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max prehoda
max prehoda

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Vanilla CSS Animations Suck 👎 But I fixed them...

Creating animations using vanilla CSS can be a daunting task for developers. While animations add a touch of flair and interactivity to web projects, the process of crafting them from scratch can be time-consuming and frustrating.

One of the primary hurdles is the syntax. CSS animations come with a plethora of properties, each serving a specific purpose. From animation-name and animation-duration to animation-timing-function and animation-fill-mode, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming. Mastering the intricacies of each property requires dedication and practice.

Furthermore, creating smooth and complex animations often involves meticulously defining keyframes. Each keyframe represents a specific point in the animation timeline, and developers must specify the desired styles at each stage. This process can be tedious, especially for intricate animations that require numerous keyframes.

Browser compatibility is another significant challenge. Despite following best practices and adhering to standards, animations may render differently across various browsers. Developers often find themselves grappling with vendor prefixes and fallback solutions to ensure consistent performance. This compatibility conundrum adds an extra layer of complexity to the already arduous task of crafting animations.

While JavaScript libraries and CSS animation frameworks offer some relief, they come with their own set of considerations. Dependency management and additional overhead can be concerns for developers striving for lightweight and streamlined projects.
However, there's a solution that simplifies the process of creating CSS animations. AI CSS Animations ( leverages the power of artificial intelligence to generate flawless CSS animation code based on simple descriptions. By abstracting away the complexities of keyframes and vendor prefixes, AI CSS Animations lets developers focus on the creative aspects of animation design.

So, if you find yourself struggling with vanilla CSS animations, give AI CSS Animations a try. It streamlines the animation creation process, saving you valuable time and effort. Happy animating!

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