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Show us your open-source project!

Antonio | CEO at on July 31, 2024

Hello everybody, I'm Antonio, CEO at Litlyx. A while ago, I made a post similar to this to give everyone a space to share their open-source proje...
elanatframework profile image
Elanat Framework
  • Name: CodeBehind Framework
  • Repository on github: Link
  • Short Description: CodeBehind is a modern back-end framework under ASP.NET Core. CodeBehind was developed by Elanat in 2023 and competes with Microsoft's default web frameworks (ASP.NET Core MVC and Razor Pages and Blazor).
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks for sharing your project. I started my programming journey as Game Developer in Unity so i learned C#. It has a lspecial place in my heart.

Great project! Keep up the good work.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

Skooma (currently working on the 2.0 branch) is what I'm working on at the moment.

It's my attempt at a JS "micro"framework; so far there's a DSL for generating DOM nodes as well as an Observable class for reactive state management. The documentation and readme are still a bit behind the actual development, but they can give a general idea of how it works. There's also a website, but that's also still work in progress 😅

I'll probably write a proper introduction post once I'm happy with it and the API is somewhat stable.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Wow it seems super simple with your solution. Great job!

empe profile image
Emil Pearce

Love it!

karthikmudunuri profile image
Mudunuri bhaskara karthikeya varma

Name: EldoraUI
Repository on github: Link
Short Description: Eldora UI is a collection of re-usable components that you can copy and paste into your web apps. It primarily features components, blocks, and templates geared towards creating landing pages and user-facing marketing materials.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

This is amazing for real. Thanks for your work on this project. We will try to find something there to integrate some ui components you setted up in litlyx. Thanks for real. This is the amazing of hosting this panel. We can find so great project out there!

karthikmudunuri profile image
Mudunuri bhaskara karthikeya varma

Thanks a lot @litlyx I would love to see your website integrated with eldora ui components. More updated and components coming soon!

empe profile image
Emil Pearce

Looks like a fantastic resource for developers! Great job to the team behind it! By the way, do you have examples of those components connected to a backend?

It would be great to see how they work in a full-stack setup.

karthikmudunuri profile image
Mudunuri bhaskara karthikeya varma

Will try to bring those components soon @empe

paul_freeman profile image
Paul • Edited

Name: Awesome landing page
Repository on github: Github link
Short Description: A list of free and open-source landing page for SaaS, App landing pages, NGO, restaurants and more. New templates every Friday.

GitHub logo PaulleDemon / awesome-landing-pages

Free to use landing pages for SaaS developers, freelancers, agencies and businesses

Free Landing page templates

Contains free and open-sourced website templates, including but not limited to SaaS landing page, portfolio, Restaurant page and more. Useful, for freelancers, agencies, SaaS developers, and more.

Download from browsable page:

Updated weekly

New templates will be uploaded every Friday. Feel free to star this repository 🌟.

Have a generic template in mind?

  • Create a new template issue, once your template request have enough thumbs up, we'll make one.

  • If you are looking for a custom one, contact here

Table of content

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Love when people give so much value for free to other people. This is why FOSS is full of intresting individuals that help each other! Great

empe profile image
Emil Pearce

Where were you all this time?!?!?! Amazing!

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

Name: Windows 11
Repository on github: Visit the website
Short Description: Experience the look and feel of Windows 11 directly in your browser with this web-based clone. Enjoy a similar user interface and functionality.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

So intresting! Is cute

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

Thanks a lot! <3

mahes profile image
Mahes R

File Explorer is cute. Give a try on recreating CASIO FX-880P pocket computer

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo • Edited

GitHub repo:
Description: 🚀 Practical and document place for DevOps toolchain to help everyone learn and practice DevOps.

If you find this repository helpful, kindly consider showing your appreciation by giving it a star ⭐. Thanks! 💖

rahulmraut profile image
Rahul Raut

Awesome work. Worth sharing on LinkedIn

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo

Thank you so much for the kind words

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Really helpful to getting started with DevOps career. Great resource!

