So i have been told that kubernetes is called K8s(kaites).
That it saves developers and operators a great deal of time and effort, and lets them focus on building features for their applications, instead of figuring out and implementing ways to keep their applications running well, at scale.
So i decided to explore it today in azure.At this point a have a full stack node and mssql app in my container registry in azure.
I went ahead and created a K8s cluster on azure.
Using powershell,i set the credentials and subscription.
az account set --subscription xxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxx--xxxx
Download cluster credentials.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group sqltest --name aksname
To see the nodes available
Next is to create a yaml file for the k8s deployment.
Using vim editor, i create a node_mssql.yaml file
yaml file
Now create deployment
kubectl apply -f nameofyamlfile
Then paste the externalIP into the browser and the port exposed.
I cant believe i just did that!!
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