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Bring Your Website to Life with GSAP Animations πŸš€

Why Use GSAP?

If you want to add smooth, engaging animations to your website, GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is one of the best tools available. Unlike CSS animations, GSAP offers more control, better performance, and greater flexibility. Whether you're animating text, images, or entire sections, GSAP makes it easy and efficient.

Getting Started with GSAP

To start using GSAP, include it in your project. You can either use a CDN or install it via npm:

<script src=""></script>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

or install via npm:

npm install gsap
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now, let's animate something!

Simple GSAP Animation Example

Here’s a quick example of how to animate a heading using GSAP:

<h1 class="title">Welcome to My Website</h1>

<script>".title", { duration: 1.5, y: -20, opacity: 1, ease: "power2.out" });
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will make the heading fade in and slide up smoothly.

Creating Scroll-Based Animations

One of GSAP's coolest features is ScrollTrigger, which allows you to trigger animations as users scroll. Here’s how to animate an element when it enters the viewport:

<div class="box">Animate Me!</div>

<script src=""></script>

gsap.from(".box", {
  scrollTrigger: ".box",
  opacity: 0,
  y: 50,
  duration: 1,
  ease: "power2.out"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This makes the .box element fade in and slide up as it enters the viewport.

Staggered Animations for Lists

Want to animate multiple elements with a delay between them? Use GSAP’s stagger feature:

  <li class="item">Item 1</li>
  <li class="item">Item 2</li>
  <li class="item">Item 3</li>

gsap.from(".item", {
  opacity: 0,
  y: 20,
  duration: 1,
  stagger: 0.2, // Delays each item's animation by 0.2s
  ease: "power2.out"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Advanced: Parallax Effects

Want a parallax effect? Use ScrollTrigger to move elements at different speeds while scrolling:

<div class="parallax">Parallax Effect</div>

<script>".parallax", {
  scrollTrigger: {
    trigger: ".parallax",
    start: "top bottom",
    scrub: true,
  y: -200, // Moves up as you scroll down
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


GSAP is an incredibly powerful tool that can transform your website’s user experience. With smooth animations, scroll effects, and advanced control, it's the go-to library for creating dynamic websites. Try experimenting with different effects, and let me know what you build! πŸš€

Have you used GSAP before? Drop a comment below with your favorite animation tricks! 🎨

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