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo

Thank you so much!

dk189 profile image
Henry Tran

Oh, amazing resources. 💕

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo

Thank you @dk189 for your feedback!

jwilliamsr profile image
Jesse Williams

Name: KitOps
Repository on github: Link
Short Description: Kit is an open source MLOps tool that packages AI projects into an OCI-compatible file type. Our goal is to help developers get their AI projects to production faster by turning something like a Jupyter Notebook into a deployable artifact, without standing up an AI/ML specific pipeline.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Wow! it seems a great idea. Keep going i will love to see your updates!

jwilliamsr profile image
Jesse Williams


artem1458 profile image
Artem Korniev • Edited
  • Name: Clawject
  • Repository on github: Link
  • Short Description: Clawject is a full-stack, type-safe (really type safe), declarative Dependency Injection framework for TypeScript that is build for developers convenience. It's built to avoid boilerplate unsafe code as much as possible.

GitHub logo clawject / clawject

TypeScript dependency injection made easy

Introduction 🚀

Clawject is a full-stack, type-safe, declarative Dependency Injection framework for TypeScript Clawject designed to make dependency injection and inversion of control in TypeScript as effortless clear and intuitive as possible. It allows defining class dependencies in a declarative way, without the need to use injection tokens or any other boilerplate, especially when it comes to interfaces and generics.

Check out Clawject website for more details and installation guide.

npm_version license Conventional Commits

Code with clawject

interface IRepository<T> { /*...*/ }
class RepositoryImpl<T> implements IRepository<T> { /*...*/ }
class PrimitivesService {
    private stringRepository: IRepository<string>,
    private numberRepository: IRepository<number>,
    private booleanRepository: IRepository<boolean>,
  ) {}
class Application {
  stringRepository = Bean(RepositoryImpl<string>);
  numberRepository = Bean(RepositoryImpl<number
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

"really type safe" i loved it !! And i laughed a lot with this :)). I understand everything!
Thanks for sharing this valuable project.

empe profile image
Emil Pearce

Sounds like a game-changer for TypeScript developers! Making dependency injection both declarative and convenient is no small feat, and it's impressive to see such dedication to enhancing developer experience.

Looking forward to exploring its features and seeing how it can streamline our projects. Great job on building something truly developer-friendly!

And it might be very relevant for us! :)

artem1458 profile image
Artem Korniev

@empe Hey, I'm really glad that you're find this project interesting! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

stefanwerfling profile image
Stefan Werfling

Name: FlyingFish
Repository on GitHub: Link
Short Description: FlyingFish is a reverse proxy manager with own WebUI, DNS server, SSH server, DynDNS, UPNP support, Lets Encrypt and much more.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

I really love the concept of your project. I will show this to my CTO he would love to work with this software. You gain a shout out man!
PS: love the flying fish mascotte

punitsonime profile image
Punit Soni

Name: react-helper-hooks
Repository on github:
Short Description: Collection of hooks which developers can use in their projects and save time of writing them from scratch

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks for sharing your project with us!

ujjwall-r profile image
Ujjwal Raj • Edited
  • Name: Dree (terminal based file manager)
  • Repository on Github:
  • Short Description: One single package for visualization, debugging, and exploration of folder hierarchies. Dree is being developed into terminal based file manager(written in C++). Setup Dree on your mac or linux device and run dree [integer] -n to use it as a file manager.
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks for sharing this with us!

algot profile image

Where to start... I guess one of the most popular:

  • Name: Bybit SDK
  • Repository on github: bybit-api
  • Short Description: Complete SDK for Bybit's APIs and WebSockets (bybit is a crypto exchange).

At this point I have a growing number of public SDKs that are getting increasingly popular for a number of top exchanges. Some are private and haven't reached the public yet. Also sometimes release smaller tools to make the life of aspiring algo traders easier, such as the micro-utility for handling orderbook events (snapshots or deltas) for tracking a local orderbook in-memory:

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Great work my man!

venki91 profile image
  • Name: Errsole

  • Repository on GitHub:

  • Short Description: Errsole is a complete Node.js logger designed to collect, store, and visualize logs. A Node.js app using Errsole Logger can handle 90,000 more requests per minute than when using Elasticsearch and 70,000 more requests per minute than when using Amazon CloudWatch.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks! This project can help a lot of developers out there!

mirkoperillo profile image

Name: Resting
Repository: link
Description: Resting is a free software visual HTTP client browser extension.
The mission of Resting is to simplify the daily work of developer in debugging, testing and inspecting HTTP APIs.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks for sharing with us!

