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Python for everyone: Mastering Python The Right Way

We all know that food, shelter and clothing are the basic needs in live and are essential for survival. Similarly in being a developer especially now in web3, python is more like a basic need. With the ever evolving changing and new advancements in technology, python is the present and the future.

Many will argue that there are many languages in the market (which is a fact) and thus we can not isolate python as the god of all. This is a valid argument but what really makes python stand out is that it is a language for everyone and can be used almost everywhere in technology. Why am I saying python is a language for everyone?
First, python is very easy to learn even for people with very little experience in programming languages due to its easy syntax.
Second, python is a multipurpose programming language and is fields such as:

  • Game development
  • Machine learning and Artificial intelligence
  • Data science and data visualization
  • Web development
  • Web scrapping
  • Desktop GUI and many more. Third, most organizations and employers are switching to python thus making it a very marketable language and skill.

Mastering Python

There are people who prefer to learn with documentation while others understand better with video tutorials. Use whatever works for you since the end goal is to master the language and make a living out of it. There are a lot of resources on the internet for you to choose from. You can also attend one of the many boot camps which are mostly instructor-led.

How do you master python is not an easy question to answer since we all have different approaches when learning a new skill. How fast one masters a skill is also unique. The most helpful answer one can give is providing a roadmap for python that will guide a learner as they try to master the language like the one below;

  1. Python basics
  2. Data structures in python
  3. Objected oriented vs functional programming
  4. Modules and packages
  5. File and exception handling
  6. Important libraries

You need an IDE (Integrated development environment) where you will write and run your codes after having installed the python bundle in your pc.
You can now start working with python by writing short codes based on your road map and the kind of tutorials you are using. With time you can advance to frameworks which help you minimise the amount of code you write and also save you quite a lot of time.

One key thing that many beginners the for granted is practice. Practice makes perfect is not a myth since it has been proven by professionals from all walks of life to be true. The more you code, the more you master the skill, the more you are conversant with the language, the more you know how to avoid errors, the more you understand shortcuts and ways to make your coding easier and more enjoyable.
if I was to restart my programming journey, python would definitely be the first object oriented language I would learn.

Top comments (2)

brayan_kai profile image
Brayan Kai

Great article đź‘Źđź‘ŹKeep up the good work

samgnjihia profile image
Samwel Njihia

Nice article with clear directions on taking python