Jest is great at mocking imports in javascript/typescript, but I find it very hard to remember implementation specifics.
Functions and objects need to be mocked in different ways, default exports are mocked subtly differently to named exports, and Jest doesn't work particularly well with typescript. Combine all these things and it can be hard to work out, or even search for, the correct approach for your mocking scenario.
I have created this guide to answer the question "How do I mock my import?" no matter what that import might be. Default or named, function or object.
My Environment
I have tested all of these approaches using the following versions of software:
node v22.11.0
jest v29.7.0
ts-jest v29.2.5
@types/jest v29.5.14
And with a default, minimal jest.config.js
export default {
testEnvironment: 'node',
transform: {
'^.+.tsx?$': ['ts-jest', {}],
testMatch: ['**/*.test.ts'],
Mocking Imports
Broadly common imports fall into two categories that we might want to mock:
- functions
- objects
We will tackle them both in turn, starting with functions.
Importing functions
Functions exported from modules can be named or default. We will look at both. First:
Mocking a named exported function from a module
This should be used to mock a named exported function from a module, something like this:
// ./path/to/module.ts
export function doSomething(...) {
It can be mocked like so:
import { doSomething } from './path/to/module';
// note: This should be the path to the module from the test file,
// NOT from the module that contains the doSomething function itself.
jest.mock('./path/to/module', () => ({
doSomething: jest.fn(),
it('should do something', () => {
// We need to assert that the function is a jest.Mock
// so that typescript will allow us to call mock methods.
(doSomething as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(mockValue);
// run your test here
expect(doSomething).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // etc.
Mocking the default function returned from a module
This should be used to mock a function that is the default export from a module, something like this:
// ./path/to/module.ts
export default function doSomething(...) {
It is mocked similarly to named exports:
import doSomething from './path/to/module'
jest.mock('./path/to/module', () => ({
__esModule: true,
default: jest.fn()
it('should do something', () => {
(doSomething as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue(mockData);
// Run your test here
Importing objects
There are a few variations to consider when mocking an exported object (be that a class, json object or otherwise).
- Is it a named or default export?
- Does it have methods we also wish to mock, or just properties?
Mocking default objects with no methods
If you just need to mock properties (a config file for example), not methods, then this is how to do it:
import config from '../config';
jest.mock('../config', () => ({
__esModule: true,
default: {
apiKey: '123MockKey',
it('Should do something', () => {
And if the mocked properties need to vary per test:
import config from '../config';
const mockConfig = {
apiKey: '123MockKey',
jest.mock('../config', () => ({
__esModule: true,
default: mockConfig,
beforeEach(() => {
// restore defaults before each test
mockConfig.apiKey = '123MockKey';
it('Should do something', () => {
mockConfig.apiKey = 'new value';
// rest of the test
// more tests
Mocking named export objects without methods
Very similar to mocking default export objects:
import { config } from '../config';
const mockConfig = {
apiKey: '123MockKey',
jest.mock('../config', () => ({
config: mockConfig,
// the rest is exactly the same as when mocking a default export object.
Mocking an object with methods
When an object with methods is exported (named or default) from a module and we need to mock the output of those methods, the approach is slightly different.
Given a class:
// ./path/to/module.ts
class ComplicatedThing {
// properties, fields, constructor etc. go here
getData() {
// note: I don't necessarily recommend exporting an instance
// of a class like this - purely illustrative for testing purposes.
export const complicatedThing = new ComplicatedThing(...);
And to mock our exported object:
import { complicatedThing } from './path/to/module';
jest.mock('./path/to/module', () => ({
complicatedThing: {
getData: jest.fn()
it('Should do something', () => {
(complicatedThing.getData as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(mockData);
// run the test here
Mocking a default export object is exactly the same except when we define the mock:
jest.mock('./path/to/module', () => ({
__esModule: true,
default: {
getData: jest.fn()
Bonus: Mocking methods on an object passed directly to a test function/class as a parameter
This is for mocking an object that is not directly imported into a module you're testing, but is instead passed in as a parameter to a class/function.
Note: If you are mocking a class, you might instead wish to create an interface and create a mock implementation of that to pass into your function/class. This will save you needing to do inelegant type assertion shenanigans as below.
// ./path/to/module
export class ComplicatedThing {
// properties and constructor etc.
getData(...) { ... }
updateData(...) { ... }
// .path/to/doSomething
import { ComplicatedThing } from './path/to/module';
export function doSomething(myComplicatedThing: ComplicatedThing) {
import { ComplicatedThing } from './path/to/module';
import { doSomething } from './path/to/doSomething';
const mockGetData = jest.fn();
const mockUpdateData = jest.fn();
// typescript shenanigans - asserting that it IS a given type will
// allow us to pass that into functions as a parameter of that type.
const mockComplicatedThing = {
getData: mockGetData,
updateData: mockUpdateData
} as unknown as ComplicatedThing;
it('Should do something', () => {
const response = doSomething(mockComplicatedThing);
Mocking global functions
I encountered this again shortly after writing this article and felt it important enough to cover here.
Some commonly used functions and objects are available globally within javascript - console
, process
and fetch
, for example.
In order to mock a function within this global scope (specifically fetch
in this case):
global.fetch = jest.fn();
describe("When testing", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it("Should do something", async () => {
(global.fetch as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, status: 200 });
const response = await somethingThatCallsFetch(...);
I hope this will be useful to you, and to my future self when I next struggle to remember the details for how to mock imports in typescript.
I hope that it can cover all of your simple mocking needs, and give you a place to begin when mocking more complex imports.
Thanks for reading.
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