novoj profile image
Jan Novotný • Edited

Name: evitaDB
Repository on github:
Short Description: evitaDB is a specialized database with an easy-to-use API (gRPC, GraphQL, REST, native) for e-commerce systems. It is a low-latency NoSQL in-memory engine that handles all the complex tasks that e-commerce systems have to deal with on a daily basis (facet calculation, hierachies, prices, graph like fetching). evitaDB is expected to act as a fast secondary lookup/search index used by front stores.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks to sharing this with us!

vb64 profile image
Vitaly Bogomolov

Name: Markdown to pdf renderer
Repository on github: link
Short Description: The free, open source Python module markdown-pdf will create a PDF file from your markdown content.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Really useful!

apperside profile image

Repository on github:
Short Description: leverages Docker, AI, and TypeScript to enhance the creation of docker related files. With OpenAI integration, it allows interactive user inquiries and streamlines the creation of a working docker configuration for your project.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

This can help people navigate the docker compose difficulties! Great job

roger_pizzolato_8a3aec873 profile image
Roger Pizzolato

Name: NeuralNetBuilder
Repository on github: Link
Short Description: NeuralNetBuilder is a Learner-centric, open-source Playground tool. You can Mannualy tweak Various Parameters and see thier effect on a 2D graph. Completely self-hostable. All your Builds are beautifully displayed in an Easy to use Interface

salimcodes profile image
Salim Ọlánrewájú Oyinlọlá

Name: Beyond the Classroom
Check out here: Link
Short Description: Beyond the Classroom is no open source project but the idea is to tell stories of amazing Nigerian students doing amazing things with their tech careers in a bid to inspire others.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Great idea. Maybe is not Code, but i think youtube content creators like you are "Kinda Open Source" because they give value for free.

sethsandaru profile image
Seth Phat

ShipSaaS's Repositories some awesome Laravel libs for you guys 😉

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks for sharing with us!

edwinkys profile image
Edwin Kys

Name: OasysDB
Repository on github: OasysDB
Short Description: OasysDB is a hybrid vector database with configurable SQL storage and vector indexing layer. With multi-index support, OasysDB is flexible enough to support multi-modality in modern generative AI applications.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Great project here!

kennyvaneetvelde profile image
Kenny Vaneetvelde

Name: Atomic Agents
Repository on GitHub: Link
Short Description: Atomic Agents is a highly modular, developer centric, open-source framework for creating agentic AI pipelines and applications without magic or hidden abstraction. Designed for flexibility and ease of use, it supports building complex AI systems through reusable components. Key features include customizable system prompts, schema-based input/output validation, and Context Providers for dynamic runtime data injection. The framework is fully self-hostable, providing control, predictability, and scalability, with business-oriented applications such as intelligent assistants and automated workflows in mind. It also has a CLI inspire by ShadCN and the like to download tools over which you'll have full code ownership, maximizing developer experience.

vrudas profile image
Vasya Rudas

Name: Spring Framework Examples
Repository on GitHub: Link
Short Description: An educational project with Spring Framework examples. Used for lectures at courses.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

It seems pretty simple to start with Spring with your examples. Great!

maurobonfietti profile image
Mauro Bonfietti

Hey Hi Antonio,

I built a collection of remote job opportunities from around the world 🌎.

Let me share the GitHub link:

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

This is amazing. Are you updating this repository in real time?

maurobonfietti profile image
Mauro Bonfietti

It's updated once a day (around ~11 am 🇦🇷 Arg time)

chanity profile image
Trang Pham Quynh

Name: 𝐀𝐈 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐭
Repository on github:
Short Description: Create tailored AI tools that fit your unique needs and group them all in one hub. So you can centralize all your tools, share with friends, or monetize them.

If you guys like it, go give it a star on GitHub. Excited to hear your thoughts about this 😊

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

It seems a great project my man! Great job and keep working!

ra_jeeves profile image
Rajeev R. Sharma

Name: Name-Insights
Repository on github: Link
Short Description: It is a small 3-in-1 tool for evaluating domain names, comparing two names and get name ideas based on the app purpose. It evaluates and scores the names across 6 different aspects, thereby giving you more context and the rationale behind. Powered by Claude 3.5 Sonnet it is definitely better than getting name suggestions from an AI directly.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at


best_codes profile image
Best Codes • Edited

Image description

  • Name: Codequill
  • Repo:
  • Description: CodeQuill is a web-based code editor designed to offer a free, easy, and efficient way to organize, store, edit, and share code snippets directly from your device. Whether you're working on personal projects or simply storing snippets for future reference, CodeQuill provides a seamless experience for managing your code.
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Great! Thanks for sharing with us!

