This time, I will try reading a spreadsheet file(MS Excel file) by DocumentFormat.OpenXml.
I will use this file to check the result.
[ASP.NET Core] Try reading a word processing file by OpenXML 1
[ASP.NET Core] Try reading a word processing file by OpenXML 2
Getting cells
To load a spreadsheet using OpenXML, I will get a WorkbookPart from the spreadsheet file first.
And then I will get a WorksheetPart from it, finally I will be able to get Worksheets from the WorksheetPart.
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Spreadsheet;
using Drawing = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
using OfficeFileAccessor.Apps;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace OfficeFileAccessor.OfficeFiles.Readers;
public class XlsFileReader(ILogger<XlsFileReader> Logger) : IXlsFileReader
public void Read(IFormFile file)
using SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheet = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(file.OpenReadStream(), false);
WorkbookPart? bookPart = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart;
if(bookPart == null) {
List<string> sheetNames = GetSheetNameList(bookPart);
foreach(var name in sheetNames)
Worksheet? targetSheet = GetWorksheet(bookPart, name);
if(targetSheet == null) {
WorksheetPart? sheetPart = targetSheet.WorksheetPart;
foreach(Row row in targetSheet.Descendants<Row>())
foreach(Cell cell in row.Cast<Cell>())
// Get cell values
Worksheets.Cell? cellValue = GetCellValue(bookPart, cell);
// Load first sheet for testing.
private static List<string> GetSheetNameList(WorkbookPart bookPart) =>
[.. bookPart.Workbook.Descendants<Sheet>().Where(s => string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Name) == false).Select(s => s.Name?.Value ?? "")];
private static Worksheet? GetWorksheet(WorkbookPart bookPart, string sheetName)
foreach(Sheet s in bookPart.Workbook.Descendants<Sheet>())
if(s.Name == sheetName && string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Id) == false)
if(bookPart.TryGetPartById(s.Id!, out var part))
if (part is WorksheetPart result)
return result.Worksheet;
return null;
Getting cell values
After getting cell instances, I can get values from them.
namespace OfficeFileAccessor.OfficeFiles.Worksheets;
public class Cell
public required string Address { get; init; }
public required CellValueType Type { get; init; }
public required string Value { get; init; }
public string? Formula { get; init; }
private static Worksheets.Cell GetCellValue(WorkbookPart bookPart, Cell cell)
// Get value
string value = cell.InnerText;
// if the data type is SharedString, find the value from Shared String Table
if (cell.DataType != null && cell.DataType.Value == CellValues.SharedString)
SharedStringTablePart? sharedStringTablePart = bookPart.GetPartsOfType<SharedStringTablePart>()
if (sharedStringTablePart != null)
OpenXmlElement sharedStringItem = sharedStringTablePart.SharedStringTable
// Concatenate all text except phonetic reading
string result = string.Concat(
.Where(t => CheckIsPhonetic(t) == false)
.Select(t => t.Text)
return new Worksheets.Cell
Address = cell.CellReference?.Value ?? "A1",
Type = Worksheets.CellValueType.Text,
Value = result,
Worksheets.CellValueType valueType = Worksheets.CellValueType.Text;
return new Worksheets.Cell
Address = cell.CellReference?.Value ?? "A1",
Type = valueType,
Value = value,
/// <summary>
/// Check if the parent element is "PhoneticRun"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="textElement"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static bool CheckIsPhonetic(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Text textElement)
return textElement.Ancestors<PhoneticRun>().Any();
When I get the cell value from the SharedStringTablePart, if I get it from InnerText, the phonetic will also be combined.
- Cell value: 建築物に関する事項(集約版)(参考様式)
- InnerText: 建築物に関する事項(集約版)(参考様式)ケンチクブツシュウヤクバンサンコウヨウシキ
So I should filter the values.
private static Worksheets.Cell GetCellValue(WorkbookPart bookPart, Cell cell)
OpenXmlElement sharedStringItem = sharedStringTablePart.SharedStringTable
// Concatenate all text except phonetic reading
string result = string.Concat(
.Where(t => CheckIsPhonetic(t) == false)
.Select(t => t.Text)
private static bool CheckIsPhonetic(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Text textElement)
return textElement.Ancestors<PhoneticRun>().Any();
I can get numeric values as same as getting texts.
But some values may not be correct if they have decimal points.
