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Mark Mahoney
Mark Mahoney

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An Animated Introduction to Programming in C++

This post is an introduction to my 11-part series covering programming concepts in C++. You don't need to have any previous programming experience in order to begin. The series is a comprehensive introduction to programming.

Along the way, I will discuss the flow of control, variables, conditional statements, loops, arrays, functions, structured data, pointers and dynamic memory, classes, common data structures, and working with databases. I have practice problems in each section so that you can practice while learning from the content. These are in the Call to Action section in each post. This is where the most learning is going to happen.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are tools that allow you to write your own programs. There are some great, free C++ IDEs out there like Visual Studio, Xcode, and CLion. The simplest way to get started is to use a web-based IDE. I like replit and I recommend it if you are unable to install one of the other IDEs.

If you are ready to begin learning how to write code in C++, start with Part 1: Variables.

Code Playbacks

This material will not be delivered like traditional online tutorials or video series. Each post will have links to interactive code playbacks that visually animate changes made to a program in a step-by-step manner, helping you understand how it was written.

A code playback shows how a program evolves by replaying all the steps in its development. I add a narrative, screenshots, whiteboard-style drawings, and self-grading multiple-choice questions to make the learning process more dynamic and interactive.

Here's a short YouTube video explaining how to view a code playback:

Playback Press

I created Playback Press to share my 'books' of code playbacks for free. These books provide interactive programming lessons through step-by-step animations, AI tutoring, and quizzes.

If you want to see the full C++ 'book', you can go here:

An Animated Introduction to Programming in C++

by Mark Mahoney

I also built Storyteller, the free and open-source tool that powers code playbacks.

AI Tutor

When viewing a code playback, you can ask an AI tutor about the code. It does a great job of answering questions and is infinitely patient, so don't be shy! You can also ask the AI tutor to generate new self-grading multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge of what you are learning.

To access the AI tutor and self-grading quizzes, simply create a free account on Playback Press and add the book to your bookshelf. It is still free!

Table of Contents

Here are the links to all of the material that I will be covering:

Let's get started!

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