leew profile image
Wei Lee
  • Name: commitizen
  • Repository on github: commitizen
  • Short Description: Create committing rules for projects 🚀 auto bump versions ⬆️ and auto changelog generation 📂
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Wow this i will try for sure! Seems a very well thoughts CLI experience. Thanks for sharing!

yashksaini profile image
Yash Kumar Saini
  • Name: Chatterbox
  • Repository on Github: Link
  • Short Description: Chatterbox is a real time flask based chat application. which allows its user to chat real time, display user status, AI integrated chatbot features which uses Google Gemini API key.
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Is pretty cool! Thanks for sharing with us!

mimopotato profile image

Name: funcml
Repository on GitHub: funcml-core
Short description: funcml is a library (funcml-core) and CLI (funcml-cli) that implements mutation functions in YAML and JSON files, allowing you to merge dictionaries, concatenate items, calculate results, use variables... It's part of a drive to create an alternative to Helm for Kubernetes.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Keep your great work up my man!

kerkg profile image
  • name: multicellular
  • repository: multicellular
  • short description: multicellular (mlcl for short) is a game-making framework for Python and built with Python. At its core, mlcl utilizes turtle module to control and manipulate the pixels of your window pixels precisely. Also by utilizing an intermediate representation for images (pargf), mlcl lets you manipulate and create them using the game engine. Im currently building it but at worst in a few months, ıll release the alpha version. Ah also you'll have a built-in task manager
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Keep up the good work!

ezpieco profile image

More people need to see this! This is where every new thing open-source should get a chance to be introduced and help gain traction!

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks my man i will host this post once in a while so everybody of us can find great project out there. This is the magic of Open Source. I want to say thanks to everybody.

jigordev profile image
J. Igor Melo

Maia It is a micro framework under development for the nim language that uses the httpbeast library.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Nim i never listened before i will read something :) .

jigordev profile image
J. Igor Melo

I dedicated time to this language and would like to see the community grow

delverdl profile image
Delver René Domingo Lara

Name: Qt components.
GitHub repo: link.
Short description: Qt set of components to use in various applications from desktop to embedded, including mobile and Emscripten.

imduchuyyy profile image
imduchuyyy 🐬

Abstraction Wallet SDK Connect WebApp to the powerful wallet in Web3 industry

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks for sharing your project within this post!

jamalianpour profile image
Mohammad Jamalianpour
  • Name: Open Dev
  • Repository on github: Link
  • Short Description: Open Dev is a free and open-source assistant designed to make coding easier. Built with Flutter, Open Dev provides a suite of tools for developers to enhance their productivity and streamline their workflows. From parsing JSON to generating secure passwords, Open Dev offers a comprehensive set of utilities akin to those found in DevUtils and DevToys.
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Really useful!

ahx profile image
Andreas Haller • Edited


  • Name: openapi_first
  • Repository on Github:
  • Short Description: It's a Ruby library to support your API first / Design first workflow. You write your OpenAPI API description first (and discuss it with stakeholders) than you give it to openapi_first plus your Ruby/rack web framework of choice (Sinatra, Rails, Roda) and you get request validation just as described in your API description, plus response validation to make sure your implementation matches your API description.
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

I can see the potential here. Keep up the great work!

rahman_karim profile image
Rahman Karim

Name: TrendHive
Repository on GitHub:
Short Description: TrendHive is a multitude of static pages dedicated to the latest trends, clothing collections, and style inspirations. Crafted with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap (FrameWork)

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

We are building an open source {free} Postman alternative: Hoppscotch - API request builder for web.

GitHub logo hoppscotch / hoppscotch

Open source API development ecosystem - (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

I really love it! An amazing project and people seems to understand. Yo uguys are doing so great!

adi73 profile image

Name: golly
Repository on GitHub: golly
Short Description: Golly is a collection of reusable common utilities for the Go programming language. It aims to simplify Go development by providing essential tools and libraries, making it easier for developers to build robust and efficient applications.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

I love to see the GO community grows!

nicolasomar profile image
Nicolás Omar González Passerino
  • Name: Reactive-Bulma.
  • Repository on github: Link.
  • Short Description: React/Typescript-based themed library based on CSS-only library Bulma.
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Wow really handy!

lucaargentieri profile image
Luca Argentieri


Lightweight, customizable, and easy-to-implement vue video player.

