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Volta - node version manager on steroids


curl | bash
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This will install volta library under ~/.volta directory and also update your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc and ~/.config/fish

Script will add bin directory to path, something like

export VOLTA_HOME="$HOME/.volta"
export PATH="$VOLTA_HOME/bin:$PATH"
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You have to manually remove volta references from your system.

  1. Remove volta from path from your bash or zsh config (~/.bashrc and / or ~/.zshrc)
  2. Removed ~/.volta folder. rm -rf ~/.volta

Volta Commands

    fetch          Fetches a tool to the local machine
    install        Installs a tool in your toolchain
    uninstall      Uninstalls a tool from your toolchain
    pin            Pins your project's runtime or package manager
    list           Displays the current toolchain
    completions    Generates Volta completions
    which          Locates the actual binary that will be called by Volta
    setup          Enables Volta for the current user / shell
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
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Install node engines

You have to install node using volta install command. You can install as many node versions as you like.

Install latest LTS release

volta install node
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Install specific version

volta install node@12
volta install node@12.2.0
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Package manager to install local dependencies (package.json)

volta install npm
volta install yarn
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Pinning Node engines for your project

To use specific node or npm version for your project use pin command. It will update your package.json file.

volta pin node@12.2.0
volta pin npm@6.14.8
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  "volta": {
    "node": "11.14.0",
    "npm": "6.14.8"
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Global packages

To install global packages (similar to npm install -g) use install or fetch commands
To uninstall global packages (similar to npm uninstall -g) use uninstall command.


volta install surge
volta fetch surge
volta uninstall surge
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install - install and set the default version of tool
fetch - fetch tool locally without setting it as default


You have to update node host in init.vim for neovim

let g:node_host_prog = system('volta which neovim-node-host | tr -d "\n"')
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Top comments (6)

mainendra profile image

I would suggest using asdf instead. It's all in one multiple runtime version manager.

samarpanda profile image
Samar Panda

Wondering if you recommend to uninstall nvm while using volta?

mainendra profile image

You don't need to uninstall nvm but if you want you can. Volta installer will update your bashrc or zshrc to use node installed by volta. It will override node path installed by nvm.

marianzburlea profile image
Marian Zburlea

$ npm rm -g volta

up to date, audited 1 package in 63ms

found 0 vulnerabilities

~ ⌚ 17:16:52
$ yarn rm -g volta
zsh: command not found: yarn

~ ⌚ 17:16:58
$ brew uninstall volta
Uninstalling /opt/homebrew/Cellar/volta/1.0.8... (12 files, 13.5MB)

~ ⌚ 17:17:06
$ volta
zsh: command not found: volta

~ ⌚ 17:17:11

shadowtime2000 profile image

Maybe I missed this but does this work on windows?

mainendra profile image

I’ve not tried on windows but it has windows installer that you might want to try 😬