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Mari from WP Umbrella
Mari from WP Umbrella

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Top 5 WordPress dashboard customizations tips

When it comes to WordPress dashboard customizations, creating a tailored admin area can significantly boost productivity and improve the overall user experience. The default WordPress dashboard, while functional, can often feel cluttered and overwhelming---especially for your clients. With unnecessary widgets and confusing layouts, it's easy to waste time searching for the tools and features you actually need.

Fortunately, by customizing your WordPress dashboard, you can streamline the interface, prioritize essential features, and make your workflow more efficient. Whether you're a freelancer managing client sites or a business running an e-commerce store, a personalized dashboard can enhance usability, save time, and even impress your clients.

In this post, we'll explore five simple yet powerful tips to help you create a custom WordPress dashboard. From decluttering widgets to adding branded elements, these tweaks will transform how you manage your WordPress site.

customized wordpress admin dashboard before and after

1. Clean Up the default WordPress admin dashboard

Ever logged into your WordPress site and thought, "Wow, there's a lot going on here"? You're not alone. A cluttered dashboard can be overwhelming and distract you from what really matters. That's why the first step in WordPress dashboard customizations is to declutter and make it your own.

Why declutter your WordPress dashboard?

A messy dashboard slows you down. Unnecessary widgets crowd your workspace, making it harder to find the tools you actually use. By removing these distractions, you streamline your workflow and make your WordPress admin area more efficient.

How to remove dashboard widgets

Good news---WordPress makes it easy to tidy up:

  1. Navigate to your admin dashboard: Log in to your WordPress admin area.
  2. Click on "Screen Options": You'll find this tab in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
  3. Uncheck unnecessary widgets: A dropdown menu will appear showing all available dashboard widgets. Simply uncheck the boxes next to the widgets you want to hide.

Et voilà! You've just decluttered your WordPress dashboard without any plugins.

wordpress admin dashboard customize screen options

Take it a step further with plugins

If you want more control over your dashboard layout, consider using a plugin like Ultimate Dashboard:

  • Customize WP admin: Remove default widgets and add your own custom ones.
  • Streamline the interface: Hide menu items and simplify the admin area for yourself or your clients.
  • User role customization: Show or hide elements based on user roles.

ultimate dashboard wordpress customize


Using a plugin gives you the flexibility to tailor the dashboard exactly to your needs, making it not just cleaner but also more functional and on-brand.

2. Add custom widgets for quick access

Now that you've decluttered, let's add some custom widgets to it, so that the next time you or your customer logs in, they immediately see the information and tools they use most---pretty handy, right?

Why add custom widgets?

Custom widgets let you tailor the dashboard to fit your workflow. You can display helpful links, recent site updates, analytics, or shortcuts to frequently used tools. This not only saves you time but also makes your admin area more intuitive and user-friendly.

How to create custom widgets for your WordPress dashboard

You have a couple of options: dive into some simple coding or use a plugin to do the heavy lifting.

Option 1: Adding a custom widget with code

If you're comfortable with a bit of code, you can add a custom widget directly:

  1. Access your theme's functions file: Navigate to your theme's functions.php file via the Theme Editor or using an FTP client.
  2. Insert the custom widget code: Add the following code snippet to create a simple custom widget:
function my_custom_dashboard_widget() {
    echo "<p>Welcome back! Here are your quick links:</p>";
    echo "<ul>
            <li><a href='post-new.php'>Add New Post</a></li>
            <li><a href='edit-comments.php'>Manage Comments</a></li>

function add_custom_dashboard_widget() {
    wp_add_dashboard_widget('custom_dashboard_widget', 'My Custom Widget', 'my_custom_dashboard_widget');

add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'add_custom_dashboard_widget' );

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3. Save changes: Update the file and refresh your dashboard to see the new widget in action.

☝🏼Important to note: Always back up your site before making changes to your theme files to prevent any mishaps. We suggest you use tools like WP Umbrella, that provide reliable encrypted backups and 1-click restores in case anything goes wrong. Alternatively, you can learn how to backup your site without a plugin.

