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Lucian Green
Lucian Green

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Immortality (and the Problem of Overpopulation)


The Quantum Box is a futuristic set of technologies that allows moving, healing, and testing of dimensions.

The quantum box (a meditation concept) allows one to travel to a time that will enable one to enter a simulation and become immortal. This article explains how to become and possibly lock the external appearance of an immortal and prevent individual threats of death, which is urgent and needs to be done by the individual on the same day as dying or someone else before it on the same day. I discovered this after “waiting” after writing pedagogical arguments about Pedagogical Breasonings, Text to Breasonings, Meditation, Medicine, Mind Reading and Time Travel.

To become immortal, you can dot on the co-op’s planned 16k (sentence) breasonings for meditation and 16k breasonings for anti-ageing medicine for the day in your home time each day without time travelling with two radio buttons (one by one by 0.5 cm for a radio button). Don’t forget to lock off ageing (to other people) and keep this lock from being tampered with further 16k breasonings for each lock. The locks are done once. Tell others about this repository or dot the breasonings on for them each day with their consent to help them become immortal.

To prevent a meditator from appearing to die, apart from them not experiencing death, after installing Time Machine at the bottom of this page, enter:

cd Time_Machine
L = ['person a','person b'],length(L,N1),N is N1*80,cgpt_combophil(N).
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

where ['person a','person b'] is replaced with a list of meditators to watch.

This command breasons out an 80-breasoning high distinction for each meditator at midnight to prevent people from dying. I think it's best to run this script daily. Unfortunately, because of the time and money to run ChatGPT (et al.), it may take too long, and spot-checks may be necessary.

  • This is done for all meditators automatically at the end of Daily-Regimen/ and the much faster Daily-Regimen/, but running the script below once at the start covers all the meditators until midnight that night. (One doesn't need to run
cd Daily-Regimen
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • One MAY indicate 16k breasonings for each meditator at the start of each day and once on the first day before the co-op breasons them out instead of using this algorithm.

  • The full version of the professional requirement is breasoning out 80 sentence breasonings to prevent a moral end. In addition, one should originally write 80 sentence breasonings per week for maintenance.

  • The best way to originally write 80 sentence breasonings is to write a word to expand to 80 breasonings in Text-to-Breasonings/file.txt, then run:

cd Algorithm-Writer-with-Lists
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Then find the unique breasoning words in file.txt and expand them to a sentence about the original word.

In summary:

  • - This is the mainstay algorithm that can act as a mind-mapping tool to write sentence breasonings (and is much faster for people than sitting there thinking of inspiration, crossing sentences to words or trying to write a use (at the end), the algorithm description and three steps, which I aim for, without any computer science arguments as practice).
  • - This generates 80 sentence breasonings, as connections between previous breasonings and words, for a limited number of meditators. I prefer to write my breasonings for safety, developedness and publishability.
  • ./ - This breasons out 16k breasonings as duplicates of the 250 Quantum Box breasoning arguments for the rest of the meditators.
  • Indicate 16k (16000) breasonings to be breasoned out the following midnight done by the co-op when it does them. This technique assumes breasonings are unique because they contain the date in them. On the first day, one should think of 80 objects' two parts (Note 1) or x, y and z dimensions to protect oneself, which can also aim at each meditator until the co-op breasons the breasonings out.


  • In an emergency, breason out 80 old sentence breasonings with the date as part of each sentence to make them new. I would write 80 new sentence breasonings using GL, but inexperienced breasoners, the late and the busy, may prefer this. A sentence breasoning is any word (its object's x, y and z dimensions), NOT character breasoning from the sentence. As an alternative to thinking of objects' x, y and z dimension breasonings, one may think of the two parts (Note 1) that go well to make them up.
  • This is not currently necessary, but if the breasonings each required algorithms, then one could use Spec to Algorithm. Warning: do NOT program breasonings before the life-saving stage of writing or finding and breasoning them.
  • Note 1. Thinking of aphors' parts is supposed to lead to breasonings, not replace them. For help calculating x, y and z dimensions from length ratios and a length, please run Philosophy/
  • If the co-op has already breasoned out the breasonings for the day, think of both 80 objects' or x, y and z dimensions for up to midnight and midnight on the first day.

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