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Cover image for Unveiling PHP Library Development 101: from Basics to Advanced
Ahmad Ra'fat
Ahmad Ra'fat

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Unveiling PHP Library Development 101: from Basics to Advanced

🌟 Early Insights Alert: PHP Library Development 101 🌟

Hello, DEV Community!

I'm excited to offer an exclusive sneak peek into my upcoming book, PHP Library Development 101: From Basics to Advanced. With nearly a decade of working experience in PHP, I've distilled my learning and discoveries into this book to help others embark on their journey in building PHP libraries.

Why This Book?

This book is not just about understanding PHP libraries; it's a comprehensive guide aimed at shaping you into a proficient PHP developer. Whether you're just starting or are an experienced developer, this book is tailored to enhance your skills deepen your understanding of PHP library development, and put you on the right path in the PHP library development world.

What You'll Learn:

  • The foundational concepts of PHP libraries.
  • Advanced topics like Namespaces, Autoloading, Exceptions, and more.
  • Practical approaches to write reusable code and contribute to the open-source community.

My Learning Philosophy

I believe in learning by sharing and writing. This book embodies that philosophy, serving as a practical starting point for those looking to master PHP libraries and advanced PHP subjects.

Be Part of This Journey

As we approach the release of the book, I invite you to subscribe for exclusive early insights and chapter previews. Your feedback and participation would be invaluable to this journey.

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Happy Coding!

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