Worksheets.CellValueType valueType = Worksheets.CellValueType.Text;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) == false &&
double.TryParse(value, out double nv))
valueType = Worksheets.CellValueType.Double;
value = nv.ToString("G");
return new Worksheets.Cell
Address = cell.CellReference?.Value ?? "A1",
Type = valueType,
Value = value,
// Formula
string? formula = cell.CellFormula?.Text;
// Get calculation result
string? calcResult = cell.CellValue?.InnerText;
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(formula) == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(calcResult) == false)
if (double.TryParse(calcResult, out double n))
calcResult = n.ToString("G");
return new Worksheets.Cell
Address = cell.CellReference?.Value ?? "A1",
Type = Worksheets.CellValueType.Formula,
Value = calcResult,
Formula = formula,
Getting cell styles
Get cell borders from WorkbookStylesPart.
namespace OfficeFileAccessor.OfficeFiles.Worksheets;
public class Cell
public required string Address { get; init; }
public required CellValueType Type { get; init; }
public required string Value { get; init; }
public string? Formula { get; init; }
public required double Width { get; init; }
public required double Height { get; init; }
public string? BackgroundColor { get; init; }
public required CellBorders Borders { get; init; }
namespace OfficeFileAccessor.OfficeFiles.Worksheets;
public record CellBorders
public BorderType Left { get; init; }
public BorderType Top { get; init; }
public BorderType Right { get; init; }
public BorderType Bottom { get; init; }
public static CellBorders GetNoBorders()
return new ()
Left = BorderType.None,
Top = BorderType.None,
Right = BorderType.None,
Bottom = BorderType.None,
namespace OfficeFileAccessor.OfficeFiles.Worksheets;
public enum BorderType
None = 0,
public static class BorderTypeFactory
public static BorderType Get(string? borderValue)
return BorderType.None;
return borderValue.ToLower() switch
"thin" => BorderType.Thin,
_ => BorderType.None,
private Worksheets.Cell GetCellValue(WorkbookPart bookPart, Cell cell, double width, double height)
// Borders
Worksheets.CellBorders borders = GetBorders(bookPart, cell);
return new Worksheets.Cell
Address = cell.CellReference?.Value ?? "A1",
Type = valueType,
Value = value,
Borders = borders,
private static Worksheets.CellBorders GetBorders(WorkbookPart bookPart, Cell cell)
if(cell.StyleIndex?.Value == null)
return Worksheets.CellBorders.GetNoBorders();
CellFormat? cellFormat = bookPart.WorkbookStylesPart?.Stylesheet?.CellFormats?.ElementAt((int)cell.StyleIndex.Value) as CellFormat;
if(cellFormat?.BorderId?.Value != null)
Border? border = bookPart.WorkbookStylesPart?.Stylesheet?.Borders?.ElementAt(
(int)cellFormat.BorderId.Value) as Border;
if(border != null)
return new ()
Left = Worksheets.BorderTypeFactory.Get(border?.LeftBorder?.Style?.InnerText),
Top = Worksheets.BorderTypeFactory.Get(border?.TopBorder?.Style?.InnerText),
Right = Worksheets.BorderTypeFactory.Get(border?.RightBorder?.Style?.InnerText),
Bottom = Worksheets.BorderTypeFactory.Get(border?.BottomBorder?.Style?.InnerText),
return Worksheets.CellBorders.GetNoBorders();
Background color
private static Worksheets.Cell GetCellValue(WorkbookPart bookPart, Cell cell)
// Cell color
string? backgroundColor = GetCellColor(cell, bookPart);
return new Worksheets.Cell
Address = cell.CellReference?.Value ?? "A1",
Type = valueType,
Value = value,
BackgroundColor = backgroundColor,
Borders = borders,
private static string? GetCellColor(Cell cell, WorkbookPart bookPart)
uint? styleIndex = cell.StyleIndex?.Value;
if(styleIndex == null)
return null;
CellFormat? cellFormat = bookPart.WorkbookStylesPart?.Stylesheet?.CellFormats?.ElementAt((int)styleIndex) as CellFormat;
if (cellFormat?.FillId != null)
Fill? fill = bookPart.WorkbookStylesPart?.Stylesheet?.Fills?.ElementAt((int)cellFormat.FillId.Value) as Fill;
PatternFill? patternFill = fill?.PatternFill;
string? rgbColor = GetRgbColor(patternFill?.ForegroundColor?.Rgb);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(rgbColor) == false)
return rgbColor;
string? themeColor = GetThemeColor(bookPart, patternFill?.ForegroundColor?.Theme?.Value);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(themeColor) == false)
return themeColor;
return null;
private static string? GetRgbColor(HexBinaryValue? rgb)
if(rgb?.InnerText == null)
return null;
// Remove alpha value
return rgb.InnerText[2..];
private static string? GetThemeColor(WorkbookPart bookPart, uint? themeColorIndex)
if(themeColorIndex == null || themeColorIndex <= 0)
return null;
ThemePart? themePart = bookPart.ThemePart;
Drawing.Theme? theme = themePart?.Theme;
if(theme != null)
Drawing.Color2Type? color2Type = theme.ThemeElements?.ColorScheme?.ElementAt((int)themeColorIndex) as Drawing.Color2Type;
return color2Type?.RgbColorModelHex?.Val;
return null;
Width, Height
By default, cells don't have own widths and heights.
So I should get them from columns and rows.
