Ever find yourself typing user.name
, user.email
over and over? Let's fix that with destructuring! Here's how to make your JavaScript cleaner and more readable.
Object Destructuring
// Instead of this:
const name = user.name;
const email = user.email;
// Do this:
const { name, email } = user;
// Need different variable names?
const { name: userName, email: userEmail } = user;
Setting Default Values
const user = { name: 'Alex' };
// If age doesn't exist, use 25
const { name, age = 25 } = user;
console.log(age); // 25
Array Destructuring Magic
const colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green'];
// Get first two colors
const [primary, secondary] = colors;
// Skip elements using commas
const [first, , third] = colors;
// Rest operator for remaining items
const [head, ...rest] = colors;
console.log(rest); // ['blue', 'green']
Function Parameters
// Before
function showUser(user) {
console.log(`${user.name} (${user.age})`);
// After
function showUser({ name, age }) {
console.log(`${name} (${age})`);
// With default values
function greet({ name = 'Guest', age = 20 } = {}) {
console.log(`Hello ${name}!`);
Quick Tricks
// Nested objects
const {
address: { city, country }
} = user;
// Combine with renaming
const {
address: { city: userCity }
} = user;
// Swap variables
let a = 1, b = 2;
[a, b] = [b, a];
When to Use It
- Processing API responses (clean up nested JSON data)
- Configuration objects (extract specific settings)
- Function parameters (simplify complex parameter objects)
- Module imports (select specific exports)
- Data transformation (reshape objects and arrays)
- Event handling (extract specific properties from event objects)
That's all! Now go make your code cleaner! 🧹✨
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