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Mahmoud Galal
Mahmoud Galal

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Master of Linked Lists data structure

Master anything however it's so confusing

I'm going to tell you the secret of Mastering anything you want however is so hard to understand.

The story of how I realized this powerful method

I started a challenge on one of problem-solving websites
for solving 2 or 3 problems each day and after 2 months I realized that I'm a Master ⚡ of using and solving problems that have Linked list and I solve it very quick without any hinting, otherwise on any problem with any data structure
like graph I start struggling and google stuff and the topic is so confusing in my head, So I started to learn graph with the same way I studied linked list

Know the science first 🎓

When you try to learn anything you should start understand the concept and the science of this thing.

and those some tricks that will help you find out.

  • Head up to google and try to search why they did this thing.
  • start compare it to something that do the same like linked list VS arrays.
  • look for difference between them.

Baby steps 🐣

When you do anything for your first time you should go slow as possible as you can.
It's will help you to clear your thinking of many things you will face while learning.

Imagine it

While you try to understand something confusing to you, The best thing to do it's to imagine how it would be like in the real world.

Relate it to thing you know very will

Teach someone 📖

even you didn't learn a lot you have to do multiple teaching

in the early step

  • Teach someone know the topic will

  • Talk to your rubber duck (any cute thing) and explain what you learned

  • try to explain it to one who has the intention to learn this topic

Practice on the topic a lot

  • innovate when you practice when you solving a problem and you got a solution try to solve it again later days when you forgot the other solution you will find this so impressive,

Because your mind will be more different and more smarter than the before days

If you know a trick don't miss to share it with us in the comments

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