The next step is do some refactor and provide a better preview

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

This is so handy. Thanks for sharing Luca (è bello avere un'altro italiano sulla piattaforma)

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

GitHub logo bobbyiliev / introduction-to-bash-scripting

Free Introduction to Bash Scripting eBook

💡 Introduction to Bash Scripting

This is an open-source introduction to Bash scripting guide/ebook that will help you learn the basics of Bash scripting and start writing awesome Bash scripts that will help you automate your daily SysOps, DevOps, and Dev tasks. No matter if you are a DevOps/SysOps engineer, developer, or just a Linux enthusiast, you can use Bash scripts to combine different Linux commands and automate boring and repetitive daily tasks, so that you can focus on more productive and fun things.

The guide is suitable for anyone working as a developer, system administrator, or a DevOps engineer and wants to learn the basics of Bash scripting.

🚀 Download

To download a copy of the ebook use one of the following links:

📘 Chapters

The first 13 chapters would be purely focused on getting some solid Bash scripting foundations then the rest of…

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Amazing knowledge sharing right here. Thanks a lot!

ezpieco profile image

That's a nice ebook you wrote.

kiraaziz profile image

animated portfolio

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Just a tip! Let us know in the readme file how the hosted portfolio looks like! Put an image to showcase. Thanks for sharing

kiraaziz profile image

Just clone it and link it to vercel and that it a it's a simple react app. Or if you like have other one

Thread Thread
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Is always a good practice to show the look and feel before asking to somebody to host your solution. Just a tip man. Great work btw is a cool style.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

That looks really cool, I love the vibe 😁👍

sigoloh profile image
Augusto Sigolo

Name: Abaporu Lang
Description: A simple turing complete language that thakes Hex Colors and use then to perform operations

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Keep up the good work!

thiagodella profile image
Thiago Della Libera Moreira

Respeitei, meu bom! Haha!

ccbhj profile image

Name: gendsl
Repository on github: gendsl
Short Description: gendsl is a golang framework that helps you define your own DSL(Domain Specified Language) without accessing any lexer or parser. You can not only define your own function using golang but also manipulate the abstract syntax tree and create macros with the 'if', 'switch' semantic.

growupanand profile image
  • Name: ConvoForm
  • Repository on github: Link
  • Short Description: Imagine Google Forms, but supercharged with AI for creating conversational forms easy. I started this project as a learning exercise, and I made an effort to employ best practices and the most recent stack to create a well-structured repository.
adamlui profile image
Adam Lui • Edited
  • Name: AmazonGPT
  • Repository on GitHub: Link
  • Short Description: Add AI to Amazon shopping

trapajim profile image

Name: testpilot
Repository on github: Link
Short Description: testpilot is a http testing library for go projects to create test plans and simplify re-using responses in follow up requests

empe profile image
Emil Pearce

What a fantastic initiative!

  • Name: Novu
  • Repository on GitHub: Link
  • Short Description: Novu is an open-source notification infrastructure that simplifies sending notifications across InApp, email, SMS, chat (Discord, Slack, WhatsApp), and push channels using a unified API, and allows building workflows with code.

The main goal is to provide developers with a simple and straightforward way to build and maintain notification workflows using code, while offering a user-friendly UI for non-developers to easily modify notification content.

This visual should help understand it a bit more:
Image description

stsrki profile image
Mladen Macanović
  • Name: Blazorise
  • Repository on GitHub:
  • Short Description: Blazorise is an open-source component library for Blazor that provides a wide range of UI components compatible with popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Fluent, and Material. It simplifies web development by offering pre-built components and responsive design, allowing developers to create modern web applications using C#.
m4rcoperuano profile image
Marco Ledesma
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Great laravel project!

mateusarcedev profile image
Mateus Arce

Name: DevLinks
Repository on github: DevLinks
Short Description: DevLinks is a hub of tools for programmers.

Translate to english in progress...

