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maisie brooke
maisie brooke

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Exploring the Utility of web_read in Odoo Development

The web_read function in Odoo is an essential component for developers looking to streamline data access in Odoo's backend operations. This method enables fetching data from models while leveraging various filtering, grouping, and sorting mechanisms. Understanding its utility can significantly enhance the efficiency of Odoo development services, making it a vital tool for developers.

Key Features of web_read

1. Data Fetching:
The web_read function is designed to fetch records from an Odoo model. By providing filters and domain parameters, developers can retrieve only the necessary records, improving performance and usability.
Domain Filters:
Domains act as dynamic filters that allow querying specific records based on conditions. For example:

domain = [('is_active', '=', True), ('category_id', '=', category_id)]
records = model.web_read(domain, fields=['name', 'price'])

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Example of Using web_read in Odoo
Hereโ€™s a practical example of how web_read can be implemented in a custom Odoo module:

from odoo import http

class ProductData(http.Controller):
    @http.route('/products', type='json', auth='user')
    def fetch_products(self):
        domain = [('available', '=', True)]
        fields = ['name', 'price', 'stock']
        products = http.request.env['product.product'].web_read(domain, fields)
        return products

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For companies offering Odoo development services, mastering web_read is essential to deliver optimized, robust, and scalable solutions. Its versatility and efficiency make it a cornerstone for backend operations in Odoo development.

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