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Comparison between two frontend technologies: Vue js and React js


Frontend development, is the process of building the user interface and user experience of a website or web application using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It involves creating the client-side of a website or web app that the user interacts with. There are several JavaScript frameworks out there that can be used when building a website, for example; React, Vue, Angular, Ember js, Svelte. etc. Here, we'll be talking about vue js and React js



Vue.js is a progressive and flexible JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. Vue concept is basically around components, templates, Data, lifecycle hooks, methods and computed properties.


Here are some advantages of using Vue.js:

  1. Flexible and versatile: Vue can be used for small or large-scale applications, and can be integrated into existing projects.
  2. Reactive components: Vue's reactive components make it easy to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
  3. Strong ecosystem: Vue has a large and active community, with a wealth of libraries and tools available.
  4. High performance: Vue's virtual DOM and optimized rendering process make it fast and efficient.
  5. Easy integration with other libraries: Vue can be easily integrated with other libraries and frameworks, such as Vuex or pinia for state management and Vue Router for routing from one page to another.

  6. Large community: Vue has a large and active community, with many resources available, including documentation, tutorials, and forums.

  7. Easy to maintain: Vue's modular architecture and component-based structure make it easy to maintain and update applications.

  8. Support for server-side rendering: Vue can be used for server-side rendering, making it possible to build fast and SEO-friendly applications.

Use case

Vue js is used to build fast interactive web apps, it is also SEO friendly using server side rendering therefore it is useful in building blog and news website, companies like GitLab, Netflix, Adidas and Adobe use Vue for their web apps.



React JS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's used for creating reusable UI components and managing the state of a web application.It key features include Declarative programming to describe what to displayed in the UI, and also uses reusable components so that components can be reusable through out the app.


Here are some advantages of using React:

  1. Efficient updating: React only updates the parts of the UI that have changed, making it fast and efficient.
  2. Reusable components: Components can be easily reused throughout your application, reducing code duplication.
  3. Declarative programming: You describe what you want to see in your UI, and React takes care of the details.
  4. Easy to learn: React has a relatively low barrier to entry, especially for developers already familiar with JavaScript and HTML/CSS.
  5. Large community: React has a massive and active community, with many resources available, including documentation, tutorials, and libraries.
  6. Improved code reusability: Components can be easily shared and reused across different projects.
  7. Better code maintainability: React's modular architecture makes it easier to maintain and update code over time.
  8. Fast rendering: React's virtual DOM and optimized rendering process make it fast and efficient.
  9. Easy integration with other libraries: React can be easily integrated with other libraries and frameworks, such as Redux for state management.
  10. Constantly improving: React is constantly being improved and updated, with new features and tools being added regularly.

Use case

*React is suitable for a wide range of projects, including:

Social Media, E-commerce, News website, Blog Platforms, Productivity Tools like Trello, Mobile Apps: React Native for Android and iOS, Desktop Apps with Electron, Progressive Web Apps: Native app-like experiences on the web.


Below are some comparisons between Vue and React in terms of Learning Curve, Performance and Community support/ Ecosystem.

Learning Curve

Vue has a gentle learning curve and is considered beginner-friendly while React has a steeper learning curve than Vue, especially for developers who are new to JavaScript frameworks. Also, Vue’s template-based syntax is more similar to traditional HTML, making it easier for beginners to understand while React’s JSX syntax on the other hand combines JavaScript and HTML, which makes it challenging to grasp for beginners.


Both are fast and have similar performance metrics.

  • Re-rendering:
    • React: Re-renders entire component sub-tree on state change
    • Vue: Automatically tracks dependencies, only re-renders necessary components
  • Optimization:
    • React: Requires manual techniques (PureComponent, shouldComponentUpdate)
    • Vue: Automatic dependency tracking and optimization
  • Virtual DOM:
    • React: More lightweight and efficient
    • Vue: Less efficient, but still effective
  • Server-side Rendering:
    • React: More mature and widely adopted
    • Vue: Less established, but still viable

Community support/ Ecosystem

  • React has a larger community and a more well-established ecosystem than Vue, with 216k stars on GitHub compared to Vue's 40.6k stars
  • React's ecosystem offers a wider range of open-source third-party libraries and tools, although Vue's ecosystem is smaller than React's but it has some great packages worth checking out

In conclusion, considering my personal experience with this two frameworks, I feel they are great tools and will give great results if properly used following their best practices by a developer.

Thanks for reading.

This is my first task for HNG 11 internship,
learn more about HNG internship here: HNG internship Website
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