Visit DevLinks

i-like-databases profile image

Checkout our pdf segmentation model on hugging face deformable-detr-DocLayNet

Our open source model is Deformable DETR trained on the DocLayNet dataset. It can currently identify images, captions, tables and other elements of your pdf and spits them out as bounding boxes and labels in a JSON object. You can also try it out here as a service.

asmyshlyaev177 profile image

Description: small library to share user data between components and sync with URL, mainly for Next.js. Can open an issue if you need more features.

burhanrashid52 profile image
Burhanuddin Rashid


An android Photo Editor library with simple, easy support for image editing using paints, text, filters, emoji, and stickers like Instagram stories.

tiffengineer profile image
  • Name: Tifflabs Homelab Config
  • Repository on GitHub: link
  • Short description: I am starting to work for myself, doing DevOps work and trying to build a community around homelabs. This repo is documentation as code for my current homelab setup.

Image description

GitHub Release Mastodon Follow GitHub Sponsors Gitea Issues

Table of Contents

The Purpose of this repo

The purpose of this repo, as of today, is to document my homelab and network. From here, the scripts, Dockerfiles, Docker Compose files, and markdown files will be imported into my wiki of choice, Wiki.js. From there, I will update my diagrams to explain which devices are on what subnet and the switches each device is connected to.

If you would like more information about documenting your homelab/network setup, there are some excellent resources listed at the end of this README.

Introduction: What is a "home lab"?

A home lab is basically an over-engineered home networking setup for uber nerds. You can…

prathamjagga profile image
Pratham Jagga
  • Automarket
  • Is a Web Platform to design and execute automation workflows, workflows are composed of atomic actions like ask chatgpt, send email, write to google sheet, etc.
  • Link: Automarket - Github
harimanok profile image
Hari Lamichhane

Name: Animata
Repository on github: Link
Short Description: Animated and interactive React components built using TailwindCSS, TypeScript, and framer-motion.

max529 profile image
Maxime Bétrisey

Name: AventusJS
Repository on github: Link
Website: Link
Short Description: AventusJS is a JavaScript framework designed for building web applications using Object-Oriented Programming. It leverages Web Components to ensure encapsulation, promoting modular code that's independent of other frameworks. With AventusJS, developers can create robust and maintainable applications while avoiding the complexities of integrating with external libraries.

fonteeboa profile image
João Victor

Name: React Starter
Repository on github: Link
Short Description: React Starter is a boilerplate project designed to help you quickly set up a React application with a customizable folder structure, TypeScript support, and pre-configured testing setup using Jest and React Testing Library. This project aims to simplify the initial setup process and provide a robust foundation for building React applications.

fonteeboa profile image
João Victor • Edited

Name: Log Guardian
Repository on github: Link
Short Description: Log Guardian is a library developed to standardize and manage logs efficiently and in an organized manner in systems.

nmeylan profile image
Nicolas • Edited
  • Name: json-table-editor
  • Repository:
  • Short description: A tool to provide a table representation of json array, to ease visualisation and edition of large json array with performance as main objective
litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Pretty good tool! Thanks for sharing!

thomastno profile image
Thomas Rooijakkers
  • Name: WuppieFuzz
  • Repository on github: Link
  • Short Description: a coverage-guided REST API fuzzer developed on top of LibAFL, targeting a wide audience of end-users, with a strong focus on ease-of-use, explainability of the discovered flaws and modularity. WuppieFuzz supports all three settings of testing (black box, grey box and white box).
brenopms profile image
Breno Silva

A control systems library written in typescript for all the engineers out there

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks for sharing this with us!

rebeccapeltz profile image
Rebeccca Peltz

link-reveal is a chrome v3 extension for helping to predict phishing attempts on a web page

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Thanks for sharing!

happer64bit profile image
Wint Khant Lin

Name: Hyperscript
Repository on GitHub: Here
Short Description: HTTP testing with YAML/YML configuration syntax written in Python.

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mohamed karim

Thank for sharing

clouddragonlee profile image
  1. name: DatalinkX
  2. Github link:
  3. Data synchronization between different data sources, supporting both streaming and streaming data sources
koral profile image
Karol Wrótniak

Name: android-gif-drawable
Repository on github: Link
Short Description: Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs on Android

sevensolutions profile image
Daniel Peinhopf • Edited
  • Name: Nomad IIS Plugin
  • Repository on github: Link
  • Short Description: A TaskDriver plugin for HashiCorp Nomad to run IIS workloads.
hunghg255 profile image
Hung Hoang

Name: Reactjs Tiptap Editor
Repository on github: reactjs-tiptap-editor-playground.v...
Short Description: A modern WYSIWYG rich text editor based on tiptap and shadcn ui for Reactjs