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Athreya aka Maneshwar
Athreya aka Maneshwar

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Two-Day Razorpay Integration for Seamless Payments 🚀

Integrating Razorpay into your application might sound intimidating, but guess what?

You can get it done in just two days! Razorpay's smooth workflow and intuitive APIs make payment integration a breeze.

In this blog, we’ll dive into how the integration works and the flow behind it. Let’s make your application payment-ready in no time. 💸

Why Razorpay? 🤔

Razorpay offers a robust, developer-friendly payment gateway that supports multiple payment methods, from UPI to net banking.

It’s perfect for modern applications that want to scale fast and offer a seamless user experience.

Installation 🛠️

Start by installing the Razorpay package in your backend:

npm install razorpay
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This package provides the tools needed to interact with Razorpay APIs.

The Flow 🌊

Here’s how it all works:

Step 1: Frontend Hits Backend for an Order API

Your frontend starts by making a call to your backend to create a new order.

Razorpay requires an order to be created before processing a payment.

Step 2: Backend Hits Razorpay’s Order API

The backend calls Razorpay’s Order API with the order details (amount, currency, etc.) and gets an order_id in response.

Here's a simple example of how you can set this up:

import Razorpay from 'razorpay';

export const razorPayInstance = new Razorpay({
  key_id: process.env.RAZOR_PAY_KEY_ID!,
  key_secret: process.env.RAZOR_PAY_KEY_SECRET!,

// Function to create an order
export const createOrder = async (orderData) => {
  try {
    const order = await razorPayInstance.orders.create(orderData);
    return order; // This contains the order ID
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error creating Razorpay order:', error);
    throw new Error('Failed to create order');

// Function to verify a payment
export const verifyPayment = async (paymentId) => {
  try {
    const payment = await razorPayInstance.payments.fetch(paymentId);
    return payment;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error verifying payment:', error);
    throw new Error('Failed to verify payment');
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The backend returns the order_id to the frontend.

Step 3: Frontend Does the Checkout

Here’s where the magic happens! Razorpay provides a neat JavaScript library that handles the entire checkout flow.

Here’s a sample HTML code snippet for the frontend:

<button id="rzp-button1" class="btn btn-outline-dark btn-lg">
  <i class="fas fa-money-bill"></i> Own Checkout
<script src=""></script>
  var options = {
    key: 'rzp_test_asdfW2Nb', // Replace with your Key ID from Razorpay Dashboard
    order_id: 'order_Pmt1nNrwwjYttK', // Order ID from your backend
    currency: 'INR',
    description: 'Acme Corp',
    image: '',
    prefill: {
      email: '',
      contact: 9620107401,
    method: {
      upi: true,
      card: false,
      netbanking: false,
      wallet: false,
      emi: false,
    handler: function (response) {
      alert('Payment ID: ' + response.razorpay_payment_id);
    modal: {
      ondismiss: function () {
        if (confirm('Are you sure you want to close the form?')) {
          console.log('Checkout form closed by the user');
        } else {
          console.log('Complete the payment to proceed.');
  var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options);
  document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function (e) {;
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When the user completes the payment, Razorpay’s checkout returns a payment_id to the frontend.

Step 5: Backend Verifies the Payment

The frontend sends the payment_id to the backend. The backend uses Razorpay’s Payment API to verify the payment details and ensure it was successful.

await razorPayInstance.payments.fetch(paymentId);
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What If the Payment ID Is Missing? 🤷‍♂️

Great question! Payments can fail, or the frontend might not send the payment_id.

Don’t worry; Razorpay’s got your back with webhooks.

Webhook Setup:

Razorpay can notify your backend directly about payment events (like successful payments).

Just configure a webhook in the Razorpay Dashboard, and your backend will always stay updated, ensuring reliability in any scenario.

Wrapping Up 🎁

Razorpay’s integration flow is simple yet powerful:

  1. Frontend requests an order.
  2. Backend creates the order with Razorpay.
  3. Frontend completes the payment using Razorpay’s checkout.
  4. Backend verifies the payment.

Bonus: Webhooks ensure you don’t miss any payment notifications!

With just two days of effort, you can integrate Razorpay and start accepting payments like a pro. Happy coding! 😊

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What’s Next?

Start experimenting with Razorpay APIs today, and let me know if you have questions or hit any roadblocks.

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