Option 2: Using a plugin to add a custom widget

Not into coding? No worries! Plugins make this process super easy.

Plugins to consider:

  • Ultimate Dashboard: This plugin allows you to create unlimited custom widgets using a user-friendly interface.
  • Adminimize: A powerful tool to customize your admin area, including adding custom widgets and controlling what each user role can see.

Example: How to add custom widgets with Ultimate Dashboard:

  1. Install and activate the plugin:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for "Ultimate Dashboard".
    • Click Install Now and then Activate.
  2. Create a new custom widget:
    • After activation, go to Ultimate Dashboard > Add New.
    • Click on Add Widget.
  3. Configure your widget:
    • Title: Give your widget a name.
    • Content: Add your content---this could be text, HTML, or shortcodes.
    • Settings: Choose where the widget appears and who can see it by selecting specific user roles.
  4. Save your widget:
    • Click Publish or Update.
    • Head back to your dashboard, and you'll see your new custom widget ready to go!

Why are custom widgets important

Adding custom widgets transforms your dashboard into a personalized control panel. Whether it's quick links to the sections you visit most or real-time data that's crucial to your operations, these widgets put everything you need front and center.

3. Brand your dashboard for a personalized experience

Branding your dashboard isn't just about aesthetics---it's about creating a seamless experience that resonates with you or your clients. This is especially beneficial if you're managing websites for clients or collaborating with a team, where a professional touch can make all the difference.

Why brand your dashboard?

  • Enhance professionalism: A custom-branded dashboard showcases attention to detail and will impress clients.
  • Improve user experience: Familiar logos and color schemes make the admin area more intuitive.
  • Promote brand consistency: Keeps your brand front and center, even behind the scenes.

How to customize your dashboard branding

To add your personal flair to the WordPress dashboard you can either manually tweak the settings or, you guessed it, use a plugin for more control.

Option 1: manual brand customization with code

If you're comfortable with a bit of coding, you can make simple customizations directly.

Example: Change the login logo

Firstly, let's replace the default WordPress logo on the login page with your own:

  1. Prepare your logo
    • Create a logo image (preferably a transparent PNG) and upload it to your theme's images directory (for the purpose of this article, we'll use the following directory destination: /wp-content/themes/your-theme/images/custom-logo.png).
  2. Add code to functions.php
    • Access your theme's functions.php file via Appearance > Theme Editor or through FTP.
    • Add the following code:
function my_custom_login_logo() {
    echo '
    <style type="text/css">
        #login h1 a {
            background-image: url(' . get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/custom-logo.png) !important;
            background-size: contain !important;
            width: 100% !important;
add_action('login_head', 'my_custom_login_logo');
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

☝🏼Important to note: Replace our example "/images/custom-logo.png" with the correct path to your logo.

  1. Save changes and test
    • Save the functions.php file.
    • Navigate to your login page ( to see the new logo ✨

Example: Customize the admin color scheme

Now, let's add a personal touch by customizing the admin area's color scheme:

  1. Add code to functions.php
    • Insert the following code:
function my_custom_admin_colors() {
        'my_custom_scheme', __('My Custom Scheme'),
        get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/admin-color-scheme.css',
        array('#000000', '#ffffff', '#0073aa', '#00a0d2')
add_action('admin_init', 'my_custom_admin_colors');
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Create an admin-color-scheme.css file in your theme directory and define your custom styles.
  1. Select your custom color scheme
    • Go to Users > Your Profile.
    • Under Color Scheme, select My Custom Scheme.

☝🏼Important to note: Always back up your site before making changes to your theme files to prevent any mishaps. We suggest you use tools like WP Umbrella, that provide reliable encrypted backups and 1-click restores in case anything goes wrong.

Option 2: Use a plugin for easy and comprehensive branding

And again, if coding isn't your thing, there's always plugins that offer a hassle-free way to brand your dashboard with more features.