To get column widths, I should get PrintArea first to get last column index.
namespace OfficeFileAccessor.OfficeFiles.Worksheets;
public record PageArea(CellAddress Start, CellAddress End);
private List<Worksheets.PageArea> GetPrintArea(WorkbookPart bookPart, Worksheet worksheet)
DefinedNames? definedNames = bookPart.Workbook.DefinedNames;
if(definedNames == null)
return [];
List<Worksheets.PageArea> results = [];
foreach (DefinedName definedName in definedNames.Elements<DefinedName>())
if (definedName.Name.Value.StartsWith("_xlnm.Print_Area"))
string sheetName = "default sheet";
if(definedName.LocalSheetId != null)
Sheet? sheet = bookPart.Workbook.Sheets?.Elements<Sheet>()
?.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SheetId?.Value != null && s.SheetId.Value == definedName.LocalSheetId.Value + 1);
if(sheet?.Name != null)
sheetName = sheet.Name!;
string printAreaValue = definedName.Text;
// SheetName is like SheetName!$A$1:$Z$20
string[] ranges = printAreaValue.Split('!');
foreach(var r in ranges)
string[] addresses = r.Split(":");
if(addresses.Length < 2)
(string columnNameStart, int rowStart) = GetCellAddress(addresses[0]);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnNameStart) || rowStart <= 0)
Worksheets.CellAddress startAddress = new (columnNameStart, ConvertAlphabetToIndex(columnNameStart),
(string columnNameEnd, int rowEnd) = GetCellAddress(addresses[1]);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnNameEnd) || rowEnd <= 0)
Worksheets.CellAddress endAddress = new (columnNameEnd, ConvertAlphabetToIndex(columnNameEnd),
results.Add(new (startAddress, endAddress));
return results;
Width, Height
public class XlsFileReader(ILogger<XlsFileReader> Logger) : IXlsFileReader
private readonly double DefaultWidth = Numbers.ConvertFromPixelToCentimeter(8.38 * 7.0);
private readonly double DefaultHeight = Numbers.ConvertFromPointToCentimeter(18.75);
private static readonly Regex CellAddressRegex = new (@"\$([a-zA-Z]+)\$([0-9]+)");
private static readonly Regex ColumnNameRegex = new ("([a-zA-Z]+)");
public void Read(IFormFile file)
using SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheet = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(file.OpenReadStream(), false);
WorkbookPart? bookPart = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart;
List<string> sheetNames = GetSheetNameList(bookPart);
foreach(var name in sheetNames)
Worksheet? targetSheet = GetWorksheet(bookPart, name);
if(targetSheet == null)
List<Worksheets.PageArea> printAreas = GetPrintArea(bookPart, targetSheet);
Worksheets.PageArea? target = printAreas.FirstOrDefault();
List<Worksheets.ColumnWidth> widths = [];
if(target != null)
widths = GetColumnWidths(targetSheet, target.Start.Column, target.End.Column);
foreach(Row row in targetSheet.Descendants<Row>())
double height = DefaultHeight;
if(row.Height?.Value != null)
// The row.Height value is expressed in points
// convert it to centimeters
height = Numbers.ConvertFromPointToCentimeter(row.Height.Value);
foreach(Cell cell in row.Cast<Cell>())
string columnName = GetColumnNameFromAddress(cell.CellReference);
double? width = widths.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ColumnName == columnName)?.Width;
width ??= DefaultWidth;
Worksheets.Cell? cellValue = GetCellValue(bookPart, cell, (double)width, height);
// Load first sheet for testing.
private static Worksheets.Cell GetCellValue(WorkbookPart bookPart, Cell cell, double width, double height)
return new Worksheets.Cell
Address = cell.CellReference?.Value ?? "A1",
Type = valueType,
Value = value,
Width = width,
Height = height,
BackgroundColor = backgroundColor,
Borders = borders,
private List<Worksheets.ColumnWidth> GetColumnWidths(Worksheet sheet, int startColumn, int lastColumn)
Columns? columns = sheet.Descendants<Columns>().FirstOrDefault();
if (columns == null)
return [];
List<Worksheets.ColumnWidth> results = [];
for (int i = startColumn; i <= lastColumn; i++)
double columnWidth = DefaultWidth;
if (columns != null)
uint idx = (uint)i;
Column? column = columns.Elements<Column>().FirstOrDefault(c =>
c?.Min != null && c.Max != null && c.Min <= idx && c.Max >= idx);
if (column?.Width != null)
// The column.width value represents the number of characters (7 pixels by default)
// convert it to centimeters.
columnWidth = Numbers.ConvertFromPixelToCentimeter(column.Width * 7.0);
results.Add(new Worksheets.ColumnWidth(i, ConvertIndexToAlphabet(i), columnWidth));
return results;
namespace OfficeFileAccessor.Apps;
public static class Numbers
private const double EmuToCm = 1.0 / 360000.0;
private const double PointToCm = 0.0352778;
private const double PixelToCm = 0.0264583;
public static int ParseInt(string? value, int defaultValue)
return defaultValue;
if(int.TryParse(value, out var result))
return result;
return defaultValue;
public static double ConvertFromEMUToCentimeter(int emuValue)
return EmuToCm * (double)emuValue;
public static double ConvertFromPointToCentimeter(double pointValue)
return PointToCm * pointValue;
public static double ConvertFromPixelToCentimeter(double pixelValue)
return PixelToCm * pixelValue;
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