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Mahadev K
Mahadev K

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Building a Robust Task Execution Context in Go

This might be my last take on error handling in go. I think this is the best one as well. We know every instruction that we execute is in a context. And the context can have errors. This is when I thought why not simply make a wrapper on top of the current context. So, all the task if executed via a specific fn then we could possibly check if the ctx has error and if so dont execute else execute and collect the error. This might become an anti-pattern but yeah until it becomes, we can try playing around.

Well cursor had few things to add ->

The Problem

The main challenge is this consider you need to call 4 functions from your current one then there needs to be 4 error handling blocks.
the same old if err != nil {return nil, err}
So if we have a context which saves the previous functions errors and passing down the context to a wrapper which checks the context errors before the actual fn execution will help in robust error handling.
Now you only have one error check for 4 function calls which is at the end where you check if taskCtx.Err() != nil {return nil, err}

The Solution: TaskContext

Let's build a TaskContext that solves these problems:

package taskctx

import (

type RunFn[T any] func() (T, error)

type TaskContext struct {
    mu       sync.RWMutex
    err      error
    multiErr []error

func NewTaskContext(parent context.Context) *TaskContext {
    if parent == nil {
        panic("cannot create context from nil parent")
    return &TaskContext{Context: parent}
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Key Features

1. Thread-Safe Error Handling

func (c *TaskContext) WithError(err error) *TaskContext {
    if err == nil {
        return c

    c.multiErr = append(c.multiErr, err)
    if c.err == nil {
        c.err = err
    } else {
        c.err = errors.Join(c.err, err)
    return c
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2. Single Task Execution

func Run[T any](ctx *TaskContext, fn RunFn[T]) T {
    var zero T
    if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
        return zero

    result, err := fn()
    if err != nil {
        return zero
    return result
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3. Parallel Task Execution

func RunParallel[T any](ctx *TaskContext, fns ...func() (T, error)) ([]T, error) {
    if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    results := make([]T, len(fns))
    var resultsMu sync.Mutex
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for i, fn := range fns {
        i, fn := i, fn
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()
            result, err := fn()
            if err != nil {
                ctx.AddError(fmt.Errorf("task %d: %w", i+1, err))
            } else {
                results[i] = result

    return results, ctx.Errors()
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4. Controlled Concurrency

func RunParallelWithLimit[T any](ctx *TaskContext, limit int, fns ...func() (T, error)) ([]T, error) {
    // ... similar to RunParallel but with semaphore ...
    sem := make(chan struct{}, limit)
    // ... implementation ...
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Usage Examples

Simple Task Execution

func ExampleTaskContext_ShipmentProcessing() {
    ctx := goctx.NewTaskContext(context.Background())

    order := dummyOrder()
    shipment := dummyShipment()

    // Step 1: Validate address
    // Step 2: Calculate shipping cost
    // Step 3: Generate label
    _ = goctx.Run(ctx, validateAddress("123 Main St"))
    cost := goctx.Run(ctx, calculateShipping(order))
    trackingNum := goctx.Run(ctx, generateLabel(shipment.OrderID, cost))

    if ctx.Err() != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", ctx.Err())

    shipment.Status = "READY"
    shipment.TrackingNum = trackingNum
    fmt.Printf("Shipment processed: %+v\n", shipment)

    // Output:
    // Shipment processed: {OrderID:ORD123 Status:READY TrackingNum:TRACK-ORD123-1234567890}
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Parallel Task Execution

func ExampleTaskContext_OrderProcessing() {
    ctx := goctx.NewTaskContext(context.Background())

    // Mock order
    order := []OrderItem{
        {ProductID: "LAPTOP", Quantity: 2},
        {ProductID: "MOUSE", Quantity: 3},

    taskCtx := goctx.NewTaskContext(ctx)

    // Create inventory checks for each item
    inventoryChecks := goctx.Run[[]goctx.RunFn[bool]](taskCtx,
        func() ([]goctx.RunFn[bool], error) {
            return streams.NewTransformer[OrderItem, goctx.RunFn[bool]](order).

    // Run inventory checks in parallel
    _, err := goctx.RunParallel(ctx, inventoryChecks...)
    fmt.Printf("Inventory check error: %v\n", err)

    // Output:
    // Inventory check error: task 1: insufficient inventory for LAPTOP
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  1. Thread Safety: All operations are protected by mutexes
  2. Error Collection: Maintains both first error and all errors
  3. Context Integration: Works with Go's context package
  4. Generic Support: Works with any return type
  5. Concurrency Control: Built-in support for limiting parallel executions


Here's how to test the implementation:

func TestTaskContext(t *testing.T) {
    t.Run("handles parallel errors", func(t *testing.T) {
        ctx := NewTaskContext(context.Background())
        _, err := RunParallel(ctx,
            func() (int, error) { return 0, errors.New("error 1") },
            func() (int, error) { return 0, errors.New("error 2") },
        assert.Error(t, err)
        assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "error 1")
        assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "error 2")
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This TaskContext implementation provides a robust solution for handling concurrent task execution with proper error handling in Go. It's particularly useful when you need to:

  • Execute multiple tasks concurrently
  • Collect errors from all tasks
  • Limit concurrent executions
  • Maintain thread safety
  • Keep track of the first error while collecting all errors

The complete code is available on GitHub.


What patterns do you use for handling concurrent task execution in Go? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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