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Ayobami Ajayi
Ayobami Ajayi

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Redux vs React’s useReducer

I recently got accepted into the rigorous HNG internship program. And my first task was to write technical article comparing any two react technologies. So walk with me.

When building complex React applications, managing state can become quite challenging. To tackle this, developers often turn to state management solutions like Redux or React's built-in useReducer hook. Both tools serve to manage state, but they have different use cases and advantages. Let's break them down to see how they compare.

What is Redux?

Redux is a powerful state management library often used in larger React applications. It centralizes the application's state in a single store, making it easier to manage and debug. Redux works with actions and reducers:

actions describe what happened, and reducers specify how the state changes in response to those actions.

Redux comes with a few benefits:

  1. Predictable State: Since the state is centralized and updated via pure functions (reducers), it becomes more predictable and easier to debug.
  2. Middleware: Redux has a robust middleware system, allowing for handling asynchronous actions, logging, and other side effects.
  3. DevTools: The Redux DevTools Extension is a fantastic way to visualize and debug state changes in real-time.

However, Redux can also feel like overkill for smaller projects due to its boilerplate and the need to set up actions, reducers, and the store.

What is useReducer?

On the other hand, useReducer is a hook provided by React that offers a simpler way to manage state within a single component or a small tree of components. It follows the same reducer pattern as Redux but is limited to local component state.

Key points about useReducer include:

  1. Simplicity: useReducer is part of React itself, so there's no need to install additional libraries or set up extra configurations.
  2. Local State Management: It's perfect for managing state that's localized to a particular component or a small set of components, reducing the need for prop drilling.
  3. Familiar API: If you're already familiar with Redux, the useReducer pattern will feel very similar since it also uses actions and reducers.

Comparing Redux and useReducer

  1. Scope and Complexity:
    • Redux is designed for larger applications where state management needs to be centralized and shared across many components. It shines in complex applications where state needs to be accessed and modified in multiple places.
    • useReducer is more suitable for smaller, more isolated pieces of state within a component or a close-knit group of components. It doesn't require the same level of setup as Redux.
  2. Boilerplate:
    • Redux comes with a lot of boilerplate. You need to define actions, action creators, reducers, and the store. While this can be cumbersome, it also brings structure to large applications.
    • useReducer is straightforward. You define a reducer and use the dispatch function to trigger state changes, all within the component where the state is needed.
  3. Middleware and Ecosystem:
    • Redux has a rich ecosystem with middleware for handling asynchronous actions (redux-thunk, redux-saga), logging, and more. This makes it very powerful for complex state management scenarios.
    • useReducer doesn't have built-in middleware, but you can still handle asynchronous logic using hooks like useEffect.
  4. Tooling:
    • Redux offers excellent tooling support through the Redux DevTools, which can significantly enhance the development and debugging experience.
    • useReducer doesn't have specific tooling, but you can still use React DevTools to inspect state and props

When to Use Which?

  • Use Redux if:
    • Your application has a large, complex state that needs to be shared across many components.
    • You need powerful middleware for handling side effects.
    • You want advanced debugging and state management tools.
  • Use useReducer if:
    • You're managing state within a single component or a small tree of components.
    • You prefer simplicity and less boilerplate.
    • Your state management needs are relatively straightforward and don’t require the full power of Redux.


Both Redux and useReducer have their places in the React ecosystem. Redux is great for large-scale state management with complex requirements, while useReducer excels in simplicity and is perfect for local component state. Choosing the right tool depends on the specific needs of your application and the complexity of the state you need to manage.

Now, if you’re a tech newbie or just someone interested in growing their skills, I’d advise you to join us in the HNG internship. Here, you’ll be challenged to make critical decisions like the one discussed above to provide solutions to real-world problems while also growing your teamwork skills. At the end of it, you’ll receive a recognized certificate that you can place in your CV. So, if you’re in for a little challenge, I’ll be expecting you.

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