Recommended plugin:

White Label CMS:This plugin is a powerhouse for customizing almost every aspect of the WordPress admin area.

What can you do with White Label CMS:

  • Custom login screen: Easily add your logo and change the login page's appearance.
  • Dashboard sustomization: Add custom dashboard panels and remove default ones.
  • Menu sustomization: Hide unnecessary menu items based on user roles.
  • Admin bar branding: Replace the WordPress logo in the admin bar with your own.

How to use White Label CMS:

  1. Install and activate
    • Navigate to Plugins > Add New in your dashboard.
    • Search for "White Label CMS".
    • Click Install Now, then Activate.
  2. Access plugin settings
    • Go to Settings > White Label CMS.
  3. Set up branding
    • Branding: Upload your logo for the login screen and dashboard header.
    • Dashboard panels: Customize the welcome panel with your own content.
    • Color schemes: Choose or create a custom admin color scheme.
    • Footer: Customize or remove the footer text in the admin area.
  4. Customize menus and permissions
    • Menu manager: Show or hide menu items for different user roles.
    • Admin bar options: Modify or remove items from the admin bar.
  5. Save changes
    • After configuring your settings, click Save All Changes.

4. Improve functionality with dashboard plugins

So, we've decluttered the dashboard, added custom widgets, and even sprinkled some branding on it. What now? It's time to supercharge your WordPress admin area by enhancing its functionality with the right plugins. These tools can turn your dashboard into a powerhouse of productivity.

Why use dashboard plugins?

  • Centralize essential data: Access analytics, SEO insights, and security reports without leaving your dashboard.
  • Streamline workflows: Automate routine tasks and manage your site more efficiently.
  • Enhance user experience: Customize the dashboard for different user roles, making it more intuitive for everyone involved.

How to imrpove the functionality of your WordPress dashboard

Here are some ways to level up your WordPress dashboard using plugins:

Integrate analytics directly into your dashboard

Keeping an eye on your site's performance is crucial. By integrating analytics, you can monitor traffic, user behavior, and more---all from your dashboard.

Plugin recommendation: MonsterInsights

How to set it up:

  1. Install and activate MonsterInsights:
    • Navigate to Plugins > Add New in your dashboard.
    • Search for "MonsterInsights."
    • Click Install Now and then Activate.
  2. Connect to Google Analytics:
    • Go to Insights > Settings.
    • Follow the prompts to authenticate your Google account.
  3. View reports:
    • Access detailed analytics under Insights > Reports.
    • Add the MonsterInsights widget to your dashboard for at-a-glance metrics.

And now you can see real-time stats on your site's performance and visitor behavior right on your admin dashboard.

Add SEO insights to optimize your content

SEO is the lifeline of organic traffic. Having SEO tools in your dashboard helps you optimize content without juggling multiple platforms.

Plugin recommendation: Yoast SEO

How to use it:

  1. Install and Activate Yoast SEO:
    • Go to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for "Yoast SEO."
    • Click Install Now and then Activate.
  2. Configure the plugin:
    • Use the configuration wizard under SEO > General to set up basics.
  3. Optimize content:
    • When editing posts or pages, scroll down to the Yoast SEO meta box.
    • Follow the recommendations to improve SEO and readability scores.
  4. Dashboard widget:
    • Yoast adds an SEO overview widget to your dashboard for quick insights.


  • Improves on-page SEO directly from the editor.
  • Provides actionable suggestions to enhance content quality.

Stay on top of security monitoring

Security should never be an afterthought. Integrating security tools into your dashboard helps you stay ahead of potential threats.

Plugin recommendation: Sucuri Security

How to implement:

  1. Install and activate Sucuri Security:
    • Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for "Sucuri Security."
    • Click Install Now and then Activate.
  2. Set up the plugin:
    • Go to Sucuri Security > Dashboard.
    • Generate a free API key for advanced features.
  3. Monitor security:
    • Use the dashboard to view security logs, malware scans, and integrity checks.


