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Solace Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Solace Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

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Top 7 Micro Front-end Frameworks That You Should Know

The idea of micro front-ends is to break down the frontend monolith into smaller, manageable parts. Every team can own its features end-to-end, work in their codebase, independently release versions, continuously deliver small incremental upgrades, and also integrate with other teams through APIs so that they can compose and manage pages and apps together. There are lots of approaches to micro front-ends, from smart build-time integrations of components to run-time integrations using custom routers. Here we have curated some of the best tools to build micro frontends. Before digging into the micro front end frameworks, let us see, what is micro front-end?

What Is Micro Front-end?

Micro front-end means approaching front-end development process of web apps with concept of microservices. Till now, the prevalent practice was to use microservices architecture as a foundation on which feature-rich apps can be built. So, the applications developed were called as frontend monolith. Disadvantage of this approach was that the architecture became a part of the app over time. It is developed separately, so maintenance is a challenge.

Micro front-end solves this issue. It’s approach is based in the concept that a web application is a compilation of independent features which can be developed by various teams and them combined to create a homogenous interface. Micro front-end architecture provides a cross-functional approach where various teams with different specializations develop end-to-end features from database to user interface. The subsequent app is less massive and more friendly.

The app is split according to the business domains across the stack. So developers can avail the same velocity and flexibility as backend teams have while working with Microservices architecture. Let us see top 7 micro frontend frameworks.

Top 7 Micro Front-end Frameworks-

1. Module Federation-
It is a Javascript architecture which allows you to develop multiple separate builds without any codependency. Together they form a single application like, piece of jigsaw.

This tool benefits the runtime approach and allows Javascript to dynamically import code from other apps. This prompts the creation of Javascript entry file which is available for download to other apps though webpack configuration. Module federation is most effective tools for countering the code dependency problem and so enables bundle size expansion through dependency sharing.

2. Bit-
Bit CLI is a popular tool for component-driven development. With Bit, you can build, integrate and compose independent components together. It lets developers efficiently compose frontends in build-time to enjoy best of safety and robustness of “traditional monoliths” and the simplicity and scalability of micro frontends.

By using Bit, different teams can build, publish and expose their components independently, while working together with different teams to turn the web development process into modular composition of features and components. Also, to OSS tools for components-driven development, Bit provides a cloud platforms for teams to build changes and collaborate on components together so that development can be managed efficiently and scaled while keeping all teams completely independent to deliver autonomously.

Bit also provides a unique CI/CD process to ensure each frontend gets its own independent and fast process, means different teams can integrate changes safely without having to wait, or break anything. Programmers can continuously and safely propagate changes to components across all impacted apps. Subsequently, workflow is improved with simple decoupled codebases, autonomous teams, small well defined APIs, independent release pipelines and constant incremental upgrades.

3. Single SPA-
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