounts of information are in the hands of a few major corporations.

Think about it: you know yourself on a personal, subjective level, but companies like Google likely have a more "objective" understanding of you based on your data. They know your preferences, behaviors, and choices, often more accurately than you might think. If that doesn’t concern you, that's fine, but it's worth considering how much power you're giving away.

So, what can we do to drive innovation in analytics?

We need scalable solutions that respect privacy. We need tools that don't sell your data or your users' data. We need platforms that provide actionable insights while remaining compliant with data privacy laws.

Failing to prioritize data privacy and compliance could lead to costly surprises down the road. Imagine giving away all your data for free, only to face government sanctions later for not adhering to privacy regulations. In such a scenario, it's your business that will suffer.

For businesses in Europe, I strongly recommend using on-premise software solutions, like Litlyx, or opting for SaaS versions hosted on European servers to ensure full compliance with privacy laws.

Let’s innovate responsibly and take back control of our data.

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