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PyQt5 tutorial

1 Install PyQt5
1.1 Using pip
1.2 Using source (On Linux)
1.3 Using source (On Windows)
2 Install PyQt5 designer
2.1 Where is PyQt5 designer?
3 How to use PyQt5 designer
4 Difference between QDialog, QMainWindow, and QWidget
5 Load .ui VS convert .ui to .py
5.1 Loading the .ui file in your Python code
5.2 Converting the .ui file to a .py file using pyuic5
6 QLabel widget
6.1 Change Font
6.2 Change size
6.3 Change text
7 QLineEdit widget
7.1 The setStyleSheet() method
8 QPushButton Widget
9 Visual signal/slot editor
10 How to emit a signal
10.1 How to use a signal
11 QComboBox widget
11.1 Get all items
11.2 Select an item
12 QTableWidget
12.1 Clear QtableWidget content
12.2 Populate QTableWidget by code
12.3 Make QTableWidget not editable (read-only)
12.4 Set QTableWidget column (header) name
12.5 How to sort QTableWidget
12.6 Add QComboBox in QTableWidget

I hope you like the tutorial.
Best Regards,

Top comments (8)

themainframech profile image
The Mainframe

Hey, thanks for sharing this tutorial - super helpful. Just out of interest, what are your thoughts on how PyQT5 compares to pygobject?

macnux profile image

To be honest, I never used PyGObject.
I loved PyQt5 because of the GUI builder without writing a line of code :).

themainframech profile image
The Mainframe

Is it common for developers to use a GUI builder to develop software?

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macnux profile image

It's very handy in big projects.

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themainframech profile image
The Mainframe

Doesn't seem like good practice to me purely because other developers were shunned when I said I was considering the idea myself.

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macnux profile image

Try them yourself and you are the only judge.

lewismachilika profile image


lewismachilika profile image

Thank you a lot