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Can't get engineering interviews? Try the side door.

Lynne Tye on July 03, 2018

If you're applying for new engineering jobs and are struggling to get your foot in the door, consider looking for other ways in. Imagine a big cro...
joelbennett profile image
Joel Bennett

I'll throw another one out there: go to conferences and product launches. I landed my first real job because I went to a Microsoft sponsored product launch/conference. I sat down next to some folks, started chatting with them, and low-and-behold, they were looking to hire!

It's amazing how powerful even a small social network can be. Sometimes not everyone you have on social media knows you are looking for a new position. Even a simple shout-out can raise awareness.

lynnetye profile image
Lynne Tye

Yes!!! These are such great examples. What made you go to that Microsoft sponsored product launch/conference? Were you going w/ the intention of networking and potentially finding job opportunities?

Ps. Maybe I should compile all of the other "side doors" that I failed to include in my first post πŸ€” If I do, can I quote you?

joelbennett profile image
Joel Bennett

For that particular conference, I was really looking for networking opportunities. I was about to graduate, and desperately wanted to find a job working with .Net.

For other conferences (e.g.: Rock the Launch back in 2005), it was all about getting free software. As a student, having a full copy of Visual Studio and SQL Server with a full legit license was mind blowing. It was like $2300 worth of software, just for going to a one day product launch!

You are totally welcome to quote me!

0x8c profile image

I can't go to any conferences. Can't afford to. I also live in a small town in Pennsylvania now so meetups aren't really feasible. I'm happy you have the small side door on Key Values. This really helps people who wouldn't ordinarily be able to do some of the other stuff you mentioned.

Twitter is a big way to get seen and connect if you can't do it in person. I've met a lot of folks on there that have been really helpful.

This post hit at the right time for me. Thanks for writing it!

lynnetye profile image
Lynne Tye • Edited

I just looked it up! July 8th, 2015 (almost exactly 3 years ago today). Alex tweeted this out (see below). I wasn't even on Twitter yet, but a friend gchatted me the link, and helped me (the noob) compose the perfect response (jk, as you can see πŸ˜‚).

What's so funny is that Felipe, Alex, and I all worked on a Learnivore together in 2015. I didn't realize until literally just now that he had also responded to this tweet. I guess that's how they got in touch, too!

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

+1 for Twitter!

I only became active once I started learning programming and the community has been amazing! I made so many friends and learn new things every day.

iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

I’ve never been much for social media, so I’m still trying to figure it out.

iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

I’ve been trying to figure out how to get a job at a startup. I’ll give some of these a try and let you know how they work!

lynnetye profile image
Lynne Tye

Please do! Let me/us know how we can help It sounds like there are lots of other side doors that I didn't know about about, and some of those might be more helpful to you.

jenc profile image
Jen Chan


lynnetye profile image
Lynne Tye


molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

I LOVE all of this!!!! Great post

PS So happy to find another MIT 10 here 😊

lynnetye profile image
Lynne Tye

You're an MIT 10, too?! I love it! (And I'm always so surprised when I meet other 10's that I haven't met before!)