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Osika Martha
Osika Martha

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ReactJS Vs VueJS

The most extensively utilized and well-liked front-end web development frameworks worldwide are ReactJS and VueJS. Choosing which of these frameworks to employ might be challenging because both ReactJS and VueJS have benefits and drawbacks. In this post, we'll compare ReactJS vs VueJS to help you decide which framework best suits your needs.


In 2011, Facebook created ReactJS, an open-source JavaScript library. Using this component-based framework, programmers can create reusable user interface (UI) components that are easy to integrate into other applications.
The virtual DOM (Document Object Model) that ReactJS employs is a simplified version of the real DOM. This demonstrates how quickly and effectively ReactJS renders and updates UI components.

Thanks to its thriving and sizable community, an enormous ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools has grown up around ReactJS. This makes it simple to add new features to your program and solve problems that arise frequently. Developers may easily get started with ReactJS because to its outstanding documentation.

The versatility of ReactJS is one of its main benefits. ReactJS may be used to construct both small and large apps, and it can be integrated with other libraries and frameworks. Server-side rendering, a crucial component of search engine optimization (SEO), also functions well with ReactJS.


In 2014, Evan You developed VueJS, an open-source JavaScript framework. It is a progressive framework that may be applied to the development of both modest and substantial applications. Developers can construct reusable UI components using the component-based framework VueJS.

Because it is so straightforward to use, VueJS has grown in popularity over time. It is a great option for developers who are new to front-end web development because of its extremely straightforward and simple-to-learn syntax. In addition, VueJS has a more manageable learning curve than ReactJS, which makes it a popular option for small-scale projects.

The superb documentation provided by VueJS is one of its greatest benefits. Developers may easily start using the framework because of the thoroughness of the VueJS documentation, which also contains several examples and tutorials. A sizable and vibrant community for VueJS has produced a broad ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools.


A few things should be taken into account while contrasting ReactJS to VueJS:

  • Performance: ReactJS renders and updates UI components more quickly than VueJS. This is due to the fact that ReactJS uses a virtual DOM, which is more effective than the DOM-based strategy used by VueJS.

  • Learning Curve: VueJS has a less steep learning curve than ReactJS. This is due to the fact that VueJS has a more straightforward syntax and is simpler for beginners to grasp.

  • Flexibility: ReactJS is more adaptable than VueJS when it comes to interacting with other libraries and frameworks. ReactJS can also be used for server-side rendering, which is crucial for SEO.

  • Compared to VueJS, ReactJS features a wider ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools. This makes it simpler to add new features to your program and solve problems that come up frequently.


ReactJS and VueJS are both top-notch front-end web development frameworks, and each has its own pros and drawbacks. Because it is quicker and more adaptable, ReactJS is a better option for complex applications. Contrarily, VueJS is simpler to use and has a lower learning curve, making it a better option for small-scale projects. In the end, the decision between ReactJS and VueJS will come down to your project's particular requirements and the development team's skill set.

Top comments (5)

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

I think some of your observations are outdated. Vue2 definitely had an easier learning curve and cleaner syntax than React classes. Vue3 Vs React Hooks is much more nuanced. Both frameworks will do SSR and SSG with Next and Nuxt. In fact for React most projects will benefit from using Next if for nothing else but file based routing and the same probably applies to Nuxt/Vue. All the main frameworks (Angular, Svelte, Astro, Solid) will have plugin libraries for almost any 3rd party functionality, the difference is there only be 2 options rather than 17 in React. More choice is not necessarily a good thing.
I the end the choice will likely come dow to talent and availability. Vue is more widely used in China/Asia whereas React is much stinging 'Western' economies. If doing a solo project then the choice probycones down to:
If you like HTML in your js, use React. If you prefer js in your HTML, use Vue.

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Because it is quicker and more adaptable

How? Pinia stores are simpler and do the same as Redux, which is a major pain. Async is simpler in Vue. Simpler = faster to me, in this context. Is it not?

ReactJS is a better option for complex applications

Use the more complex library for the more complex applications? Is there something React can do that Vue cannot? I don't think there is, right?

Dunno, React doesn't appeal to me in the slightest lately.

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

Pina hides a lot of the complexity of the Rx patterns, namely immutability and the Dispatch and Actions. Having been forced to understand these for Vuex and Redux 90% of the time you don't need the nuances of mutations and actions but not exposing new Devs to the concepts can do them a disservice. Pina and Redux Toolkit hide these details.
I much prefer the templating Syntax of Vue, but I find the ceremony around setting up reactive variables with the composition API more painful than using Hooks in React.

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

I see. Well, nothing beats Svelte, so I guess this is kind of a moot discussion. 😁

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

Performance??? Benchmarks show React is consistently slower than VueJS at... pretty much everything.