Hey folks, very quick blog here, as I'm trying to figure out why my UI isn't updating correctly. I've managed to successfully call Serverpod from my Editor to create new rows in the database for Worlds, Realms and Zones - each just being a name and a description with Worlds supporting a relation to a list of realms, and the Realms in turn supporting a relation to a list of zones.
I'm currently trying to make my UI grab the first zone, of the first realm, of the first world by default, but there's a lot of Futures and awaiting going on, and I haven't quite figured out what's not working. That's it for the update tonight, as I want to see if I can try and make some more progress before I have to go to bed.
Cheers for reading!
I got all the things figured out the and my UI is working properly. Yay!
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