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How to manage global state with XState and React

Matt Pocock on May 25, 2021

This article has become part of the official XState docs! Many React applications follow the Flux architecture popularised by Redux. This setup ...
equimper profile image
Emanuel Quimper

Thank you for this. Really love it. Question for you, from what I see this is impossible to inject later some services like you will do with a simple useMachine when it's local machine right ? What I mean by that it's I want to use it as global like you do but would like the services to be inject in the component where those thing happen. But I don't think it's possible.

mattpocockuk profile image
Matt Pocock

Could you provide some code to explain what you mean? What are you looking to achieve?

equimper profile image
Emanuel Quimper

Something like you do with useMachine

const globalServices = useContext(GlobalStateContext);
const [state, send] = useMachine(globalServices.authService.machine, {
  services: { myService }
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But doing it won't work cause this look like create a new instance

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mattpocockuk profile image
Matt Pocock

What would you expect to happen in this instance? I am still confused by what you're trying to achieve.

You're correct, the above code won't work.

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equimper profile image
Emanuel Quimper

What I try to do it's in my case the service are apollo mutation. I don't want to upfront all the mutation need in this global service. By doing this way I would be able to control the pattern from the component but getting it to work with the global machine.

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mattpocockuk profile image
Matt Pocock

Why do you want the apollo mutation to be held in the global service? It feels more natural to me to have it in the component where it's used.

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equimper profile image
Emanuel Quimper

I want my service who is global for all the onboarding part to handle the logic and make component quite simple.

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mattpocockuk profile image
Matt Pocock

Right - I think that's a mistake. Instead, you should keep truly local state local. I would make a state machine inside the component to handle this.

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equimper profile image
Emanuel Quimper

Cause I was trying to implement like you show in the xstate catalog with the multi steps form. Was working well until this issue. Thank you

paulrberg profile image
Paul Razvan Berg

The snippet that shows how to use useActor may be outdated:

TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'getSnapshot' in undefined

This is with react@17.0.2, xstate@4.23.0 and @xstate/react@npm:1.5.1.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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paulrberg profile image
Paul Razvan Berg

The issue is that you're not consuming the context provider.

covicake profile image
Fernando Andrés García Hernández

That looks really nice! I have been using state machines with react for a few weeks now too and I'm in love with them.

I really liked your implementation of the Context and I didn't know about the useSelector, so thanks a lot for the help :)

mattpocockuk profile image
Matt Pocock

Thanks Fernando!

sixtyfivekolev profile image
Petar Kolev

state inconst selector = (state) => {
return state.matches('loggedIn');
isn't typed. What type we should use on it? TS is complaining about it. Also I don't have type support in the matches method. How to apply one?

rmjersey profile image
Richard Moore • Edited

For anyone having TypeScript issues with this in XState 4.29+ (where there are new schema and tsTypes attributes on the machine, see, ActorRefFrom no longer seems to work but you can use InterpreterFrom in its place

type GlobalStateContextType = {
    authService: InterpreterFrom<typeof authMachine>;
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mattpocockuk profile image
Matt Pocock

Looks like it's fixed now:

joseflores profile image
José C. Flores

My main struggle with XState is global state management. I like creating the services in a parent machine and pulling them out from context but this example is definitely clean and easy to follow. Thanks for sharing.

creativemacmac profile image

Xstate both looks and sounds phenomenal! 🤩 Thanks a mil for this