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How to bypass hCaptcha in 2025: Did Mavr Get Booted for a New Challenger? Unpacking the Revived Bypass Trick

If you’re knee-deep in automation hacks and digital subcultures, you’ve probably noticed that hCaptcha bypass has suddenly become a whole different beast. What’s up with that? Big names like 2captcha have scrubbed any mention of bypassing hCaptcha from their playbook. A flurry of edgy tweets—and even some official statements—hints that the game has changed. Let’s cut through the BS: why did 2captcha drop the ball, and what’s solvecaptcha got up its sleeve to reinvent the bypass hCaptcha?

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The Backlash: When “Don’t bypass Our Captcha” Became a Thing

It’s not just 2captcha getting the heat; Capsolver’s been in the crosshairs too. Rumor has it that someone slammed them with a “don’t solve our captcha” memo. We can only guess the real reasons, but my street-smart instincts point to a simple complaint. Even if the big guys aren’t bypass hCaptcha anymore, the hunger for captcha-breaking tools isn’t going anywhere.

Is There a Way Out Without the Industry Giants?

Truth is, hCaptcha has always been a pain to crack—even when the mainstream players had solutions up their sleeves. This monster comes in multiple difficulty levels, each with its own twists and checks that make it tough to outsmart. No wonder standard automated solvers rarely hit the mark—a process some nostalgically refer to as “probing” (yep, a term that’s been around since the early 2020s).

What’s hCaptcha Anyway? The Real Lowdown

For anyone still living under a rock: hCaptcha is basically the rebellious cousin of reCaptcha. At first glance, they’re nearly twins, using similar methods to throw puzzles at you. The twist? hCaptcha ramps up the challenge with different token validation servers and a significantly higher difficulty—especially in its hardest mode. In short, it’s reCaptcha on steroids.

The DIY Python hCaptcha Solver in Action

Enough chatter—here’s the real deal. I resurrected an old Python hack I once used to bypass hCaptcha, polished it up, and now it’s back in the game. Feast your eyes on the script:

import requests
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC

# API configuration and target URL
API_KEY = "Your API-Key"

def solve_hcaptcha(sitekey):
    # Step 1: Send a request to obtain captcha_id using the dynamic sitekey
    in_url = ""
    payload = {
        'key': API_KEY,
        'method': 'hcaptcha',
        'sitekey': sitekey,
        'pageurl': PAGEURL,
        'json': 1

    response =, data=payload)
    result = response.json()

    if result.get("status") != 1:
        print("Error sending request:", result.get("request"))
        return None

    captcha_id = result.get("request")
    print("Received captcha_id:", captcha_id)

    # Step 2: Poll for the captcha solution
    res_url = ""
    while True:
        params = {
            'key': API_KEY,
            'action': 'get',
            'id': captcha_id,
            'json': 1
        res = requests.get(res_url, params=params)
        data = res.json()

        if data.get("status") == 1:
            print("Captcha solved successfully!")
            return data  # The response contains the token and useragent
        elif data.get("request") == "CAPCHA_NOT_READY":
            print("Captcha not ready yet, waiting 5 seconds...")
            print("Error retrieving solution:", data.get("request"))
            return None

def set_captcha_token(driver, token):
    # Find or create hidden fields for hCaptcha and reCaptcha
        driver.find_element(By.NAME, "h-captcha-response")
    except Exception:
            var input = document.createElement('input');
            input.type = 'hidden';
   = 'h-captcha-response';
        driver.find_element(By.NAME, "g-recaptcha-response")
    except Exception:
            var input = document.createElement('input');
            input.type = 'hidden';
   = 'g-recaptcha-response';
    # Insert the token into the fields
        document.getElementsByName('h-captcha-response')[0].value = '{token}';
        document.getElementsByName('g-recaptcha-response')[0].value = '{token}';

def show_visual_feedback(driver):
    # Create a banner on the page to indicate that the captcha has been solved
        var banner = document.createElement('div');
        banner.innerText = 'Captcha Solved!'; = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '0'; = '100%'; = 'green'; = 'white'; = '24px'; = 'bold'; = 'center'; = '9999'; = '10px';

def main():
    # Initialize Selenium WebDriver (Chrome)
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()

    # Wait for the element with data-sitekey to appear on the page
        sitekey_element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
            EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[data-sitekey]'))
        # Dynamically extract the sitekey
        sitekey = sitekey_element.get_attribute("data-sitekey")
        print("Extracted sitekey:", sitekey)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Failed to find element with data-sitekey:", e)

    # Solve hCaptcha using the dynamically extracted sitekey
    solution = solve_hcaptcha(sitekey)
    if solution:
        token = solution.get("request")
        user_agent = solution.get("useragent")
        print("Received token:", token)
        print("User-Agent:", user_agent)

        # Insert the token into the hidden form fields
        set_captcha_token(driver, token)
        print("Token successfully inserted into the form fields.")

        # Display visual feedback indicating that the captcha has been solved

        # If needed, the form can be automatically submitted:
        # driver.find_element(By.ID, "submit-button").click()

        # Keep the browser open for demonstration (10 seconds)
        print("Failed to solve the captcha.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Breaking Down the Madness: What This Script Actually Does

1. Booting Up and Loading the Page
The script kicks off by firing up Chrome via Selenium WebDriver to hit your target URL. In the demo, I ran it across three different pages showcasing hCaptcha in its easiest, middling, and downright savage modes.

2. Snatching the Sitekey
Every hCaptcha-laden page carries a unique data-sitekey—its secret sauce. The script waits for this element to pop up and then snags its value on the fly. This trick means it can work on nearly any site using hCaptcha. If it flubs, you might need to play detective with the page’s code.

3. Calling in the API Reinforcements
Armed with the sitekey, the script sends a POST request to the API endpoint (, packing in your API key, the method ("hcaptcha"), the sitekey, the full page URL, and a flag to get a JSON response. The API fires back a unique captcha ID—your ticket to tracking the solution.

4. Waiting for the Hack to Land
With the captcha ID in hand, the script enters a loop, hammering the API with GET requests to see if the solution is ready. If it gets a “CAPCHA_NOT_READY” reply, it chills for 5 seconds before trying again. Once the magic happens, the API returns the solution token along with a useragent string.

5. Slapping the Token into the Page
Once the token is ready, the script checks for the hidden fields (h-captcha-response and g-recaptcha-response). If they’re missing, it conjures them up with some JavaScript and then plugs in the token—tricking the site into thinking the captcha is solved.

6. Extra Provocative Visuals
For that extra splash of flair, the script also drops a bold banner reading “Captcha Solved!” right on the page. Not a fan? Feel free to comment it out. And if you want the form to auto-submit after cracking the captcha, just uncomment the relevant line.

The Bottom Line

This script is a no-nonsense, edgy solution for bypassing hCaptcha—proving once again that no captcha is truly unbreakable. I dabbled with a Node.js version back in the day, but Python’s reliability won me over. If the buzz is strong enough, maybe I’ll resurrect the Node.js variant. Until then, hack away and disrupt the status quo.

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