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Quinn Cole
Quinn Cole

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The part in the Interdomain Relationships in RfaH Characteristics along with Conformational Transformation.

Although forests and forest-based ecosystems have been shown to influence health and sustainable diets, there is limited evidence on how deforestation affects the current nutrition transition and the double burden of malnutrition. We examined the relationship between deforestation and the individual- and household-level double burden of malnutrition in 15 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

We combined data from geolocated Demographic and Health Surveys and the Global Forest Change dataset. We defined household-level double burden of malnutrition as the co-occurrence of an overweight woman of childbearing age (WCBA) and a stunted pre-school child (PSC) within the same household. We defined individual-level double burden in two ways 1) as the co-occurrence of overweight and anemia within an individual WCBA, and 2) as the co-occurrence of overweight and stunting within a PSC. We used logistic regression analysis to examine the association between forest cover loss and these three measures after adjusting for p overall weak association between forest cover loss and double burden measures mask significant heterogeneity across regions within SSA. PF-8380 Future research should unpack the mechanisms behind these regional differences.
Deforestation does not seem to be an important driver of the double burden of malnutrition in SSA. However, deforestation influences several intermediate factors which, in turn, may influence the double burden. The overall weak association between forest cover loss and double burden measures mask significant heterogeneity across regions within SSA. Future research should unpack the mechanisms behind these regional differences.Infantile digital fibromatosis is a rare, benign fibrous tumor among infants usually limited to fingers and toes. Most cases present themselves with round eosinophilic inclusion bodies of different sizes, similar to erythrocyte in the parakarytoplasm. Although infantile digital fibromatosis had been observed with a tendency of spontaneous regression after a rapid phase of growth in some reports, the recurrence rate of early surgical intervention remains high. And the mechanism of recurrence is still unknown. Human papillomavirus (HPV), as a circular icosahedral double-stranded DNA virus, is famous for its remarkable significant correlation with cervical cancer. However, the reports about the possible relationship of recurrent infantile digital fibromatosis and HPV infection are rare and inconsistent. Here, we report a recurrent case of infantile digital fibromatosis after surgical resection. Pathological biopsy of the recurrent site not only identified the diagnosis of infantile digital fibromatosis again, but found the sign of HPV infection. Family history indicated that the patient's grandmother had a history of verruca plana. After complete resection of recurrence, the tumor recurred again and the case is still being followed up. The unique case may serve as a clue to the pathogenesis of the relationship between recurrent infantile digital fibromatosis and HPV infection.In our emergency department (ED), we found one interesting case that had dramatic deterioration. The patient initially presented with a fever that deteriorated to sepsis, then a septic shock and chest discomfort and finally resulting in an intensive care unit (ICU) admission. He waited more than 6 hours in the waiting area, for a bed in an observation room. Phlebotomy and supportive treatment were provided in the waiting area but maybe it needed more rapid treatment to avoid the serious complications. The case rapidly deteriorated as type II myocardial infarction (MI). Al WAKRA TYPE II MI, is a case report for type II MI developed in ED as complication of prolonged waiting time in overcrowded ED, its simple fever case getting deterioration to sepsis then type II MI after prolonged waiting time in the waiting area of ED to get a bed in the observation room. We aim to report a case of type II MI in ED as rare case developed in overcrowded ED, to put highlight about overcrowded ED and how to manage it to avoid this complication again, also to be aware about pre sepsis presentation in ED with full consideration about sepsis complication and management. It could be considered as a case study for the Quality in overcrowded ED.Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a seronegative inflammatory arthritis that occurs concomitantly with cutaneous manifestations and tendinous pathology that affects up to 1% of the general population. While the majority of cases are mild, nearly 20% of PsA patients will progress to severe disease manifesting as debilitating polyarticular inflammation and joint destruction. PsA is most commonly asymmetric and bilateral severe disease involving the same joints in each hand has rarely been reported in the literature. It is estimated that PsA only presents bilaterally in a quarter of patients. The recent increase in popularity and efficacy of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) has led to increasing rarity of such severe disease progression. We present a case of a 47-year-old male with PsA who had a unique pattern of bilateral first metacarpophalangeal (MP) and interphalangeal (IP) involvement with minimal erosion leading to significant joint pain, instability, dislocation, and loss of function. After failure of conservative treatment that included both DMARDs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the patient opted for surgical management. The purpose of this report is to identify a rare presentation of PsA and consider the significance of MP joint arthrodesis as a viable treatment to restore functional status and improve quality of life.Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a rare soft tissue tumor originating from mesenchymal cells. Here we report two new cases of SFT. One case was a 37-year-old female patient whose primary tumor site was located in the splenic vein and the primary tumor resulted in splenomegaly and hypersplenism; its recurred for many times after surgical resection and eventually transferred to the liver, 4 operations were performed during 10 years of follow-up, and the patient is in a good condition right now. The second case was a 54-year-old male patient whose primary tumor site was located in the liver, spleen and left side of the chest wall. We performed two operations to remove these tumors, totally. Six years later, SFT recurred in the liver, given that the tumor was too large to be surgical resected completely, we chose orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT), and no tumor recurred during 6 years' follow-up, he is also in a good condition right now. The reports of these two cases of SFT are exceedingly rare, especially the splenic vein SFT is the first report case, which helps expand the understanding of SFT.PF-8380

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