  • Real-time alerts for security issues.
  • Comprehensive logs for auditing and troubleshooting.

5. Customize user roles and capabilities

You can also taylor your WordPress dashboard in a way that each user sees only what they need---nothing more, nothing less. Customizing the dashboard experience to different user roles can significantly streamline workflows. This is specifically useful if you're managing a team, running a multi-author blog, or building sites for clients.

Why customize user roles?

  • Enhanced security: Limiting access reduces the risk of accidental changes or unauthorized actions.
  • Improved usability: Users aren't overwhelmed by unnecessary options, making the dashboard more intuitive.
  • Streamlined workflows: By focusing users on relevant tasks, you boost productivity and efficiency.

How to restrict access and customize the dashboard per user role

Customizing user roles and capabilities might sound technical, but with the right tools, it's straightforward.

Option 1: Adjust user roles manually

WordPress comes with predefined user roles---Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber---each with its own set of capabilities. While these roles are a good starting point, they may not fit everyone's needs perfectly.

Steps to assign or change user roles:

  1. Navigate to Users:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Users > All Users.
  2. Edit a user's role:
    • Hover over the user's name and click Edit.
    • In the Role dropdown menu, select the desired role.
    • Click Update User to save changes.

This method is simple but limited. To gain more control over what each role can do, you'll need a plugin.

Option 2: Use the user role editor plugin

For granular control over user capabilities, the User Role Editor plugin is a powerful tool that lets you customize existing roles or create new ones.

How to use User Role Editor:

  1. Install and activate the plugin:
    • From your dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for "User Role Editor."
    • Click Install Now and then Activate.
  2. Access the Plugin Settings:
    • Navigate to Users > User Role Editor.
  3. Customize Roles and Capabilities:
    • Select a Role: Choose the role you want to edit from the dropdown menu.
    • Adjust capabilities: You'll see a list of capabilities with checkboxes. Check or uncheck to enable or disable specific actions.
      • For example, you can allow Authors to upload files or prevent Editors from deleting posts.
    • Update Role: Click Update to save your changes.
  4. Create New Roles (Optional):
    • Click on Add Role.
    • Enter a Role Name and Display Name.
    • Choose to copy capabilities from an existing role or start fresh.
    • Click Add Role to create it.
  5. Assign custom roles to Users:
    • Go back to Users > All Users.
    • Edit the user profiles and assign the new custom roles as needed.

Benefits of User Role Editor plugin:

  • Granular Control: Customize who can access specific features, from publishing posts to managing plugins.
  • Enhanced Security: Limit sensitive capabilities to trusted users.
  • Tailored Experience: Create roles that align perfectly with your team's structure or client needs.

Option 3: Customize the Dashboard with Adminimize

To further refine what users see in the dashboard, the Adminimize plugin lets you hide unnecessary menu items, widgets, and more based on user roles.

How to Use Adminimize:

As we already went through the installation and configuration steps previously, here's how to configure user roles with Adminize:

  1. Access Adminimize Settings:
    • Go to Settings > Adminimize.
  2. Configure Visibility Settings:
    • You'll see a comprehensive list of dashboard elements grouped by sections like Menu Options, Meta Boxes, and Widgets.
    • Adjust Visibility:
      • For each element, you can show or hide it for specific user roles by checking or unchecking the corresponding boxes.
      • For example, hide the Plugins menu from non-admin users or remove the Dashboard Welcome Panel for Contributors.
    • Save Changes:
      • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Options.

☝🏼Pro tip: Always test new roles and permissions with a test user account before rolling them out to your team or clients to ensure that there are no unintended restrictions.

To sum it up...

So we've journeyed through the top five tips to make your WordPress dashboard truly your own. Personalizing your dashboard isn't just a fun project---it genuinely improves productivity, makes client management smoother, and boosts your overall workflow.

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